10 days and countin...
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10 days and counting....

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10 days and counting till Christmas!  Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men!  Hopefully the Rapture will marry with Hanukkah and Christmas and usher in the Rapture!  Someone once told me that Springtime was the time of our betrothal and the Fall season was the season to usher in the wedding!  At this point the soonest possible date works for me!   We languish Lord in these days of waiting and watching!  Not wanting to disparage your plans Lord nor all that You have provided to us,  but we long and desire to be in Your presence and our new eternal home!  May we soon experience and realize the validation of our faith in You, Your promises and Your heart towards us!!!  Come quickly and soon Lord!  Be glorified in our hearts and with the expression of our lips until we are called home and for all eternity!  May we experience twice the fullness of Your grace on the 25th!  TR

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I liked this prayer so much I had to like my own thread!  Sorry,  TR

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Tomorrow is the 17th and 8 days till Christmas!!!  Maybe we can celebrate the birth of Christ as well as our own re-birth!  TR

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Still remaining hopeful any day this month :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn perhaps tomorrow on the 18th is that the real date Hanukkah begins or is it Monday the 19th?  Or do we leave on Christmas Morning, Sunday the 25th?


Latest Bob Barber update

Starts @ 1:44 - 14:43 - Dream about Hanukkah or Christmas rapture

Advertisement from 14:44 - 21:33

Continues @ 21:34 - Dream about 5 red heifers and 3rd temple and ends at 23:30

Or will we be here to see the building of the 3rd temple before we fly away according to this person’s dream? :unsure:


In the comment section

Someone posted:

First, let's treat December as the 10th month according to it's name. Now, lets' look at Dec 18 through to 31, or 1018 to 1031 in Strong's Greek. 1018 arbitrate, make a call. 1019 I am slow, I delay, tarry. 1020 I sail slowly. 1021 Slow. 1022 slowness, delay. 1023 arm, strength. 1024 little while, short time. 1025 A new born child. 1026 rain, send rain. 1027 Thunder. 1028 a heavy rain. 1029 noose, snare. 1030 gnashing of teeth. 1031 bite, gnash. Do you see the pattern? What are the odds? I wonder if the 18th is the day of sealing (in the ark), and for the next week, time moves slowly (the delay) as we wait for the flood to carry us away. This year Christmas is day 7 of Hanukkah. This is the day Esther was married and crowned. Finally, we all know that Yashiva was not born at Christmas, but consider this day as the day of His conception. This year if you add a full pregnancy term of 280 days, you come to the first day of Sukkot, which is Sept 30/Oct 1. His circumcision then takes place on Shemini Atzeret.

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Talk about last minute!  TR

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Four more days, hopefully!!!  How appropriate should it happen on Christmas Day!!!   Jesus is the reason in any season!   Perhaps the Arch angel will declare "it is finished"!  Just as on like the cross!  TR

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YES!   Now that’s the Christmas Spirit!   Staying positive we are called to our eternal home on Sunday!

Meanwhile yesterday was the shortest day of the year … and tonight I’m going to savor that extra minute longer before sundown.  By Sunday it will be 4 extra minutes … does that mean it delays the might night cry trumpet call  by 4 minutes? B-)


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LOL Geri.  Well intellectually a Christmas/Hanukkah rapture makes all the sense in the world!  Emotionally I'm ready!  in my spirit I can only hope!  Still not feeling it though!  Oh bother!  Hopefully the closer we get there will be a quickening!  Funny, though many in the world don't honor Christ, they can't deny that Christmas is a day of reverence, indeed a holy night  As many around the world sense something special and big business still closes on that day!  TR

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I saw this posted in one of the youtubes

Per Keegan Fernandes … he thinks we are in the final seconds before departure. :whistle:

The most earth-shattering event in human history has yet to occur — the second coming of Jesus Christ. There are “signs” of His coming. The most specific lists are in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. These signs are: 1. False Christs. These are people who claim to be the returned Christ or some other sort of messiah and those claiming to be Christians but teach things contrary to the Bible. 2. Wars and rumors of wars. 3. Famines. 4. Pestilence (widespread disease and physical ailments). 5. Earthquakes in diverse places. By the way, Luke adds, “commotions” (a term used for civil unrest) and signs from the heavens to the things Matthew mentions. Someone can say that these “signs” have been around since the beginning of history and are correct. However, the Bible does teach that these things will increase in frequency and intensity; the closer we get to Christ’s return!


Right on Time :: By Dennis Huebshman

Taking all this into account, everything that is happening on earth today should be obvious that the end of this age is very near. All the negative attitudes of 2 Timothy 3 are present and getting more prevalent by the day. Earthquakes, extreme weather patterns, plagues of locusts, and viral infections are in today’s news. Wars and rumors of wars are all around the globe, and there are famines that are affecting our food supply. Lawlessness is increasing at a frightening rate, and Christians are hated by all the secular people. We have not reached the point where the lawless one will arrive, and through satanic influence, he will control the whole world. However, we are right at that doorstep according to Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2 Peter 3, and 1 John 2-5. As Jesus said in Luke 21:28, “Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

It is no question that all the signs have definitely begun. So to sum it up...

1. Psalm 83 war (April- May 2023)

2. Famine (April-May 2023)

3. Covid and Ebola lockdown (April - May 2023)

4. Abrahamic House Opening (April -May 2023)

5. CBDC'S to be ratified (April- May 2023)

6. Market crash (April-May 2023)

7. Global War (April- May 2023)


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The advent of False Christ’s are more specifically taking place during the 7 year Tribulation. We have many false teachers on the scene today but no one is claiming to be the Christ.

Mat 24:21  For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Mat 24:22  And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

Mat 24:23  "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it.

Mat 24:24  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and  wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Matthew chapter 24 is referring to the time of the seven year tribulation. His disciples were asking in 24:3 "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"  At this time they knew nothing if the Church or the Church Age so Jesus is telling them things specific to the nation of Israel and of the end of the age. He mentions false prophets, which are specific to Israel, not the Church. We have teachers, not prophets. So given all of that, how much closer are we to the rapture since that event must take place prior to the Trib?! :yahoo:

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