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2020 Off to a Roaring Start – Better Buckle-Up Part 6

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Geri, would not surprise me if they are all wearing red hooded robes and full black face masks at this G20 event :mdrmdr: Amazing that we are watching the bulk of the world losing their ever liven mind! Not surprising to see how they will welcome the man of sin....

Please, Abba, can we come home? :prayer-hands:

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Behind the scenes ...


Report:  France Considers Alternatives to Two State Solution

Israel 365 News

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/ Oct 14, 2020/ Terror Watch


A recent report cites senior French diplomats as saying that the Trump-negotiated Abraham Accords have changed the political reality in the Middle East, opening up the possibility of a negotiated reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians that does not necessarily require the creation of an independent Palestinian entity inside Israel.

Report:  “France is updating its position”

A report in Hebrew-language Maariv News cited diplomatic sources in Paris as saying, “France is updating its position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.”

Eric Danon, the  French Ambassador to Israel went on to say, “We can accept any solution that the Palestinians and Israelis agree on/”

In a discussion initiated by the European Leadership Network (ELNET), a non-governmental organization whose stated mission is to strengthen relations between Europe and Israel, the French Ambassador to Israel Eric Danon said: “We will not negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians. This is a bilateral question and we say that a new situation that has arisen must be taken into account and returned to the negotiating table.”

“No one knows what will be in the end – one state, two states, with or without Jerusalem,” Danon said. “What we prefer and think will be best is a two-state solution. Does that mean we can not agree on something else? Not at all. We can accept Any solution that the Palestinians and Israelis will agree on.”


“Six months ago, no one could have imagined that Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain would sign the Abrahamic Accords,” he added. “The Middle East has completely changed because of the position of the United States, Iran, and Turkey, because Israel has become a new regional power and because of the fatigue of the Palestinian question.”

Danon has said similar things in the past, but they were defined by the French government as a “private opinion” Maariv cited a diplomatic observer in Paris as saying that “there is a move in the French position towards the US position”.

French diplomatic sources added: “French diplomacy is having a hard time throwing all its weight behind a two-state solution, as it is becoming unrealistic on the ground. What the ambassador said is self-evident. It is important to resume negotiations as soon as possible. The Palestinians have never been so weak. They could lose everything.”

Officially, nothing has changed 

Officially, the French Foreign Ministry adhered to its former position: “A sustainable solution to the conflict requires the establishment of two states based on the 1967 lines with Jerusalem as a capital.”

In 2015, the French government tried to impose a two-year deadline for a two-state solution if negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians did not result in an agreement. Prime Minister Netanyahu rejected the proposition while PA President Mahmoud Abbas refused to commit to recognizing the State of Israel as a condition for the creation of a Palestinian state.

It is significant to note that in his speech at the UN General Assembly, President Emanuel Macron spoke of “crucial negotiations that will allow the Palestinians to finally enjoy their rights” – but he did not mention the two countries.

Palestinians refuse to accept alternatives 

Asharq Al Awsat, an Arabic international newspaper, reported the story, citing a senior Palestinian source as saying that the Palestinian Authority has stated it will only accept a two-state solution based on the creation of a Palestinian state inside Israel’s borders with Jerusalem as its capital.

One alternative to a two-state solution is a one-state solution that would grant Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem citizenship, giving them equal rights with Israelis. The Palestinian Authority has always rejected this alternative.

Asharq Al Awsat quoted Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh as saying that pressure on the PA would stop after the US election, implying that he anticipated a victory by the Democrats who support a two-state solution.

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Hmmm ... getting interesting here ... ultimatum (((pressure))) is being given to the PLO and Hamas for peace. :popcorn   If they don’t play nice ... they will soon become ... “footnotes in history”. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

Jordan and Saudis tighten screws on PLO and Hamas
Reconciling their differences is the price the PLO and Hamas have to pay for future Saudi help, but their enmity runs too deep. Op-ed.

Arutz Sheva

By David Singer 10/15/20


Saudi Arabia and Jordan have engaged in a twin-pronged attack on the PLO and Hamas seemingly intended to get them to bury the hatchet and begin negotiations with Israel on allocating sovereignty in Gaza and Judea and Samaria ('West Bank') under President Trump’s 2020 Peace Plan.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al-Saud – Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States 1983 - 2005, secretary general of the National Security Council 2005-2019 and director general of the Saudi Intelligence Agency 2012 - 2014 - provides a fascinating insight into the many failures of the Palestinian Arab leadership he witnessed from 1978 to 2015 in an Arab News article headlined “Setting the record straight”.

