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Patricia N.
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Mike Pence Has Made His Decision On Running In 2024:

Former Vice President Mike Pence has intensified his political maneuvering in anticipation of a possible 2024 White House bid, which might see him in direct competition with his former running mate and boss, former President Trump.

Pence has been active in political circles recently, speaking at events, making media appearances, and holding meetings – including one with GOP mega-donor Miriam Adelson – to establish a niche for himself in a potentially crowded and contentious Republican field.

“There’s pretty clearly an opportunity for him to come out and say ‘look, we want the Trump policies but let’s have it without the chaos,’” a Republican strategist with experience in presidential campaigns said.

According to a Yahoo! News/YouGov poll conducted at the end of February, the former vice president came in third place behind Trump and DeSantis in a hypothetical GOP primary. The former vice president received 8 percent of the vote.


Patricia N.
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Indivisible Pressures Biden to Pass Failed 'Build Back Better' through Executive Action:

“And don’t forget: Even if this package isn’t called ‘Build Back Better,’ it’s the contents, not the name, that matter.” – Indivisible, March 7, 2022
Joe Biden’s radical left cronies continue to push facets of the failed $2 trillion-plus “Build Back Better” socialist spending bill through piecemeal legislation and executive action, a mass email from Indivisible reveals. Further, Indivisible describes “tried and true” methods of getting around elected representatives known as “Administrative Advocacy."

The Build Back Better plan squanders trillions of American dollars and would significantly add to the ongoing intense inflation. While it failed to pass, the Hillary Clinton-tied Indivisible has unveiled the “types of Executive Actions” they propose to replace Build Back Better in the following areas:

Erasing student debt
Government Price Controls of the pharmaceutical industry (also see “Command Economy”)
More “investments” in climate change, and “ending our reliance on dirty and costly fossil fuels”
Grant citizenship to “millions of our undocumented neighbors”

It is difficult to approach executive action on certain issues such as “voting rights” and “democracy” because of the Constitution, Indivisible admits.

As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, Biden’s “Build Back Better” IS the Great Reset. The globalists left coordinated messaging that the pandemic proved a free market system does not work and therefore a “Great Reset” of global economies is needed.  The solution is to get all citizens dependent on the government.


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Well … first of all … I hope to not be here in 2024.   2022 I hope to be flying home! :whistle:       Mike Pence can’t be trusted … he is a RINO … he willingly aligned himself with the fraudsters party that stole the election.

Patricia N.
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Saudi Arabia, UAE leaders not returning Biden's calls, disappointed with US:

The two Mideast countries are disappointed with the Iran nuclear deal, as well as the American response to Houthi terrorist attacks in recent weeks.

President Joe Biden, who put distance between himself and Saudi leaders when he took office, got a dose of payback recently, according to a new report.  [From the Western Journal:  Biden came into office taking a harsh tone towards Saudi Arabia, noted the Guardian. As a candidate he said he would treat it as a “pariah” state, adding that there was “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.”]

Saudi leaders refused to speak with Biden when the president’s aides tried to arrange a call between Biden and the Saudi leadership to address global oil issues amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Journal report said that the United Arab Emirates — a close working partner of former President Donald Trump — also refused to participate in a call with Biden.


Patricia N.
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CRYPTO FEVER: Biden Signs Executive Order Authorizing The Creation Of A Digital Dollar As World Continues Moving Closer To A Cashless Society:

Why is cryptocurrency exploding right now? Because we live in the end times, and the world is preparing itself to receive Antichrist, that’s the short answer. The longer answer is because Bible prophecy is true, and everything written therein must come to pass. For decades, end times Bible teachers, authors, and Christian filmmakers have been telling us that a cashless society is coming, because cash will not be accepted in the time of Jacob’s trouble. With each passing decade we have moved closer and closer to that eventuality, and indeed are watching it come together right now. It will not reach its full height until after the Rapture, but since all dispensations overlap, this explains the unstoppable progression to a digital currency.

The rise in digital assets creates an opportunity to reinforce American leadership in the global financial system and at the technological frontier, but also has substantial implications for consumer protection, financial stability, national security, and climate risk. The United States must maintain technological leadership in this rapidly growing space, supporting innovation while mitigating the risks for consumers, businesses, the broader financial system, and the climate. And, it must play a leading role in international engagement and global governance of digital assets consistent with democratic values and U.S. global competitiveness.



