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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 10

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Me too …. I think the Shemitah Cycle timeline is right on target. :good:

We are in the last leg before flying up up and away :whistle:


:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

Starts @ 1:20

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Starts @ 4:02

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I got this offer in an email this morning from a local hardware store …

Check out their slogan … the world knows things are “Abby Normal” … they want us to think and party like its 1999 … pre-COVID.  But they really need to up the percentage because 30% off is nothing … now if the offer is 75% … then I would bite. B-)


? Party like it's 1999 with 30% OFF!



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:mdrmdr: Yes! 30% only covers the mark up.

Patricia N.
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Biden to speak with Putin on Thursday at Russian leader's request:

President Joe Biden will hold a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday afternoon "to discuss a range of topics, including upcoming diplomatic engagements with Russia," National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne told CNN.
The call was requested by Putin, according to an administration official, and Biden accepted because "he believes when it comes to Russia there is no substitute for direct leader-leader dialogue."

The Biden-Putin call, scheduled for 3:30 pm ET, will be the second direct contact between the two leaders this month as the US continues to pressure Russia to draw down its large military presence near Ukraine's borders. More than 100,000 Russian troops are still stationed there, and US intelligence officials have warned Ukraine and allies that Russia could be planning to launch an attack as soon as January.


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Per Sean Osborne, Eschatology Today


Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar will become the Commander, Israel Air Force in April 2022.

This news has grabbed headlines in Israel, and no doubt in Iran as well. There's no real doubt that Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar will execute the order to preempt Iran from becoming a threshold nuclear weapons country.

With this news on 27 December 2021 the countdown begins.


Overnight the IAF struck Latakia port for the 2nd time to destroy imported Iranian war material destined to Hezbollah in Lebanon for use against Israel in the coming war.

This 2nd strike at Latakia port was far more severe than the 1st one on December 7, 2021.

Exploding Iranian munition ignited a fire storm that burned for 10 hours causing “significant material damage.”

The effect of nearly putting Latakia port out of commission is destructive in the extreme to Syria as a whole.  Latakia port is Syria only commercial window to the world.  The port at Tartus is now an off-limit and very secure military base.  There’s no way Iran can land their war material there.

Eschatology Today calls the situation a near checkmate in Syria for Israel, with the only remaining option for Bashar al-Assad being one last suicidal war against Israel.  We know this as the prophecy of Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27.


One response to multiple questions on the Eastmed pipeline.

The $7.14 billion Eastmed pipeline deal will be finalized within months (2022).  It will transport Israeli and Cypriot gas to Europe via Italy.  Operation will begin in 3 years.  It may even be augmented before then by Israeli gas piped to Egypt for sale to Europe.


Make no mistake, the dozens of IAF strikes in Syria in 2021, and in 2020, were not all directed at IRGC weapons or infrastructure building.

A good number of those air strikes were against Bashar al-Assad’s rebuilding of his chemical warfare capabilities.  Al-Assad still possesses chem/war capabilities.


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Patricia N.
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Three millimeters? How could they even measure such a tiny amount?

I heard a radio talk show guy this evening saying that Climate Change is our greatest threat--not Russia, not Iran, not China--Climate Change.

My son even told me that he can't believe that I don't think global warming is real.  I answered that when I was in school, they were teaching us that the earth was entering a new Ice Age.  I didn't believe that either.

The weather is always changing.

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Exactly right, Patricia. Global Warming/Climate change is a moneymaking scam. They need to read God's Word:

Genesis 8:22

New King James Version

22 “While the earth remains,

Seedtime and harvest,

Cold and heat,

Winter and summer,

And day and night

Shall not cease.”

God is in control. We have a negligible effect on the climate, big picture wise. It is man's hubris to think we are dramatically changing the environment.

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Shout out to Kolleen/Dan and Boulder … are you near these fires?


Boulder, CO fires that are out of control …

Starts @ 5:45

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