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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.1

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Me too Geri ❤️?????

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I love that sister!  Her frank,  simple and straightforward approach!

Without the need to dredge up every known scripture to justify her statements!

Something that babes in Christ and common sense can easily apprehend!  No being choked off or lost in a dessert of proof text!

The message speaks for itself!


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See her about middle of the picture above the darkened, partially burnt looking log that broke from the main tree.
When our kids where young, we used to tent camp, and would go into the backwoods as much as possible, one morning we woke to find a deer with her newborn fawn right outside our tent side window, under the brush ... awesome to share that moment of God’s beauty with the kids.
thank you for sharing and bringing up a great memory for me!


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Per Amir last night, Israel has not had very few rockets hit. God is protecting his wife, but they will face His dealing with them through the tribulation .... pray for them to have their heart and mind unveiled now to accept Jesus as Messiah! :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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Some serious shaking going on in ((China)) today …

China has been rocked by a huge 7.4 magnitude earthquake following a magnitude 6.4 quake that struck earlier today. The report reveals that Qinghai, China, was struck at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles). The latest quake came following a 6.4 magnitude in Yunnan earlier today, according to Chinese state media.


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Just 2 weeks away from disclosure …  they got to cover all the angles … the sky, the earth and deep blue sea to explain away the rapture event.

:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Now US Navy says they have evidence of UFO’s diving underwater and traveling at speeds of over 200 MPH 


On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are about 2 weeks away from the official and highly-anticipated Pentagon report on UFOs or, as they like to call them, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The latest wrinkle in this ongoing and stunning development is video of UFOs that are transmedium, meaning they can fly in Outer Space, they can fly in the clouds, and without missing a beat, they can dive underwater and travel at speeds of over 230 miles per hour. Underwater. Let that, pun intended, sink in for a moment. Are you ready for the return of the fallen angels and the Genesis 6 Giants? You better be, because here they come.

The US Navy have detected unexplainable mysterious objects moving at hundreds of knots under the water as the Pentagon prepares to release its report on UFO sightings

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Short 6:33 minute clip from Lisa Watchwoman65

Starts at 2:45 marker point

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They still not out of the shaken …

Chinese People Take Rescues Into Their Own Hands After 2 Massive Earthquakes, 2,750 Tremors 😉 


So when the 3 Gorges Dam collapses … is this what keeps them late for the invasion Middle East party?

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I just saw this comment …

Rev 13:1 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up from the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name blasphemy." There is definitely an underwater dimension to all this. Hallelujah that we know how the story ends ? Thank you Jesus!! We wait for You Lord. Maranatha brothers and sisters

And another said
Has anyone else seen the 1989 movie "The Abyss"? That seems to be a foreshadowing of what we're seeing now in these undersea alien crafts.

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