In his youtube and in the comment section … Bob Barber said “Any time between Rosh hashanah 2021 to Rosh hashanah 2022. Strong possibility!” - Fair Use - And there is nothing “sinful” about talking and looking at high watch dates. Jesus is rebuking the Sardis church in Revelation 3:3 If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour 😉 I will come upon thee. So if we are watching and staying alert to prophetic events … we will know when the rapture is right at the door even the very hour. Yes, correction, in his 'Red Alert" video he does not pick a rapture date. He does say a strong likelihood of the signing of the seven year covenant on 9/27/22. Just want to add that after watching some of Bob Barber's videos, I am excited looking forward to the rapture, I think SOON. By the time the AC shows up, he will only see us on missing persons lists that are months or even a year old. Maranatha The “man with the plan” will show up to “solve” the world problems! Very thankful and humble not to be here when he arrives on the scene. — we are out of here and way sooner than we all realize, although the quickening of the Spirit seems to grow stronger on a daily basis! My eyes are riveted to the eastern sky, my ears tilt toward heaven often, listening, my heart soars at the very thought of seeing our blessed hope in a nanosecond :prayer-hands: “may it be today Abba”! :prayer-hands: Amen Tammie :prayer-hands: Hope is a glorious life saver! All the more when backed by Holy Spirit promptings! For the seeming lack of those promptings some rely soley upon individual intellectual pursuits! Though well meaning, their findings are immediately called into question! We need both sound reasoning of scripture as well as Holy Spirit leading! TR
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