Patricia N.
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And Just Like That, DuckDuckGo Becomes Google — One Time Free Search Engine Now Down-Ranks Conservative Content – Bans Gateway Pundit:

If you search for The Gateway Pundit on DuckDuckGo they do not even list the front page of our website in their search engine.  And they include the Wikipedia slander and every other major hit piece on The Gateway Pundit instead.

Today Breitbart posted a report on DuckDuckGo.  They have become Google.  They are actively censoring conservative content that does not fit their worldview.

Via Breitbart.  Popular privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo, commonly considered an alternative to Google, has announced that it will be “down-ranking” sites associated with “disinformation,” along with adding “information boxes” to “highlight quality information.” The announcement received widespread backlash from DuckDuckGo supporters, who view the changes as adopting the censorship policies of the Masters of the Universe.

In a recent Twitter post, the CEO of privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo announced that the company would be downranking “sites associated with disinformation,” which has been a popular tactic by Google for years to reduce user access to content it considers objectionable.

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg tweeted about the decision, stating that it was an effort to reduce Russian disinformation online. Weinberg goes on to say that DuckDuckGo will also be placing news modules and information boxes at the top of certain search results to highlight “quality information for rapidly unfolding topics.” This was a method used by many search engines and social media sites during the coronavirus pandemic to push official government narratives and information — that regularly changed drastically — to internet users.


Patricia N.
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VIDEO: Texas Restarts Border Wall Project Cancelled by Biden, Says Governor:

The State acquired a large quantity of 30-foot wall panels from the Biden Administration to utilize in the construction of a border wall. The materials came from federal contracts cancelled in January 2021.

“Texas is the first state ever to build a border wall,” Governor Abbott began in an exclusive interview. “A lot of the border wall is being built by border wall material that there was a contract for, Texas bought it from contractors who built the wall for President Trump. We’re building the exact same wall.”

“In addition, a lot of people saw on TV a lot of these border wall components like this that were just laying on the ground, that taxpayers had paid for,” the governor added. “Biden chose not to build the wall.”

“We found a way, by going through the surplus program of the federal government where Texas would be able to obtain these border wall panels and we obtained as much as we could, until Biden found out about it,” Abbott explained. “He put a stop to Texas being able to get it. There may be some other ways that we will be able to get more.”

The governor explained the first parts of the Texas project were built on state-owned land. The new sections are scheduled to be built on parcels provided by ranch owners.

“Texas is not having to use eminent domain,” Abbott explained. “People who own property on the border are so angry against the Biden administration, so frustrated by the chaos and the crime created on their own property, they are giving us an easement to build the border wall.”

Because of getting both the materials and land without cost to Texas taxpayers, “Texas is able to build the wall at a faster pace and a lower cost than even what President Trump could do.”


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This post is off topic but I went to an in-person church service again for the first time in almost 2 years. This is not the same church that I have sometimes been to in the last few years and had joined one of their life groups. I wanted a change and went back to a church I have been to years ago.

The pastor was very good. He was continuing a sermon on the Beatitudes. He was discussing mostly the topic of integrity. At least a couple of times, I was going to start clapping my hands at stuff he said. He finished his sermon with : "In the name of Jesus,  our soon coming King."

It was so heartwarming and refreshing. I am going again this Sunday. I will also talk to one of the pastoral staff about my situation being on unpaid leave and if they have any leads on possible opportunities.

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Per Amir’s telegram

“I’m reading that local Arab Muslim preachers in mosques inside Israel predict according to calculations based on some Koran verses, that Israel will be completely destroyed by July 8, 2022. The Arab social media is creating a buzz.

Will this be a trigger to a soon conflict?

I know the end of the book, and guess what?  It’s NOT Israel that will be destroyed!”

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Then I goggled if anything  important occurred on July 8th … I found this …

Jerusalem Walls Breached (423 BCE)
The Babylonian armies of King Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls of Jerusalem on the 9th of Tammuz in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE); King Ziddikiahu of Judah was captured and taken to Babylon (Jeremiah 39:5. A month later, the capture of Jerusalem was completed with the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of all but a small number of Jews to Babylon). Tammuz 9 was observed as a fast day until the second breaching of Jerusalem's walls (by the Romans) on the 17th of Tammuz, 3829 (69 CE), at which time the fast was moved to that date. (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah and Tur Orach Chaim 549)

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So… do we have a timeframe for when the G/M attack “might” happen?  B-)

What say ye? :feedback

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Per … Sean Osborne Eschatology Today - March 16, 2022 at 9:50 AM
Time to repeat this...

Israel has no option remaining other than to launch devastating strikes against Iran's nuclear weapons program.

To not strike would be suicidal for Israel.


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