Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - 6/29/2019 80 Palestinians injured in East Jerusalem clashes after police shooting Dozens of Palestinians hurl stones at police forces in East Jerusalem https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5538654,00.html Dozens of fires are daily nightmare for frustrated Israelis along Gaza border https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5538047,00.html Gaza arson balloons spark 14 fires; IDF jeep set ablaze in border riots Gantz: Deal to end Gaza arson attacks shows Netanyahu 'filling Hamas's balloons' Hamas reportedly demanding that $5 million of the monthly Qatari grant go towards the salaries of its employees in Gaza http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/265262 Ramallah: Students call for new intifada against "Deal of the Century", call for renewed efforts to fight the "occupation" http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/265225 Iraq denounces 'attack' on Baghdad's Bahrain embassy by peace confab protesters Palestinian PM: Bahrain will lead nowhere, Trump's economic approach 'divorced from reality' https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5538160,00.html U.S. economic plan decried by Palestinians but gets cautious nod in Gulf Gulf states, Israel closer after Bahrain meet but full ties still unlikely https://www.timesofisrael.com/gulf-israel-closer-after-bahrain-meet-but-full-ties-unlikely/ Is Israel on the verge of normalizing ties with the Persian Gulf? https://www.jpost.com/printarticle.aspx?id=593920 Jerusalem isn't Israel's capital, Palestinian official says after Bahrain summit https://www.jpost.com/printarticle.aspx?id=593934 Geert Wilders: 'Transfer all of the Palestinians to Jordan' Netanyahu: Giving up the Jordan Valley will ensure war https://www.jpost.com/printarticle.aspx?id=593911 Despite Sinai sweetner, Egypt unlikely to sign on to Kushner's Mideast plan https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5537942,00.html Nikki Haley: 'The stronger we make Israel, the safer we make the world' http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/265216 Poll: 62% of Israelis support nixing September election https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/06/28/poll-62-of-israelis-support-nixing-september-election/ Amb. Friedman Exposes the Radicalism of Obama's Israel Policies https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/274098/amb-friedman-exposes-radicalism-obamas-israel-caroline-glick Bader Ginsburg gives $9,000 to Israeli schools promoting Jewish-Arab coexistence California Jews uneasy as man who threatened synagogue shooting allowed bail Palestinian accused of killing man in Germany said he targeted a 'rich Jew' GPS jamming affecting Israel comes from Russian base in Syria: US researcher Islamic Jihad hints it may strike Israel in case of US-Iran war https://www.timesofisrael.com/islamic-jihad-hints-it-may-strike-israel-in-case-of-us-iran-war/ Senate Rejects Measure Forcing Trump To Seek Approval For War With Iran https://www.huffpost.com/entry/iran-udall-amendment-senate_n_5d1652a6e4b082e55368c39d Senate fails to approve Iran resolution, after longest vote in chamber's history Additional US fighter planes sent to Gulf amid Iran tensions https://apnews.com/d0a8fe7f91924bb69a6c5936e3acd30f US deploys stealth fighters to Qatar airbase amid Iran tensions https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-deploys-stealth-fighters-to-qatar-airbase-amid-iran-tensions/ Will Trump's Plans to Counter Iran Bring a Return of the 'Tanker War'? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/28/us/politics/trump-iran-tanker-war-persian-gulf.html US cyber attack on Iran exploited flaw in heavily-guarded network, experts say Iran files complaint with United Nations over downed US drone https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-files-complaint-with-united-nations-over-downed-us-drone/ Iran says progress made in nuclear talks is still not enough https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/28/world-powers-iran-nuclear-deal-abandoned-us Iran may stand down on nuclear threat after Europe, China work to bypass US sanctions https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/iran-stand-nuclear-threat-europe-china-work-bypass/story?id=64021813 Trump and Saudi Crown Prince discussed Iranian 'heightened aggression' https://www.jpost.com/printarticle.aspx?id=594051 Trump tells Saudi crown prince he's doing 'spectacular job' https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-tells-saudi-crown-prince-hes-doing-spectacular-job/ Trump says he 'appreciates' Saudi purchase of U.S. military equipment 'It's a problem': Trump tells Erdogan on Russia missile deal US says Saudi pipeline attacks originated in Iraq Taliban kill 26 pro-government militia members in Afghanistan Death of Divisive Morsi Could Unite Egypt's Opposition San Francisco imam claims Egypt's Morsi killed by 'Zionist agents' https://www.timesofisrael.com/san-francisco-imam-claims-egypts-morsi-killed-by-zionist-agents/ Libya's Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, bans flights to Turkey Ethiopia steps up arrests as shockwaves from coup bid continue Muslims in Turkey showing interest in Jesus amid Erdogan's authoritarian crackdown, Andrew Brunson says "Virtually Wiped Out": 95 Christians Killed in Mali Village Vatican says China intimidating Catholics loyal to pope Hong Kong Is a Rebel Enclave in a Sea of Totalitarianism. Welcome to the New West Berlin https://time.com/5616804/hong-kong-cold-war-battleground-us-china/ Trump tells China's Xi open to 'historic' trade deal at high-stakes meeting China agrees to restart US trade talks as Trump says 'back on track' G20 says trade, geopolitical tensions have 'intensified' Trump offers to meet Kim Jong Un at demilitarized zone that separates North and South Korea Trump's surprise DMZ invite to Kim Jong Un 'very interesting,' North Korea official says Impeach me, I'll jail you - Philippines' Duterte dares foes to test him Merkel's shaking sends world's media into a frenzy. It could mark a new start for Germany