Bandar is particularly critical of the PLO and Hamas - after Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah brought PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal to Mecca for crisis talks in February 2007 to end the deadly PLO-Hamas violence that had followed the January 2005 presidential election won by Abbas and the January 2006 legislative election won by Hamas:

“After (King Abdullah) checked what they had written and read it in front of everyone and asked them to vow before God and in front of everyone that they agree to this deal, he asked them to shake hands and congratulated them, saying, ‘God is our witness, and we are in his holy land. (Prince) Saud (bin Faisal), take the brothers to the Kaaba and let them pledge their word before God and before the Palestinian people.’ Only a few days after they left Saudi Arabia, we received news they had already gone back on their word and started conspiring and plotting against each other once again.”

No elections since 2006 and no reconciliation between the PLO and Hamas continues.

Bandar recalls the many times the Palestinian Arab leadership asked Saudi Arabia for advice and help – took the help but ignored the advice:

“Then they would fail and turn back to us again, and we would support them again, regardless of their mistakes,” he said. This nature of the relationship, he felt, might have convinced the Palestinian Arab leadership that “there is no price to pay for any mistakes they commit towards the Saudi leadership or the Saudi state, or the Gulf leaderships and states.”

Reconciling their differences is the price the PLO and Hamas have to pay for future Saudi help - following peace treaties signed by Israel with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain whilst Saudi Arabia has granted Israel’s commercial airlines the right to fly in Saudi Arabian air space.

Commercial airlines will now be able to fly faster and cheaper through the Israel-Jordan corridor from the Gulf States and Asia to destinations in Europe and North America after Israel signed a historic aviation agreement with Jordan on 8 October following many years of negotiations.

If Israel and Jordan can negotiate an agreement for flights over the West Bank and Gaza - then Israel and Jordan can determine West Bank/Gaza’s final status pursuant to Article 3 (2) of the 1994 Jordan - Israel Peace Treaty:

The boundary, as set out in Annex I (a), is the permanent, secure and recognized international boundary between Jordan and Israel, without prejudice to the status of any territories that came under Israeli military government control in 1967.” (Territories)

Jordan’s message to the PLO is clear: Negotiate with Israel on the final status of Gaza and 70% of the West Bank designated in Trump’s Peace Plan - or risk being replaced by Jordan instead.

Saudi Arabia and Jordan are tightening the screws on the PLO and Hamas threatening to reduce them to footnotes in history.

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“footnotes in history”

What?!?! Come on now. Everyone knows the PLO has been around since the beginning of time. Everyone knows they held the land before Israel! I mean, just look at all the overwhelming evidence. They had a capital city, a currency, culture, more than enough archeological evidence as is being produced nearly daily! Then there are all those pesky history books that talk about.........oh, wait! That was all ISRAEL! Okay, yes. They will be relegated to a mere footnote as the annoying flea that they are. B-)

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So right on the annoying flee part —- a little flee powder please! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
Flees do like sand and obviously these flees do not want to play nice in the sandbox :mdrmdr:

wont they all be surprised when God shows up with the deed to the entire earth — yea! no you are not the heirs here little flee — :calvin :mdrmdr:

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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

I agree with you both. :good:

The only “footnote” they actually do deserve is this ...

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* Palestinians - a bunch of misfit illegal dreamers occupying the Holy Land. (* :bible )


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All pretenders and usurpers will be displaced and delt with by God!

Love the footnote!



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Looks like change is coming ... :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

From the Temple Mount Institute .... 22 hrs ago
Historic Precedent on Temple Mount

A historical first occurred today as a delegation of UAE and Bahrainian Arabs were escorted by their Israeli hosts onto the Temple Mount, where they prayed in the Dome of the Rock. What made this visit historic was the fact that the delegation was escorted by Israeli officials, and not by the Muslim Waqf. Additionally, the Arab delegate arrived via the Western Wall plaza, where they entered the Temple Mount through the Moghrabi Gate, the same gate through which Jews enter the Mount. All this was much to the chagrin of the Muslim Waqf. A small number of local Arabs on the Temple Mount, Waqf personel included, attempted to attack the foreign delegation and were immediately arrested by the police.

The Union of Temple Mount Organizations welcomed the precedent. "This is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy that 'And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of HaShem's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it." (Isaiah 2:2)

Assaf Fried, representing the Union of Temple Mount Organizations, said that the peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates, approved today by Israel's Knesset, marks the first time Israel has made peace without giving up territory, a precedent that will bring us closer to the words of Isaiah: "And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, 'Come, let us go up to HaShem's mount, to the house of the G-d of Yaakov, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths,' for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of HaShem from Jerusalem. And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.'" (Isaiah 2:3-4)

The question remains: Will Israel use this new found independence from the Muslim Waqf to finally grant Jews freedom of access and freedom of worship on the Temple Mount?

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More coolness regarding the Temple mound. Maybe this is actually were the two witnesses will stand :unsure:


More Jews prayed on the mount than at the wailing wall. :whistle:  It’s beginning to look a lot like .... Christ pretender is coming ... everywhere we go .....


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