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2020 Off to a Roaring Start – Better Buckle-Up Part 4

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Oops ... make that “climate” change  not “client”. :mdrmdr:

Well technically ... if you think about it ... there will ALSO be a client change. :yes:    The judgement of the nations occurs and the Lord will only have the saved believers enter into the Millennium period. B-)

Finally true peace on earth!  I’m sure we will all be singing “Joy to the World the Lord has come let earth receive her King” :whistle:

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So perhaps we’ll have a Christmas rapture! Wouldn’t that make their heads spin! “ Honey! Santa Claus came last night and took all the Christians away”

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Amir’s twitter ...

17 hrs ago
Iran’s biggest dairy industry, Milan, is in flames in Eslam Shahr near Tehran.

20 hrs ago
Israel struck a deal selling $30 Billion worth of natural gas to Jordan and Egypt.

Sept 21
A Hezbollah weapon storage in one of the villages in southern Lebanon exploded about an hour ago!  They claim it was a gas station. Sure ...

Sept 20
Honduras decided to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem!
U.S. officially reimposed sanctions on Iran! Boom!
US official claims that Iran could have enough fissile material for nuclear weapon by end of the year.

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So if Iran will have a nuke by end of the year ... do you see war soon or something happening to the bow of Elam? :unsure:

Jeremiah 49:35

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might.


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No proof, just speculation and personal opinion ... I think they will blow themselves up by Gods design ... they keep having larger and larger “accidents”, just saying B-) :calvin

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Didn't Iran cross Netanyahu's redline for getting a nuke a while ago from his U.N. speech years ago ?

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Yes there was a red line Bibi displayed a few years ago while giving a speech at the UN.  Since that time ... Iran faced numerous ... ahem ... unfortunate computer calamities that threw off the advancement of their nuke goal. :mdrmdr:

This time though I see the threat being removed soon with the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:5 prophecy.  There are so many possibilities that could happen ... either as Tammie said the Iranians might goof up and have a BIG unfortunate calamity, or will the Lord cause a BIG earthquake and swallow up the facility? Or will it happen this way ... the Saudi’s have given permission to use their air space ... so will Israel and/or the US take care of business and remove the threat once and for all? :unsure:

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Red Heifer Alert ....

It was “accidentally” discovered and so far its Kosher!!  You know what, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if she was dropped down from heaven because how do you “accidentally” discover it?  :mdrmdr:


A Red Heifer was accidentally discovered in Colombia 

By David Sidman/Biblical News


This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B’nei Yisrael to bring you a red cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid. Numbers 19:2 (The Israel BibleTM)

An ultra-Orthodox Israeli student now living in Colombia said that he spotted a kosher red heifer on Wednesday that would be available immediately upon the coming of the Messiah reports Radio 2000. The man took footage of the animal, and claims that halakhic (Jewish legal) authorities have confirmed that at first glance, it is indeed kosher.

The student purchased the cow for an undisclosed but “large” sum of money.

Currently, the Temple Institute who approved its purchase is waiting to ensure that she doesn’t grow any white or black hairs. If it doesn’t it will be officially declared a red heifer. However, if a black or white calf is born to her, it can no longer be considered a red heifer.

Last month,Rabbi Azaria Ariel, traveled to an undisclosed ranch in Israel to lead the Temple Institute’s efforts to raise a red heifer for the performance of the commandment of producing the purifying ashes of the red heifer. He recently inspected the current red heifer candidates and shared their status.

One of the two more mature candidates is still very viable, even though it has a few hairs which aren’t sufficiently red, as required by halacha (Jewish law).

Two new candidates were born in the early months of 2020, and they are currently viable.


Here is a pic of the Colombia Heifer ... she is a beauty!

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Bovine beauty!  Already slathered in BBQ sauce!  How convenient!


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i feel a little rude to jump in here w/o having caught up on this thread, but i don't know where to put this and just wondered if y'all watched live streamed or anybody went to Franklin Graham's Prayer March 2020?!  We watched most of it and prayed along and were really blessed and encouraged by sharing time in prayer with Believers including lots of leaders and pastors in USA for USA!  And right now we have Jonathan Cahn's "The Return National Day of Prayer and Repentance"  on live stream and he said a rabbi in Israel just told him they are watching there in Israel!  Just a little good news for 2020!  They are blowing shofars right now there- interesting (lots of amateurs i think, hee hee- is how we would sound if we had a shofar) and encouraging- calling on God on our nation's behalf!  God is good and still moving in His people!  May it be that He will bless our country and restore it or call His children up to meet His Son in the clouds!

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I watched it and prayed as well! It was totally uplifting....tears of peace and joy, a bit like heaven ... wonderful to hear the prayers of so many! So should we all be reminded that while we are still watching and waiting, we should be about our Father’s business, praying, praying, praying ... did I mention prayer! :prayer-hands:

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