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2020 Off with Severe Turbulence – Better Buckle-Up Part 9

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God save us from the NWO and their evil plans!

The thought had crossed my mind about promises made in scripture about protect tions either from poisons, snake bites etc.

God in times past has made provisions for His people!   Whether a fiery furnace or a lions den!

Being so close to the Rapture, we can only hope our extraction to be also viewed as an option!

We are His bride and the Church of God!


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Geri, LOL!


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Sorry, I couldn’t resist ... doesn’t that pic look like a scene out of the planet of the apes movie?  Is this what the deep state have planned by making humans into beasts (apes)? :unsure:

Well all I know is ....  we got to be heading to our eternal home soon.  It’s not just in the US the vaxx will soon be rolled out ... we got the Israeli government claiming they are not forcing the vaxx on those living in Israel ... but every institution in order to live will be.  So in essence they want to play the blame game and try to act innocent ... meanwhile it will be the stores, banks, medical facilities, airlines, sporting events, where you work, etc. that will be requiring the vaccination.  Hmmm ... sounds an awful lot like Revelation 13 ... and we are not even in the tribulation yet.  Keep looking up our eternal vacation is coming and we will be traveling light ... no suitcases needed.   :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:



We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do'
Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman tells Knesset committee 'they'll understand themselves.'

Arutz Sheva

Although Health Ministry Director Hezy Levy yesterday insisted to reporters that "we won't force people to take a vaccine. Israeli law doesn't allow for it," speaking before the Special Knesset Coronavirus Committee chaired by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, Sheba Medical Center Chief Medical Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Eyal Zimlichman listed measures that are being planned to "maneuver" the population into vaccinating as a way of regaining freedom of movement.

The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest, with commentators such as Mike Cernovich writing: "Government won’t force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine." .......

- Fair Use -

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Interesting— China has recovered from Covid without a vaxx. More deep state propaganda- subjugation :unsure:

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