Imagine a Row of Ey...
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Imagine a Row of Eyeballs 50-feet up Waiting in Line

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What would you have if you personally could suspend a row of eyeballs fifty feet up in the air, all facing one direction, and each waiting one at a time to see what you had suspended in front of them?

Okay, one more, how do you keep a turkey in suspense?

I'll tell you tomorrow.

Posted : April 22, 2019 6:56 pm
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Oh boy ... just clueless with the eyeballs ...

I will try to crack your turkey riddle with ... “you keep a turkey in suspense” with a drum roll? :unsure:



Posted : April 23, 2019 4:23 am
Posts: 65
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Dan...those are tough ones...wondering if the eyeballs could be staring at a

"Higher-eyes apartment complex."   Haha      Clueless on the poor turkey in

suspense thing!!!    :scratch:

Posted : April 23, 2019 9:25 am
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The turkey one..... :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:


Posted : April 23, 2019 9:40 am
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Okay, ladies.  I'm intending not to reveal the answer to the first proposition yet, but on the second one I think Kolleen got it.  Please do not be offended that by waiting to tell you the answer until today, i.e., " do you keep a turkey in suspense," that I suggested you are turkeys.  Fowl! That was nasty of me.   :negative:   I hope you will all recall Jesus' reference to 70 times 7, and forgive me.

If anyone else has any interest in guessing what you'd have suspended fifty feet up, I'll wait a while longer.  Thanks, ladies, for considering the question.  Keep guessing if you'd like.  I think it's a fun answer.

Glorybound, that "higher-eyes apartment" answer deserves honorable mention!  That's funny!  Thanks!

Here's a clue: consider what you call vehicles at a very busy petrol station.  :unsure:

Posted : April 23, 2019 10:25 am
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LOL ... now I know why the men didn’t attempt to solve your riddle.  No worries you can never offend me by calling me a turkey.

I love jokes ... my Bible teacher in high school said a good one and all the girls in class really got upset but not me ... he had me laughing.  He said he can prove women are not up in heaven until after Rev 8:2 ... because  Rev 8:1 says ... “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”  Boy did he have half the class upset on that comment.  Hee hee.

Oh goodie another clue... I’m still thinking ...

Posted : April 23, 2019 10:57 am
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Well now...I'm just stumped!  Are those eye balls "us"...looking up expectantly, waiting to be completely filled with Jesus like the empty cars waiting at the gas station???  :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:    This is driving me crazy. haha, but so fun!  Thanks...

Posted : April 23, 2019 11:35 am
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Hmmm ... the first thing I thought of was a whole bunch of drones with spying eyes looking down ... but, GloryBound,  I think you’re on to something with the rapture event!

And the vehicles at the petrol station ... sounds like they are standing idle.

Ok ... is it the eyes in the sky are the dead in Christ that were raised and they are looking down waiting for us to rise to meet them in the air? B-)

Posted : April 23, 2019 12:13 pm
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Yaay Geri...we'll get this one yet...look out, Dan.  Haha

The cars at the station have to be empty vehicles but not sure where to go with that, except they are useless without life-giving fuel.  (Like we are without Jesus's life-giving blood.)

The eyes are "awakening" one by one he said.  It almost has to be watching and waiting for the rapture, doesn't it???

Got to go...we'll get this yet!

Posted : April 23, 2019 12:53 pm
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Okay, a little repetition: eyeballs high up all looking straight ahead, one behind the other, each waiting their turn...  And a hint about the hint: petrol is a British term for gasoline, a different word in the US...

Y'all are good sports for sure!

Posted : April 23, 2019 3:13 pm
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:wacko:  Aye   yai   yai  yai  yai

Posted : April 23, 2019 5:37 pm
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Well...this has to be the hardest riddle there ever was!  How will I ever sleep tonight between thinking about the rapture as usual and thinking about those crazy clues.  I can see it now...petrol...petra...eyeballs each waiting their turn...makes no sense whatsoever!  Lol  Hurry up tomorrow!  If I can't sleep I will be looking at the computer at 12:01 just in case!!!!  Haha  thanks, MyWhiteStone  I think!

Still  :scratch:  over this one!

Posted : April 23, 2019 5:41 pm
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We need  :feedback   Are the eyeballs human or animal or a bird?

Hmmm ... sounds like a gas explosion at the gas station?

And pulease tell us this riddle isn’t from a kids book, is it?  B-)

Posted : April 23, 2019 5:45 pm
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Take a gander at that, Geri!  Quite a shock!  It must have been like their own personal rapture, except for not being caught up.  Maybe a spy from Post Cereals happened by Nabisco that day and got an idea then to introduce their own Crispy Critters.  😉  B-)

The answer assures you would possess well above average intelligence.  So what would you have?

Think pun.


Posted : April 23, 2019 5:57 pm
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LOL ... I ended up deleting my comment about Nabisco.  For those reading Dan’s response ... what happened was I was walking at lunch time on their golf course grounds and 2 Canadian Geese made a loud cry and I looked up and saw they both hit the live wires and small transformer box and electrocuted themselves before falling down to the ground. :wacko:


Too funny with their own personal rapture and with the Post Cereal wise crack comment! :mdrmdr:

Well right now I have a headache ... perhaps tomorrow we can figure out this riddle! B-)

Posted : April 23, 2019 6:22 pm
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Ok I just had some caffeinated Tea and I’m wide awake and more alert ... B-)

Here goes ... sounds like an old red pickup truck carrying a load full of potatoes was at the gas station.  The driver suddenly lost his brakes and smashes into the gas fuel tank causing a massive explosion and hurls all the potatoes up 50 feet in the sky causing Mr. & Mrs Potato heads to suspend in the sky and to line up in a row ...   :whistle:

Or ... do I need to go back to the drawing board and overload a bit more on caffeine ... perhaps another cup of Tea with a few chocolate candy bars  to figure out this “above average intelligence” riddle? 🙁


Posted : April 24, 2019 3:49 am
Posts: 65
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Haha...sounds about right to me, Geri...good try!!!!  Come on, Dan...wake up and give us the solution!    :mdrmdr:

Posted : April 24, 2019 6:29 am
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Okay, end of thread.  End of misery.  My ongoing apologies for inflicting this on y'all.  It's really not that funny and requires one to recognize that in Great Britain a waiting line is called a "queue," similar to gasoline being called "petrol."   And intelligence is reported by one's "intelligence quotient."

So, repeating the initial question, to wit:  "What would you have if you personally could suspend a row of eyeballs fifty feet up in the air, all facing one direction, and each waiting one at a time to see what you had suspended in front of them?"  The answer is, (drum roll please...):

You would have a high eye queue.

Sorry again.

Posted : April 24, 2019 6:45 am
Posts: 65
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Oh my goodness...very good...I'd never get that one...guess I don't have a high eye queue!   But, like Geri said, "Please tell us that was not from a children's book of riddles!"  Leave us a little dignity...Hahaha  That was fun!    :mdrmdr:

Posted : April 24, 2019 7:20 am
Posts: 3142
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But you did come close, GloryBound, with that brilliant answer of  “higher-eyes apartment”!!!  Sooo close! :good:

Ok ... since this was a British riddle ... where was Loz ... I’m sure he would have been able to solve this riddle!!!


Posted : April 24, 2019 7:50 am