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2022 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 4

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So we have the Winter Olympics in Beijing  Feb 4 to Feb 20.  Do you think Putin will make his grab feast move before the games or after  … along side with Jinping of China’s invasion of Taiwan?   B-)

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My guess is that Czar Putin will begin on Feb 1 to put his evil plan into practice — it is probably already drawn out and this has been what he has pressured the security council for, so that he can march forward with his great plan — i am ok with it because it just means that we are leaving all the more sooner :yahoo:  — love watching it all come together….

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It's so exciting for we who are on the Watcher's Wall seeing everything falling into place. I love it! That means the Lord will be coming back for us pretty soon with the sound of a great trumpet! I've been doing some wood working projects lately to take my mind off of still being stuck here. It's kind of like that old saying if you want the bus to get here quicker just light a cigarette. Well, I don't smoke so I had to think of something else to do so wood working projects were my go to. The the Lord will come and I'll will say GREAT! and leave the tools behind.

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It is true that the wait is amazingly and painstakingly slow. just when you thought you had enough patience, life drags on … guessing that is partially why we are doing the renovation, it keeps me very busy with orders, discussion with sub-contractors, walk through is an everyday thing …. That with work, keeps some days way busier than allowed….

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That's my thinking too, Tammie. I have spent a lot of time just waiting and so many things left undone. I started to finish off my basement five years ago and then lost interest because it seemed we were going to be out of here at any minute and while I still think that is true it just makes me less crazy to be busy. So I've got the wood working going (making a guitar) and if the Lord comes today then GREAT! but if not then I think keeping busy keeps me sane.

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Patricia had mentioned in another thread and I am going to expound a little on her idea that may also be another consideration in how this next few weeks/months ?? plays out....... She mentioned that we could see perhaps a little bit of relief from all the government overreach noticing that some countries are relaxing mandates as we speak. Then maybe a move in the direction of peace and I think she may be onto something there; Putin has not been the recipient of this much power and influence for a long time....I think he would rather start off looking like a great, powerful, benevolent man of peace and a person that will provide power/gas/oil etc for Europe etc...I am thinking he would like to pridefully enjoy a place of elevation and adoration for a little while anyway....and maybe he talks China into backing off of Tiawan for a bit and gets Rocket man to chill out....then whole world will say what a great guy, look at this! He has brought the world peace and safety........then sudden destruction will come upon them and they will not escape....the Rapture!!  and then the judgments of the trib at least in this scenario we still look forward to a soon home going!! Either way it is looking good for Flight 777!!!!

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Yes sir - that is probably why he commanded us to occupy until he comes, Jesus understood our impatience. Yep, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it AND when you least expect it — that Shofar is going to blow as we WILL begin our eternity with out Beloved :prayer-hands: :yahoo: :prayer-hands: :yahoo:

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Putin is supposedly behind the Trucker's Freedom convoy in Canada. :wacko:

At least so says the corrupt Communist Broadcasting Corporation of Canada. Talk about conspiracy theories! Lol.


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The propaganda machine in high gear. All these media puppets sound alike now, covering up, deflecting, and flat out blaming whoever is convenient to draw attention away from what they are doing.

Patricia N.
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Two posts from Amir Tsarfati on Telegram:

Drama in the Abu Dhabi and Dubai:
In the last few minutes, visitors and citizens have been evacuated from towers and commercial malls in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Israeli Strike in Syria:
Israeli Air Force fighter jets launched a series of attacks on Iranian targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus.  Property damage reported. The missiles were launched from Lebanese airspace.


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