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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 6

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Previous thread here.

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Australia basically following J.T. now.


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Starts @ 2:22      I’m so glad I locked in with a contract for my heating fuel … I’m paying under $1.50 per gallon but after hearing this latest news :wacko:   I just wonder … if they are going to try to break our contracts?   Just another sign life on planet earth is about to get worse … we got to be getting out of here soon!

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Starts. @ 1:06

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As always … interesting comments

If you smell something strange while in the subway don't panic, it's not a terror attack...it's just the Feds..." :wacko:


It's probably the jab in gas form.


There's no way that is "just a test". I wouldn't be surprised if this "non-toxic" gas hurt or killed a lot of people. But, what do I know?

Who believes it will be non toxic....


I believe it will be “non toxic” as much as I believe Walgreens “accidentally” gave that poor family the wrong v


They did similar drills prior to c19, called Event 201. We now know what's coming.


It could be they are unleashing the next strain of Covid. I’ve read they’re going from Alpha to Omega, the last two released in 2023.

Could be...the isn't depoulating quickly enough.

That’s very possible. I have read that those that take the jab will have organ failure with 2-4 years because the jab will attack their immune system and organs. Look up the Deagle Report, it’s a projection of population in all countries, by 2025 population dramatically decreases and when asked why they say because of relocation to other countries. How dumb do they think we are?

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Here we go … Biden Administration has just lifted sanctions on Iran so they can do whatever they want …

Any day now we … :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

Starts @ 1:17

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Christmas in October? Could be...


PS Tomorrow is a high watch date. (Oct. 16th)

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Hmmm...Biden's cryptic remarks about getting a deal done even if it takes 6 minutes, 6 days or 6 weeks (666!) when added up end on November 18th at 12:06 PM.  November 18th is the 322nd day of the year.

More freemason signalling. :negative:

Patricia N.
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How the Left Speaks Openly by Telling Unbelievable Lies

"Dan Gelernter wrote a most interesting column headed: “The Left Can Finally Admit What it Wants”

"President Biden is so far sticking to the Obama-era strategy of insisting, in the teeth of all economic evidence, that he can pay for trillions more in spending than President Obama ever dared by taxing only “millionaires and billionaires” and that none but those making more than $400,000 a year will have to pay up.  Does anybody believe this? Of course not."

"There was the claim of the “extraordinary success” of the evacuation from Afghanistan."

"And then there was the claim that $3.5 trillion in new government spending would actually cost “zero.”

"Just the other day, Janet Yellen said that the administration’s plan for IRS monitoring of all bank transactions over $600 was “absolutely not” the same thing as the government’s spying on ordinary Americans, when it quite obviously is."

"And this recalls the multiple assurances by Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and others that “the border is closed” when it is quite obviously wide open."

"Perhaps these administration officials remembered the CNN reporter who reported that the Antifa-BLM riots of last year were “mostly peaceful” while standing in front of a burning building."

"And then there’s the even more jaw-dropping example from the governor’s race in Virginia in which Democratic hopeful Terry McAuliffe told the people of that state that: “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and take books out and make their own decision. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

"To these examples, we may add Nancy Pelosi’s telling the media that it’s their job to sell the virtues of the President’s massive spending bill to the American people—something the media themselves could hardly deny with a straight face."


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