How have you all been in your dream/prayer time? I just still have this sense of, “Not yet, wait on me.” I want to be hearing, “Let’s go!” I’ve had 3 dreams this week of family that passed away this year - my dad and two grandmas. It’s comforting to see their faces. To feel their hugs. But I’d love a good rapture dream. I can relate with you about the family dream/vision ... I had one back in 2015 ... I was feeling down because my dad just died and I was all alone. I asked the Lord if I could see my family up in heaven. As soon as I closed my eyes ... I felt myself flying and the next thing I was in a white room and there was my aunt, my sister-in-law’s mom (she was like a grandma to me), my mom, my dad, my nana and my grandpa standing in a semi-circle. They were all smiling and so happy. I hugged each one and felt that squeeze and they all kissed my cheek. After I finished hugging my grandpa BAM I woke up and I was immediately back in my house. I was sad because I wanted to stay with them ... it was so peaceful. I’ve never had rapture dreams. In December though while driving to the post office I asked the Lord if the rapture is soon? As I walked by the dumpster in the lobby I saw a magazine called “The Trumpet” I immediately picked it up and underneath was a magazine called “Departures” vacation get-away hot spots. I immediately giggled because what are the odds of seeing both magazines on top of each other like that? I wish I got a clue of the actual DATE. Big sigh. Not dreams, but sometimes I start to think about people who have passed. Then I wonder if they are also thinking about me? And if they know how short the time we have left is? Once I "felt the presence of my great grandmother" (for lack of a better phrase), who died when I was quite young. I wondered when was the last time I thought of her? Maybe sixty years ago. It was so unexpected.
So what about you all?