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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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Ok I was rereading Revelation …

1st seal White Horse (world leader shows up with a bow and crown busy conquering )

2nd seal Red Horse (takes peace from the earth and kill one another with great sword)

3rd seal Black Horse (famine, inflation)

4th seal Pale Horse (1/4 part of the earth is killed  by sword, hunger, death (from the vaxx? :unsure:  and from the attacks of the beast of the earth)

5th seal Rev 6:9 … Tribulation Saints are seen in heaven!  Souls slain for the Word of God and for their testimony.  This is waaay before mid point of the trib with the mark of the beast requirement and before the rest of the seals are all open and before the trumpet and vial/bowl judgements.


6th seal Great polar shift happens the evil cabal hide in their underground shelters from the wrath of the Lamb.

Rev 7:1  I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.  Hmmm … no more solar power coming from the wind mills!  So their green agenda goes kaput :mdrmdr:

Rev. 7:9 Tribulation saints again … seen standing by the Throne worshipping the Lamb

7th seal   Rev 8 Silence in heaven for about 1/2 hour …

Then the 7 trumpet judgements start …. Hail, fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth

1/3 trees and grass burnt up
1/3 of the sea became blood
1/3 sea life dies
1/3 ships destroy
Great star falls from heaven (wormwood) water becomes undrinkable

Revelation 13    AC has deadly wound and gets healed.  Satan indwells him and all power was given to him for 42 months

Ok here are ANOTHER group of tribulation saints … or do the chapters in Revelation overlap? :unsure:

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.


So my question is … are there various group of tribulation saints or the same mega group and the chapters overlap? :scratch:


So glad for this promise to clarify the church saints leave waaay before the you know what hits the fan.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.



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Coffee will be unavailable before I give it up! :yes: :yes:

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Not to mention that Yerba Mate is high in antioxidants and is good for your skin. 

Isn't that what they said about heroin in the 1910's? :mdrmdr:

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Warts may be unattractive, but extremely common!

If this tent were eternal then I would show more concern about it's appearance!

Being 70% water in our makeup, why must we be concerned with hydrating so much?!

Even holistic health is no guarantee! We are designed with inbuilt obsolescence!

Get used to it!


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Abraham Accords continue bearing end time fruit as United Arab Emirates open their embassy in the Tel Aviv Stock Market building Wednesday


Geoffrey Grider

The United Arab Emirates opened its embassy to Israel in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) building on Wednesday, marking a new phase in the growing relations between the countries.

With all that’s been going on with the riots in Cuba, the transgender takeover of society, and the relentless push for the governments of the world to force the entire human population to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s easy to overlook something like the ongoing end times freight train that is the Abraham Accords. In Israel today, the UAE celebrated the opening of its embassy in the same building as the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in Israel.  Ahh, the distinct odor of the ‘Two State Solution’ is wafting across my screen as I write this.

“Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:” Isaiah 28:14,15

Keep watching the headlines for stories about the soon to be rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, because that absolutely will be part of the deal Israel will soon make in the ‘Two State Solution’. It’s the only thing you could offer them that would make them agree to divide the land as Joel 3 tells us it will be. Our parents generation watched the regathering of Israel, our generation is watching them race to a covenant that will be confirmed by Antichrist before it’s all over. Exciting times we live in! Flight #777now boarding, make sure you have your ticket.

From the Jerusalem Post: “This embassy is not just a hub for diplomats, but a base to continue in our new partnership,” UAE Ambassador Mohamed Al Khaja said. “It marks a new paradigm for peace and a model for a new collaborative approach for conflict resolution.

The UAE and Israel announced they were making peace and normalizing relations last August, in what was called the Abraham Accords, and Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco followed soon after. Israel opened an embassy in Abu Dhabi and a consulate in Dubai last month, when Foreign Minister Yair Lapid visited the UAE. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was crowded with excited guests for the embassy opening, among them President Isaac Herzog and former foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi. Lapid was in quarantine because one of his aides had tested positive for COVID-19. Al Khaja met Herzog at his car on a narrow central Tel Aviv street, outside the stock exchange building, where passers-by watched proceedings from across the street. The ambassador escorted the president to flagpoles set up outside, where the ambassador raised the Emirati flag as his country’s anthem played.

At the end of the ceremony, Al Khaja opened the day’s TASE trading. In his remarks, Al Khaja touted the planned cooperation between universities, hospitals and researchers in Israel and the UAE, as well as the agreements the countries signed in the areas of economics, air travel and agriculture, and said they are “just the beginning.”

“In the post-covid world, those who innovate will lead,”  the Ambassador said. “The UAE and Israel are innovative nations that will harness innovation for the future of the people of the country and the region.  The people of the region are hoping for a new, prosperous Middle East.

Herzog said that “seeing the Emirati flag flying in Tel Aviv may have seemed like a far-fetched dream a year ago.” However, the president added, “nothing can be more natural or more normal,” because Israelis and Emiratis have so much in common.

“We are deeply rooted in our land with eyes on the stars. We are building modern states out of desert sands and made the impossible possible.” Herzog said.

The location of the ceremony at the TASE was fitting because of economic ties between the nations, he added.

“With people-to-people dialogue, both of our cultures will be enriched,” the president said.

Herzog thanked UAE leader Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their work on bringing the two nations together, and emphasized the former’s “opening the door to a warm friendship between our peoples.”

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God has an awesome since of humor — just look at the centipede—who’d want to buy shoes for all those feet — lightening too funny!

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Starts at 1:27 marker



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Starts at 2:20 marker

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Turn your eyes upon Jesus!  He will let us know!


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