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2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

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TR, you describe a very different HI that I lived and worked in. I’m very much a Holi(white non native) but never had any concerns about where to go any different than living in NY city :unsure:

Just watched a 2009 video called “shadow government “ very creepy that we are now there. My heart just is sad for those left behind, except God.


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The destruction of Damascus is simply one more prophecy that will be fulfilled.  The world certainly seems to be on a razor's edge right now.  And the political left is still trying to paint the end of the world if Trump is re-elected.  The personal hatred for this man is totally without cause, and yet it continues.  Go figure?

I guess we'll just keep watching the hand of God continue to implement His plans, as we wait for that first domino (Rapture), then everything should go pretty quickly!


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March 5th ... the virus has caused a new world order ...

United and JetBlue to cut US flights ... just think if the other airlines do the same how difficult it will be to catch a flight.  In the UK the largest domestic airline (Flybe) just went bankrupt from all flights cancelled.

China’s new norm is now “no mask - no service”. And they are using high tech tracking and fever checks.  Got a fever?  You’re not flying  ... you know where this is leading to ... before you know it they will just add on “no mark? - no services” :dieu:

The new norm in greeting people ... forget the hand shakes ... what’s in are nods, smiles, elbow tapping or creative foot tapping dances! :mdrmdr:


Oh and they are advising to use a letter opener when opening up your mail and to continue to wash your hands afterwards since chances are people are licking the envelopes shut. ((Shivers))

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Passover Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years

End time headlines.org  - Feb 27, 2020

OPINION (ETH) – Recently we reported on how there has been an increase in activity in regards to the push for what many are beliving will be a future construction of a “Third Temple” in Jerusalem and today we are seeing yet another major step towards that.

As the result of the recent “Deal of the Century” Mideast peace plan, the Sanhedrin has petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to carry out the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrificethat will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. This event would be the first time in 2000 years!
According to BIN, if the government grants the permits for this, as it should, based on Israeli and international law, this will be the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that an altar has stood in its proper place on Judaism’s holiest site.  The report indicated that For the past eight years, the Sanhedrin has been conducting reenactments of the Temple service as what they are saying is a means of preparing for the actual reinstating of the service.

The reenactment of this Pesach offering has special significance among the Sanhedrin and the Jewish people as the commandment is of great importance. There are only two mitzvot (Biblical commandments) for which non-compliance receives the most severe punishment mandated by the Torah, karet (being cut off from the community, or excommunicated): brit milah (circumcision) and the korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice).

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Curious Georgette here ...  will this virus be the catalyst to end all paper/coin money transactions?  B-)


Contaminated cash may spread coronavirus, World Health Organization warns

Fox 2 News - Detroit  3/4/2020

(FOX 2) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to wash their hands and stop using cash if possible as the paper bills may help spread coronavirus.

WHO told the Telegraph on Tuesday that customers who use cash bills should consider using contactless payments instead as coronavirus (Covid-19) may cling to the surface of paper bills for multiple days.

In the Telegraph article, the Bank of England acknowledged that cash can carry bacteria or viruses and urges people to wash their hands regularly.

Last month, both China and Korea began disinfecting and isolating used banknotes as part of their efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

Officials used ultraviolet light or high temperatures to sterilize the bills, then sealed them for 14days, before releasing them back into circulation.

It's not known exactly how long the coronavirus can survive outside the human body but it's believed they can survive on inanimate objects for up to nine days at room temperature.

Money, similar to things like doorknobs, handrails, phones, and credit cards, can carry the bacteria or viruses. So, in the end, just wash your hands.

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David W. Roche
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The mark doesn't come into effect until about the middle of the Trib, so whatever path the virus takes from now until then is not going to be the primary reason for its implementation.  That said, any excuse will do as a means of creating fear and panic in the public.  As serious as this coronavirus is, I doubt it is any more contagious than Ebola, which was contained after a while where there were outbreaks.

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I agree ... things are really relatively still calm in my region ... plenty of food and supplies in the stores.  I can’t get over how in other areas of the country and parts of the world there is insane madness.  My cyber Australian friend said the stores in her region are in the midst of  “The Great Toilet Paper Panic”.   She said ”people are over-reacting to the coronavirus scare and stockpiling toilet paper.  Australians are normally level-headed, laid-back, down-to-earth types but she has never seen anything like this weird behaviour before.  A woman even threatened a man with a knife in a store because he had just put the last packet of toilet paper in his cart and she demanded that he hand it over.”

I think we are just getting a glimpse of a fraction of what Tribulation life is going to be for the left behind. :wacko:

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The Turkey and the Bear met in Moscow today ... “Let’s Be Friends” looks to be the main subject.  Check out their faces. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:


From the news report below ... looks like the bear won this round.  Perhaps they will now stay united for the G/M attack?

In Moscow, Erdogan kneels to Putin


by Tom Rogan | March 05, 2020 11:53 AM

Meeting Putin in the aftermath of a recent Syrian airstrike, which killed 34 Turkish soldiers, Erdogan might have been expected to take a tough stance with the Russian leader. Or at least a harder line than his submissiveness of past.

