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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 4

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Yeah, I know. I said we wouldn’t do a part 4 but to carry on with decimals might be confusing to newbies. So, carry on!

Previous thread here.

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The Chief snake, The pope, order the mandate for the Vatican City.

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Starts @ 1:46

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Just curious about the progress of the Chrislam Headquarters aka The Abrahamic Faiths House or Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.  From the Vatican news on June 15, 2021 … the complex is 20% complete.  It is now 3 months later … so would the progress be 40% complete?   Then by Dec. 15th 60%   March 15th 80%   June 15th 100% ?

Or  is construction quicker than this and will they be pushing things to be completed/timing it with Israel’s Independence Day of  May 5th  or Rebirth May 14th? :unsure:

What are your thoughts?   I’m just thinking ahead just in case we are still here 🙁

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Great Reset:  Doconomy Teaming up with MasterCard to unveil highly invasive credit card that shuts off when your “carbon footprint” gets too high


Doconomy Mastercard is the first credit card ever to stop you from overspending based on the level of CO2 emissions generated by your consumption. It’s presented as an “educational effort,” according to one of the founders.  Remember Klaus Schwab warning us last year that they were preparing the Great Reset which was part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and that the entire global paradigm upon which this sin-cursed and fallen world sits was going to radically and drastically change? Lol, 20 months later it’s obvious they sure weren’t lying about that. Since the whole world is heading rapidly to the Mark of the Beast System, it seems only fitting that have a true 666-style credit card to go along with it, right? Yep, and here it is, the new Doconomy Mastercard.

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear.” Revelation 13:7-9

It’s being touted as “climate action in your pocket”, and the Doconomy site says “Our non-plastic, biodegradable Doconomy DO card tracks the CO2 emissions generated from our transactions and then displays that data through a simple app.”

MasterCard says …We’re teaming up with partners Barclays @ThinkRiseNY + @Doconomy to launch the #ClimateFintech Cards & Payments Challenge – for fintech startups who want to co-create the future of digital payments with us and help tackle climate change.

The site goes on to say that this is a partnership not only with credit giant Mastercard but under the authority of the United Nations as well. Then they drop the ‘other shoe’ as the old saying goes. Your Doconomy credit gets cut off when you reach your ‘carbon limit’.

To effectively reduce the climate crisis, we have to make behavioral changes with high impact.

Sometime I wonder if these people are reading Now The End Begins, and they just do this stuff to mess with me, because all this is exactly what we’ve been warning you about for years now. Money as you know it is getting ready to drastically change, and it will be connected to the Mark of the Beast in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place. But because we are so very close that event right now, the Lord is allowing us to watch this lost world ‘set up shop’ for the coming Son of Perdition. They have created the race crisis, the climate crisis, the COVID crisis, the Vaccination Passport crisis, and the next thing will be the monetary crisis. Put it all together and you will find yourself in the time of Jacob’s trouble. Well, maybe you will, not me, I have a seat booked on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines. Enjoy the credit card!

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Fun and games will soon be replaced by accountability for every thought, word and deed!

A lot of people are gonna look really stupid really soon!


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Hang on tight siblings, the whole shebang is about to collapse soon (our government plans on shutting down) so get ready to fly soon! :whistle:

Starts @ 1:23

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Geri, thanks for posting Lisa Boyce. I look forward to her every day. I appreciate her spunk and info. As the audits divulge the theft, we can expect more diversions. Hope to see you all soon! Very soon!!

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Oh you’re so welcome, Kent.  Lisa truly is our cheerleader!  She has been a blessing to many watchers.   See you all soon! :whistle:

Here are some interesting comments

The government will officially run out of money by Oct 1, if the debt ceiling is not raised, which means NO BODY will get paid.

My husband works for the Government. Yes, the Government may shut down. He has been told that he has to take the jab by a certain date.He is not in good health, but the Drs don't care and want all their patients to get jabbed! He wanted to retire by Nov and missed the deadline.


999,999,999,999 x 3= 3 trillion and they can't give 1 billion to protect Isreal, and 85 billion in weapons just left behind to the taliban. At the UN Biden recently said "America is back" he must be smoking the pipe with Hunter.

This country is done! No more going back to normal! Only Jesus is coming back!

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