https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/27/opinions/a-new-start-for-germany-qvortrup-opinion/index.html Scenes Of Tearful, Flu-Stricken And Underfed Migrant Kids Emerge In New Accounts Reddit 'quarantines' largest pro-Trump community for promoting violence https://www.timesofisrael.com/reddit-quarantines-largest-pro-trump-community-for-promoting-violence/ Jimmy Carter Says Trump is an Illegitimate President: 'He Didn't Actually Win the Election' Joe Biden loses support of top campaign fundraiser in Bay Area after comments on segregationists and Hyde amendment The Dow just logged its best June return in more than 80 years World Bank chief urges reforms to attract investment amid trade uncertainty Financial worries keep most Americans up at night https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/financial-worries-keep-most-americans-up-at-night-1.1279965 The Infrastructure Mess Causing Countless Internet Outages https://www.wired.com/story/bgp-route-leak-internet-outage/ Algorithmic Intelligence Has Gotten So Smart, It's Easy To Forget It's Artificial Meet Silicon Valley's UFO Hunters https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/597ebn/meet-silicon-valleys-ufo-hunters Astronomers Collect 40,000 Used Eclipse Glasses In U.S. For People In South America Massive Asteroid Explodes Above Puerto Rico Mere Hours After Detection https://futurism.com/the-byte/massive-asteroid-spotted-earth-impact 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us700046la/executive 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Lata, Solomon Islands https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us700046ut/executive 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Karangbadar Kidul, Indonesia https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000477c/executive 5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Barcelona, Philippines https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000477y/executive Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 25,000ft https://www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH19/POPO/2019F290639.html Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 25,000ft http://www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Ebeko volcano in the Kuril Islands erupts to 15,000ft http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/svd/vaac/data/TextData/2019/20190629_29038000_0061_Text.html Manam volcano on Papua New Guinea erupts to 15,000ft http://www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Yellowstone's tallest geyser breaks its record for shortest time between eruptions Tropical Storm Alvin gains strength but is still expected to dissipate Japan, South Korea to face more flooding rain in wake of Tropical Storm Sepat No End in Sight for Record Midwest Flood Crisis https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-end-in-sight-for-record-midwest-flood-crisis/ With any Midwestern rainfall this summer, the Missouri River could flood the lower basin region https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/28/us/missouri-river-flooding-summer/index.html Flood damage at least $2 billion for Mississippi River towns Arkansas governor orders levee review after historic flood https://wreg.com/2019/06/28/arkansas-governor-orders-levee-review-after-historic-flood/ More than 7 inches of rain close roads, cause flash flooding in SE Minnesota Europe heatwave breaks records in Germany, Czech Republic as region sizzles France records all-time highest temperature as Europe bakes in extreme heatwave Europe Heat Wave Kills Several in France, Spain https://weather.com/news/news/2019-06-26-europe-heatwave-germany-france Manure pile spontaneously combusts to spark 13,000-acre wildfire, Spanish authorities say French nudists and burkini bathers in heatwave pool standoff https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/06/27/french-nudists-burkini-bathers-heatwave-pool-standoff/ 4,000+ lightning strikes spark at least 32 new fires across Pacific Northwest As a major Indian city runs out of water, 9 million people pray for rain A historic drought in India is so severe that it's now visible from space https://globalnews.ca/news/5424366/chennai-india-drought-satellite/ Cockroaches may soon be unstoppable - thanks to fast-evolving insecticide resistance LAPD Gets 'Germ-Zapping' Robot at DTLA Station Where Filthy Conditions, Rats, Typhoid Fever Reported A deadly, drug-resistant fungus has swept the globe - here's how it spreads Prosecutors: Mom killed toddler son because he was getting in the way of her affair Abortion Is the 'Dismembering of a Living Child,' Supreme Court Justice Says US judge blocks Indiana 2nd-trimester abortion procedure ban https://www.foxnews.com/us/us-judge-blocks-indiana-second-trimester-abortion-procedure-ban Julian Castro criticizes Alabama abortion law, defends trans people's right to procedure Calls to Normalize Pedophilia on the Rise: New Report Recommends Workshops Instead of Prosecution Republican Joins Democratic Rep. in Reintroducing Bill to Prohibit Foster Agencies From Declining Homosexual Homes CA bill looks to force pastors to embrace pro-LGBTQ ideology Pastors alarmed by Christian leaders' push for Calif. churches to accept homosexuality, transgenderism Gay Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari worries that LGBT acceptance will lead to backlash https://www.timesofisrael.com/yuval-noah-harari-worries-that-lgbt-acceptance-will-lead-to-backlash/ The Dark Secret Of Lake Malawi: Trading Sex For Fish 'DeepNude' app to 'undress' women shut down after furor https://www.france24.com/en/20190628-deepnude-app-undress-women-shut-down-after-furor Female Dalai Lama: The Dalai Lama insists his female successor should have an "attractive face" and says President Trump lacks "moral principle" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dalai-lama-insists-his-female-successor-should-have-an-attractive-face/ Attorney General William Barr declares emergency for public safety in Alaska Feds announce millions in emergency funds to fight violence in rural Alaska Birth Pang Tracker Link: