2020 Off to a Roari...
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2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

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And so the clock ticks away ... just a matter of “when” before the regime  desperately looks yonder to try to steal the spoils in the Holy Land.   :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

'Business is finished': Iranian merchants fear the worst as virus spreads

By Davide Barbuscia and Parisa Hafezi
Reuters March 5, 2020, 8:16 AM EST

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian merchants plying the busy Strait of Hormuz between Dubai and Iran fear their next trip home will be a one-way trip after the United Arab Emirates banned ferry services to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

"Business is finished," said Iranian trader Morad as he stacked goods on a small wooden dhow this week destined for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas some 230 km (140 miles) away.

Iran, which has emerged as an epicenter for the disease that originated in China, is already grappling with economic hardship as U.S. sanctions curb oil and gas exports crucial for government revenues.

Now its non-oil trade, which the International Monetary Fund had estimated would be about $40 billion in 2020 - or nearly 10% of its economy - is under threat just weeks after mass protests against the government over economic hardships were crushed.

Several countries in the region have suspended flights to Iran and neighboring Iraq has closed its land border, worsening the Islamic Republic's economic isolation since Washington reimposed sanctions in 2018.

Indefinite restrictions on trade and tourism, particularly with Iran's main trading partners China and Iraq, could lead to a deeper economic contraction.

"Exporters in general will be impacted, big ones that are exposed to China, which may slow down for some time, and smaller ones that are exposed to the borders shutdown," said Maciej Wojtal, fund manager at Amtelon Capital, an asset management firm which invests in Iranian stocks.

The dhows that line Dubai Creek are piled precariously high with fridges, televisions, rice and sugar destined for Iran - and usually return laden with goods such as spices and plastics.

"I'll go there, and I don't know when I will be back, one month, three months?" Morad said before setting sail for Iran. "I have a small business there, maybe I'll do some fishing."


The IMF, which estimates the Iranian economy shrank 9.5% last year, had expected it to stabilize this year - before the coronavirus crisis escalated.

The number of virus deaths in Iran hit 107 on March 5, putting it on a par with Italy as the country with the highest death toll outside China. President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday the virus had affected almost all of Iran's provinces.

Garbis Iradian, chief economist for Middle East and North Africa at the Institute of International Finance (IIF), told Reuters he had cut his forecast for Iran's gross domestic product because of the outbreak.

Iradian had been expecting the Iranian economy to contract 2% in 2020 but he's now forecasting it will shrink 3.1%.

"Let's say, hypothetically, I managed to import furniture, who is going to buy it inside Iran?," said Farhad, a 53-year-old businessman from Tehran who buys furniture from China. "All shops are closed. All sectors face the same problem."

Iran's rial currency plunged last week, which could accelerate inflation running at nearly 40% last year.

Iradian said continued curbs on trade and tourism could see the inflation rate spike above 50% and unemployment rise over 20% of the labor force. The unemployment rate for Iranians aged 18-35 is 17.9%, according to official figures published by the Statistical Center of Iran in December.

Sustained cuts to exports may push the government to slash spending – a move analysts think could lead to further social unrest, following protests last year over fuel price rises.

The demonstrations, which called for the overthrow of the government and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, were met with a crackdown that killed hundreds and put thousands in jail.

Many Iranians, already angry about economic hardship and concerned about the fallout from Tehran's nuclear standoff with Washington, say they are worried the country's clerical rulers have not got a firm grip on the coronavirus illness.

Some critics accused the authorities of initially concealing the outbreak to secure a high participation in state-organized rallies. Others suggested it was to ensure a high turnout in Feb. 21 parliamentary polls. A government spokesman rejected the accusations, saying the outbreak should not be politicized.


The United Arab Emirates, traditionally a major re-export hub for Iran, has imposed health screening measures for commercial vessels, as well as banning ferry traffic with Iran.

Kuwait has also closed its Doha Port, mainly used for barges and small ships, to avoid interaction with crews from Iran.

Iranian businesses small and large across the country are starting to struggle as the disease spreads.

"I told my workers not to come to work as I was worried they might get infected," said Abouzar, who owns a textile factory in the holy city of Qom, where the virus first struck in Iran.

"If the situation continues, I'll have to close the factory. I will go bankrupt because I have to pay back my loans. How? I don't know," he said.

The head of hotels and hotel apartments association was quoted by Iranian media as saying that 98% of hotels have closed because of the outbreak. Qom alone attracts millions of Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims from around the world.

Iran's central bank has said individuals and businesses affected by the outbreak, such as hotels, restaurants and transportation companies, should not be fined for delays in loan repayments until late May.

"In the past week, people have been withdrawing their savings from our branch. This is going to be in issue if the virus crisis continues," said a bank employee in the northern city of Sari, who asked not to be named.

"I also emptied my account. Everyone is worried about a complete lockdown."

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David W. Roche
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Wow, scary situation ... glad he was cleared.

Authorities need to stick with DNA genetic matches ... that seems to be more reliable in solving cold case crimes.

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March 7th

Rumor is either the Saudi King is dead or on his death bed ... meanwhile his son, 34 yr old crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is trying to remove all obstacles for a smooth transition when he takes the leadership role as King.

The Washington Post

By Ellen Nakashima, Kareem Fahim and Liz Sly

“He gave the orders to round up 4 prominent Saudi royals - including Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, an uncle of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and one of his cousins, Mohammed bin Nayef.  Two princes had just returned together from a hunting trip late Thursday when they received a call summoning them to meet the crown prince at 7 a.m. Friday at the royal palace.  When they arrived, they were taken into custody.  The princes were charged with treason, a serious accusation for which they could potentially receive the death penalty.”

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And the calamity  continues to grow in Iran.  As their country is fighting the coronavirus ... they now have a locust problem to deal with.  Swarms 7 fold greater compared to last year. :wacko:

If  import/export is suspended and their food supply gets wiped out ... perhaps they will get that evil thought to try to attack Israel for the spoils?

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Now here's [maybe??] an interesting thought:  China now has a no-mask / no-service policy, right?   I think I read that above.  I wonder how facial recognition software fares in that environment?  A mask might be a blessing to the populace, at least providing some level of plausible deniability against a charge of some sort.

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So the stock market just closed and as of right now it's down ▼ 2,999.14 (12.94%)

I see an upside down 666 in there.

If you add up all the other numbers 2+1+4+1+2+9+4 you get 23

23 or 2/3 = .666 : )


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Just wondering ... did any of you get a Census 2020 blue form in the mail today?

Its saying I need to go on-line  my2020census.gov and complete their 10 minute survey and they assigned me a special ID (aka mark of the beast number) to use.  They said I MUST complete the form by April 1st or else they will send someone in person for those who don’t.  Eek.

Is this legit or a scam? B-)

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They'll come and politely say, "Hi.  I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."   Cordially invite them in, go to the kitchen and sniff some pepper grounds, come back out with tea while sneezing and wiping your nose, hack up a loogie, and politely ask how they think they can help you.  They'll quickly bid you good day, and say stuff like "never mind."  And you'll have done your citizenly duty.

(Oh, I forgot to warn you.  First before they are invited in, make sure they are not cyborgs!!)

:wacko: :scratch: :negative: :mail: :whistle: :unsure:



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:mdrmdr:  a cyborg “terminator” field agent. Pepper doesn’t cause me to go into a sneeze attack but house dust sure does.  I reckon I will have to curb back on the deep cleaning and perhaps brush up on some chemistry and make a batch of glow in the dark green gelatin snot. My status will be noted ”wont be long ... ready for the undertaker” but I would gladly correct the agent “make that ... ready for the upper taker” B-)

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