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2020 Off to a Roaring Start – Better Buckle-Up Part 4

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My Apologies. You are on the A Team. :good:

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:mdrmdr: wouldn't that be :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: to hear the shout of Jesus being "All Aboard!"

:stinkerbell: "Group 1, All dead first" (voice of the archangel)

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Interesting article from Gary @ Unsealed with the #33 connection and what say ye about the 4 horns? :unsure:


Are these the 4 horns?

And I lift up my eyes, and look, and behold, four horns. And I say to the messenger who is speaking with me, “What [are] these?” And he says to me, “These [are] the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.” And YHWH shows me four artisans. And I say, “What [are] these coming to do?” And He speaks, saying, “These [are] the horns that have scattered Judah, so that no one has lifted up his head, and these come to trouble them, to cast down the horns of the nations who are lifting up a horn against the land of Judah—to scatter it.” (Zech. 1:18–21; cf. Zech. 1:8–12; 6:1–8; Rev. 6:1–8, LSV)

Today the governments of Israel, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain signed the historic Abraham Accords at the White House. The magnitude of this event cannot be overstated. This signing comes 33 weeks to the very day after President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu unveiled the Vision for Peace (a.k.a. The Deal of the Century). Within hours of when the Vision for Peace was revealed a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Caribbean and shook Mar-a-Lago (the second most powerful earthquake worldwide so far this year). The Great American Solar Eclipse was exactly 33 days before the Revelation 12 Sign. Jesus was around 33 when He rose again and sent the Spirit (a dispensational shift). Next month is exactly 33 years after the largest one-day stock market crash in world history (by far). And today's signing comes exactly 33 days
after the Abraham Accords were first announced on August 13th.

The Abraham Accords appear to exchange Israel's ambitions for reclaiming any more of her God-given land for the promise of peace and normalization between Israel and her Arab neighbors. Reports suggest any plans for annexation will be put on hold until at least 2024. Furthermore, per every statement and report thus far, the Abraham Accords affirm the Vision for Peace, which Israel's top leaders have already agreed to. The Vision for Peace lays out a map of final borders for a future Palestinian state and effectively freezes Israel out of her heartland.

What we've witnessed in the past several weeks is on par with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not only have the U.A.E. and Bahrain made peace with Israel, but Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Oman have come out in support of the Abraham Accords without actually joining on directly (as of yet). Saudi Arabia and Morocco have opened their airspace to Israeli air traffic and now appear to be on the march toward “peace” with Israel, along with Oman and Sudan. Serbia and Kosovo are also promising to move their embassies to Jerusalem—Kosovo thus becoming the first Muslim-majority state to do so.

This sudden and unexpected détente is permeating the airwaves with messages of “peace and security.” As a result, President Trump has even been nominated not once, but twice, for the Nobel Peace Prize. Adding to the sudden atmosphere of peace and hope in the Middle East are major setbacks to Iran (via Soleimani's death and numerous successful airstrikes by the IAF in Syria), Hezbollah (via the loss of the port of Beirut), and to the Palestinian Authority (via the Arab League's recent repudiation of Palestinian opposition to the Abraham Accords). The world can now breathe a collective sigh of relief—or not.

...for when they may say, “Peace and security,” then sudden destruction comes [on] them, as the travail [on] her who is with child, and they will not escape... (1 Thess. 5:3, LSV)

What might the coming days bring? How might God react to an agreement that freezes Israel out of her land and confirms the previous Vision for Peace, which will ultimately break the everlasting covenant that God established with Abraham, Isaac (not Ishmael), and Jacob (not Esau)? How will He handle a covenant that is named identically to the original Abrahamic Covenant, but is the inverse of it—dividing the land rather than restoring it? Moreover, how will the LORD respond to an agreement made upon the basis of uniting Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? One of these three is not like the other.

In 2017, hurricanes Maria (Mary) and Jose (Joseph) were churning through the Atlantic at the same time as the Revelation 12 Sign—a sign of the promise of the Church's deliverance. Just as the Abraham Accords are being signed, category 2 Hurricane Sally is churning just off the Gulf Coast of the United States. Sally is a nickname for Sarah. A picture of Abraham and Sarah is formed today for all to see. It was to Abraham and Sarah that God first made the promise of a son. Is the promise which was shown in 2017 about to materialize? Not only is Sally (Sarah) hovering off the Gulf Coast, but Netanyahu's wife Sara sat in attendance at today's historic ceremony.

On a side note: all the major networks are claiming that signs of extraterrestrial life have been found in the clouds of Venus (see here). Besides the obvious fact that this inches the world closer to a great deception, this is also symbolic. Venus is the bright morning star. Jesus compares Himself to Venus in Revelation 22:16. This year featured a significant sign in the heavens featuring Venus. Jesus is alive, having conquered death, and He is coming on the clouds!

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a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Caribbean. 

I just don't buy it that this earthquake has anything to do with this accord. Neither does Hurricane Sally. These are faaaaaaaar from anything resembling God's judgements. To say it is is to say God has very poor aim. They stretch things a bit to make it fit their narrative.

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I agree ... but what about the 4 horns rising with this signing agreement? Is that a stretch? :unsure:

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That is a stretch as well.... these four horns are bringing “peace and security” as required per prophecy, the 4 horns that attempt to bring a distraction of Israel have also aligned, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Russia.. the line drawn in the sand and the kings of the East (China). It is amazing to me in the year of election how many sights are trying very hard to make Trump the “bad” guy and he is being used by God (as was Esther) for such a time as this. Even Amir said it yesterday, how folks are attempting to place him on the side of evil .... amazing... nope, I am not for this thought. Although the little caveat about Venus is humorous—- Satan tries so hard but he is so far short of God’s perfect design! :mdrmdr:

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The thing is, sudden destruction following “peace and safety” comes during the Tribulation, after the accord signed with the AC, not now. While it may be a reflection of things to come, I do not believe that time is now.

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Netanyahu: Palestinians will resume peace talks in November
If US President Donald Trump is re-elected, the PA will have "no option" other than to come back to the table, PM says.

By  Ariel Kahana  09-18-2020


The Palestinian Authority will resume negotiations with Israel fairly soon, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes.

In a closed-door conversation, Netanyahu said that the regional significance of the newly-signed peace deals between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain left the Palestinians no option other than to come back to the table.

However, the prime minister said that talks with the PA would re-launch only after the US presidential election on Nov. 3, and only if US President Donald Trump is re-elected.

In the case of a Trump victory, Netanyahu said, he would begin negotiations based on the Trump administration peace plan, as he promised to do.

Meanwhile, ties between Israel and the two now-friendly Gulf nations are solidifying quickly. Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi send personal messages to his counterparts in the UAE and Bahrain in which he wished them and their families a year of "peace, prosperity, stability and health."

Emirati Foreign Minister responded Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan responded with a message that read: "Shana Tova, Gabi, this is a wonderful way to begin the year, and I hope it is a good sign for both of us, Abdullah."

Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani responded to Ashkenazi's message with the words: "Thank you, my dear friend, for the Jewish New Year greeting," and wished him a "blessed year in which we bring peace and stability to the region."

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So apparently the scammers behind the climate change agenda are saying we have 7 years and a little over 3 months left?

When The Climate Clock was unveiled Saturday by artists Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd, it displayed that there were seven years, 103 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes and 7 seconds left until Earth’s “carbon budget” is depleted.




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Amazing, eh? They got the 7 years correct ... we can agree they only have 7 years or less to try to enforce their Godless client change agenda before the Lord comes back and restores the earth back to the way it should be for the Millennium Age. :good:

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