16th November 2019 ...
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16th November 2019 Rapture speculation

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So 16th November 2019 is 1776 days after the midpoint of the tribulation...

Thats 888 x 2 = 1776 (888 being the Gematria of Jesus)


From the founding of America in 1776 on 4th July to 16th November 2019

is 88,888 days...


There were 176 days between each blood moon of the Tetrad

and 176 verses in Psalm 119


And it's exactly 70 weeks after the Revelation 12 signs finished in July 2018

What's in 176, 1776, 888, 88,888

.... What does it all mean????

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Hey stranger.  Nice to see you!  Thanks for popping in.

I don't know what it all means, but your opening statement means we've already been in the Millennial reign for several hundred days.  Sigh!  I imagined, that it would feel better than this, Andy.  :wacko: :yes: :whistle:

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Hi HH, nice to see you again.... I agree with MWS — AC is not present. I’m pri trib, so not thinking I’m in the middle of trib and certainly don’t have my imperishable, immortal body as promised, so not in the 1000 year age either. One can keep praying, watching, and looking up! :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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Fascinating with the numbers, HumbleHorse. :good:    I’m not sure what it all means ... ironically today at Home Depot my total bill came to ... $17.76. :mdrmdr:

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Hi Geri.  HumbleHorse's folks look at 1776 with a different perspective than we Yanks on this side of the pond... :yes:

Let me guess.  You bought a tool and some fasteners...  Oh, maybe you bought a fife and marched out patriotically.  No?  Okay, none of my business. :whistle:

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:mdrmdr:  I had a return so a  store credit was applied to the gallon of white stucco paint.  The paint guy handed me an extra wooden paint stirrer.  When I went to pay for the paint, the cashier said that will be $17.76 and as I was getting my money out ... he picked up the wooden stirrers and started tapping the paint can like a drum and whistling to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.  This week I plan on Yankee doodling the basement walls.

On my heavenly bucket list is to learn to play the fife/flute .... perhaps I will be practicing while walking down the golden streets. :whistle:

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That's funny, Geri.  Quite patriotic for a regular Home Depot guy, no?  I'd bet HumbleHorse would never have spontaneously done that.  I wonder if he as a fife...  Maybe he'll revisit and let us know.

Heavenly bucket list. huh?  Interesting thought.  Shouldn't such buckets remain beyond our ability to kick again?  Not that any of us RITANs ever expects to kick that first one...

By the way, I think it's kinda nice of you to leave your property behind all spruced up.

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I picture HumbleHorse carrying his guitar with him everywhere and having it handy at any given moment to create a new song.  He is very gifted.

By “bucket list” I reckon I should have said “wish list”.  I got a feeling though there could be golden buckets up in heaven because the horses will be eating oats and where will the oats be but in the golden buckets. :whistle:

Decorating just happens to be one of my hobbies so I’m enjoying it.  Perhaps the Lord will direct a tribulation saint to my condo unit for safety?  There is certainly plenty of bottled water, soups, can goods and oatmeal they can help themselves to and feed on for a few months.

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HumbleHorse - we have missed you! Feel free to bring on the videos again! As to your numbers... *shrugs* I got nada... I still have no clue what the Revelation 12 sign in September may have meant. Some have speculated that it was meant for Israel. Others felt it was a warning that things were ratcheting up... I know we cannot be mid-tribulation at this point since there is no temple for the AC to desolate...

What I do know... well... it's not much! :mdrmdr:

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The neighbor when I was growing up owned horses.  I remember bringing them their oats.  Equestrian nutritional incentive kicked in and they would never wait for me to stand that container in the eating trough!  The golden buckets are a good idea.  They wouldn't corrode due to an excited mouth-watering horse.  But the horse might too easily dent or bend a gold bucket...  Or maybe the horse would simply continue eating right into those 18-24 carats.  Most horses love carats, don't they? :whistle: :wacko:

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