After all, Erdogan knows full well that Russia authorized Bashar Assad to carry out the attack which killed his soldiers. The Russians knew his forces were in the strike location before the attack began. Putin is ultimately responsible for the bloody strategic context here — namely, the Assad-Iran-Russia axis offensive in Syria's Idlib governate. In stark breach of cease-fire agreements with Turkey, the axis's offensive (and its deliberate targeting of schools and hospitals) has sparked a refugee exodus to Turkish borders.

So, yes, Erdogan had good reason to play hardball in Moscow. Instead, he decided to lick Putin's boots

"I would like to once more give my condolences for the death of your soldiers in Syria," Putin began, without even looking Erdogan in the eye. He continued with a vintage show of Chekist dark humor, "This is always a big tragedy." Then, the former KGB lieutenant colonel jumped to the central lie. "Unfortunately, nobody, even the Syrian military, knew about their whereabouts." And Putin added, "Syrian soldiers have also suffered."

Any leader with a basic sense of self-respect or national honor would have interrupted Putin here. As I say, Erdogan knows that Putin knew where his forces were. He knows that those forces were targeted with Putin's approval. Putin's words were thus an insult to all Turks.

Erdogan responded by staring blankly at Putin, offering not even a hint of anger. Putin had won.

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No place to hide with the use of “Babel Street” tracking system.  B-)

U.S. law enforcement agencies signed millions of dollars worth of contracts with  Virginia company Babel Street after it rolled out powerful tool ‘Locate X’ that uses data from popular mobile apps to track the movement of people’s cell phones, according to federal contracting records and six people familiar with the software.

By Geoffrey Grider

Isn’t it odd, that as we speed our way through these end times we are living in, that so many of these companies that make Mark Of The Beast style tracking products are referencing the bible? Case in point is Babel Street, as in the Tower of Babel, whose new product ‘Locate X’, will help you find anyone, anywhere and at any time just by following the movement of what they do on the apps on their mobile device? And you thought the days of the Tower of Babel were over? Not a chance. The rebellion continues.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16-18

We are embracing the onslaught of technology so quickly now, that we are no longer aware of how incredibly small the world has become, and how ridiculously easy it has become to keep tabs on someone. All this forward movement is rapidly bringing this lost world into it’s inevitable and unstoppable, face to face meeting with Antichrist who is going to roll out an app that the whole world, with few exceptions, will install in their bodies. If you are that time period as you read this, whatever you do, don’t take his Mark, God will not forgive you if you do.

Through apps, not warrants, ‘Locate X’ allows federal law enforcement to track phones from protocol. The product, called Locate X and sold by Babel Street, allows investigators to draw a digital fence around an address or area, pinpoint mobile devices that were within that area, and see where else those devices have traveled, going back months, the sources told Protocol. They said the tool tracks the location of devices anonymously, using data that popular cell phone apps collect to enable features like mapping or targeted ads, or simply to sell it on to data brokers.

Babel Street has kept Locate X a secret, not mentioning it in public-facing marketing materials and stipulating in federal contracts that even the existence of the data is “confidential information.” Locate X must be “used for internal research purposes only,” according to terms of use distributed to agencies, and law enforcement authorities are forbidden from using the technology as evidence — or mentioning it at all — in legal proceedings.

Federal records show that U.S. Customs and Border Protection purchased Locate X, and the Secret Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also use the location-tracking technology, according to a former Babel Street employee. Numerous other government agencies have active contracts with Reston-based Babel Street, records show, but publicly available contract information does not specify whether other agencies besides CBP bought Locate X or other products and services offered by the company.

None of the federal agencies, including CBP, would confirm whether they used the location-tracking software when contacted by Protocol. Babel Street’s other products include an analytics tool it has widely marketed that sifts through streams of social media to “chart sentiment” about topics and brands.

A former government official familiar with Locate X provided an example of how it could be used, referring to the aftermath of a car bombing or kidnapping. Investigators could draw what is known as a geo-fence around the site, identify mobile devices that were in the vicinity in the days before the attack, and see where else those devices had traveled in the days, weeks or months leading up to the attack, or where they traveled afterward.

“If you see a device that a month ago was in Saudi Arabia, then you know maybe Saudis were involved,” this person said.  “It’s a lead generator,  You get a data point, and from there you use your other resources to figure out if it’s valid.”

A former Babel Street employee said the technology was deployed in a crackdown on credit card skimming, in which thieves install illegal card readers on gas station pumps, capturing customers’ card data to use or sell online. The Secret Service was the lead agency in those investigations, which, according to published reports, led to arrests and the seizure of devices.

A spokesperson for the Secret Service declined to comment on its work with Babel Street, saying the agency does not reveal methods used to carry out missions.

While federal records show that CBP purchased Locate X and last year upgraded, paying for “premium” licenses, the records neither describe what Locate X does nor define the difference between a basic and premium license. A CBP spokesperson would not comment in detail about the use of the tool, but said the agency follows the law when deploying “open-source information.”

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David W. Roche
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Locate X must be “used for internal research purposes only,” according to terms of use distributed to agencies, and law enforcement authorities are forbidden from using the technology as evidence — or mentioning it at all — in legal proceedings.

Don't worry.  They won't bother mentioning that they used it to track you down for not returning a library book on time.  They might drag you off in handcuffs, but they won't talk about how they found you through your phone.

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