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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3

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Thanks S.I. I will check out his Monkey Minutes .... I used to follow him for the aviation updates.  That makes sense if all the volcano go off at the same time ... the ash would darken the sun/moon and stars. :yes:

Does anybody bake homemade bread?  I’m wondering how much flour is needed ... 12 bags/per year enough? :mail:    Oh and the yeast packages too.  I gave away my mom’s bread machine thinking I would never need it ... that machine did everything ... even baked the bread.  If we are still here in June ... I think I will be looking into a cheap bread machine ... it might be worth having around after all.

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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Israel says it strikes targets in Syria after missile attack

The Washington Post
By Josef Federman | AP
April 21, 2021 at 9:26 p.m.

JERUSALEM — A missile launched from Syria was fired into southern Israel early Thursday, setting off air raid sirens near the country’s top-secret nuclear reactor, the Israeli military said. In response, it said it attacked the missile launcher and air-defense systems in neighboring Syria.

The incident, marking the most serious violence between Israel and Syria in years, pointed to likely Iranian involvement. Iran, which maintains troops and proxies in Syria, has accused Israel of a series of attacks on its nuclear facilities, including sabatoge at its Natanz nuclear facility on April 11, and vowed revenge. It also threatened to complicate U.S.-led attempts to revive the international nuclear deal with Iran.

The Israeli army said it had deployed a missile-defense system but could not confirm if the incoming missile was intercepted, though it said there had been no damage. The air raid sirens were sounded in Abu Krinat, a village just a few kilometers (miles) from Dimona, the Negev desert town where Israel’s nuclear reactor is located. Explosions heard across Israel might have been the air-defense systems.

The Israeli military initially described the weapon fired as a surface-to-air missile, which is usually used for air defense against warplanes or other missiles. That could suggest the Syrian missile had targeted Israeli warplanes but missed and flown off errantly. However, Dimona is some 300 kilometers (185 miles) south of Damascus, a long range for an errantly fired surface-to-air missile.

Syria’s state-run SANA news agency said four soldiers had been wounded in an Israeli strike near Damascus, which also caused some damage. The agency did not elaborate other than to claim its air defense intercepted “most of the enemy missiles,” which it said were fired from the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the missile strike or comment from Iran. But on Saturday, Iran’s hard-line Kayhan newspaper published an opinion piece by Iranian analyst Sadollah Zarei suggesting Israel’s Dimona facility be targeted after the attack on Natanz. Zarei cited the idea of “an eye for an eye” in his remarks.

Action should be taken “against the nuclear facility in Dimona,” he wrote. “This is because no other action is at the same level as the Natanz incident.”
The Dimona reactor is widely believed to be the centerpiece of an undeclared nuclear weapons program. Israel neither confirms nor denies having a nuclear arsenal.

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Over 70 million people are under freeze warnings as snow and severe storms track into Northeast

By Jackson Dill and Judson Jones, CNN

Updated 2:47 PM ET, Wed April 21, 2021

April deep freeze from Texas to New England
(CNN)Even if the calendar says "spring," a wintry storm will be bringing a late round of snow, record low temperatures and severe storms to the Northeast on Wednesday, in a sign that Old Man Winter isn't loosening his freezing grip on millions of people just yet. 🙁

Freeze warnings are currently in effect for over 70 million people from the Plains through the Northeast for Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

Current freeze and frost alerts issued by the National Weather Service
"Ironically, today is considered the start date for the growing season across this area," said the National Weather Service (NWS) office in New York.  These warnings mean freezing temperatures are likely and could kill crops and sensitive plants while also possibly damaging outdoor plumbing, according to the National Weather Service. 🙁 

Temperatures will be 10 to 20 degrees below average across much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation. In some areas, highs could be 30 degrees cooler than the typical high temperature for this time of the year.

And while in a city like New York, the high temperature could touch 70 degrees on Wednesday, after a high on Tuesday of 76 degrees, the warmest day so far this April, a dramatic change is coming.

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Its in the 20’s in my area ... record high today will be a sizzling 38 degrees 🙁  and then in 6 more days it will reach 80 degrees B-)   The poor hummingbirds have got to be so confused.

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Thank you Yohanan!!!!   A chart is worth a thousand words.  :-)

Monkey Werx has some interesting aviation updates.  I only listen to about 15 minutes of it but it is intriguing what is going on in the air and his speculation.  He doesn't say much, but it does make you question some of the activity.

Things are definitely heating up in the middle east and cooling down in the Northeast!  Glad I didn't plant those flowers yet that I bought last weekend. In Pennsylvania our planting season has always been after May 12th when we are pretty safe from freezing.

Geri, most of my bread recipes call for between 2-4 cups of flour and 1-2 packages yeast which makes two loaves.  I have a wonderful recipe for a yellow raisin bread that uses 6 cups of flour and three packages of yeast.  It makes three loaves.  It is a little sweet and is so good toasted!

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You are most welcome, SI!

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This morning I thought things were slowing down ... and then I saw this update :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


NTEB prophecy news podcast:  Congress preparing “Israel Relatioins Normalization Act of 2021” bill to expand Abraham Accords Peace Treaty.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the stunning acceptance of the Abraham Accords, created by President Trump and Jared Kushner, by the Biden administration, and not only have they adopted that policy, they are working right now to drastically expand the range and scope of the Abraham Accords. You know what that means, right? Of course you do, it's as obvious as the nose of your face, here comes the Two State Solution. God removed Trump, and looks to be in the process of removing Netanyahu in Israel, paving the way for the easy installation of the Two State Solution. Peace, peace, glorious peace in the Middle East. But not. It heralds the soon arrival of Antichrist. 

Back when it became apparent that Biden was going to become our pretend president, a lot of people wrote to me saying how wrong I was to say the Abraham Accords would lead to the Daniel 9:27 covenant because the Democrats would get rid of it because Trump created it. My reply was that the exact opposite was going to happen, and 4 months into Biden’s reign, that’s exactlywhat’s happen as both the House and Senate are preparing versions of the ‘Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021’. The Abraham Accords are about to get an upgrade! Right on time.

“Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” Isaiah 28:14-16

Study Helps And Links For Today’s Podcast
President Of Israel Rivlin Gushes To Pope Francis That The Abraham Accords Are Bringing ‘Special Opportunity For Peace’ To The Middle East
Senators introduce bill promoting Arab-Israeli normalization
Emmanuel Macron And France The Driving Force Behind New Middle East Military Power Alliance Uniting Israel With Its Muslim Neighbors
One Week After Jews Cry Out For Antichrist, Pope Francis Will Hold A Chrislam One World Religion Prayer Meeting In Ur Where Abraham Was Born

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Todd Tomlinson
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Wow Geri great find!

Todd Tomlinson
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I was listening to a podcast last night (MFATW) and he mentioned something big happening on the 25th as in natural disaster.    I always take it with a grain of salt when someone predicts a natural disaster in the future -- but ran across this article this morning.  https://weatherboy.com/geomagnetic-storm-watch-issued-solar-tsunami-unleashed/ which states a solar blast is going to hit Earth on ... drum roll please -- the 25th.

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MFATW also said that there was no way for Israel's defense system to fail...someone had to have turned it off. So it seems to me like maybe they are trying to find a reason to strike back.  He has said that Russia and Iran have weapons superior to ours and Israel's...so some of these strikes and provocations are to try to get them to show what they have.

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