Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - 5/13/2024 Israel remembers its fallen, victims of terror as Memorial Day begins - Remembrance events will continue until Monday night, at which point the country will shift to celebrations over 76 years of independenc www.israelhayom.com/2024/05/12/israel-remembers-its-fallen-victims-of-terror-as-memorial-day-begins/ Israel Marks 76th Independence Day Worried and Deeply Fractured 'A tear in the heart of Israel': Nation marks a visceral post-October 7 Memorial Day A dark year: 766 soldiers, 834 civilians killed since last Memorial Day www.timesofisrael.com/a-dark-year-760-soldiers-834-civilians-killed-since-last-memorial-day/ IDF chief on Memorial Day: I'm responsible for those who fell on Oct. 7; I won't forget www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-12-2024/ Turkey's Erdogan says U.S., Europe not doing enough to pressure Israel into Gaza truce Coons defends US handling of Israel: Biden has 'taken forceful action' 'Strategic and moral mistakes': US politicians step up condemnation of Israel www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/12/us-politicians-criticize-israel-gaza-war Antony Blinken stuns with public criticism of Israeli conduct in Gaza www.euronews.com/2024/05/13/antony-blinken-stuns-with-public-criticism-of-israeli-conduct-in-gaza Blinken delivers strongest public rebuke of Israel yet: 'Get out of Gaza' www.foxnews.com/world/blinken-delivers-strongest-public-rebuke-israel-yet-get-gaza Blinken urges Israel to lay out postwar plan so 'Hamas can't govern Gaza again' www.timesofisrael.com/blinken-urges-israel-to-lay-out-postwar-plan-so-hamas-cant-govern-gaza-again/ Blinken Says U.S. Has Not Ruled Out Withholding More Military Aid From Israel dnyuz.com/2024/05/12/blinken-says-u-s-has-not-ruled-out-withholding-more-military-aid-from-israel/ US envoy denies ties with Israel have changed: Only '1 set of munitions' held back Sullivan: Pause in military aid doesn't mean Biden will 'abandon Israel' Trump: Biden 'surrounded by fascists,' weapons delay to Israel 'shocking' www.timesofisrael.com/trump-biden-surrounded-by-fascists-weapons-delay-to-israel-shocking/ Experts Say Biden Is Prolonging War, Suffering in Gaza www.newsmax.com/politics/joe-biden-war-hamas/2024/05/12/id/1164424/ Biden Administration Admits They Are Withholding Information from Israel on the Location of Hamas Leaders in Hidden Tunnels Blinken: US doesn't have 'double standards' on holding Israel accountable Biden faces bipartisan backlash on Capitol Hill over Israel ultimatum www.cnn.com/2024/05/12/politics/biden-lawmakers-congress-israel-ultimatum-weapons-israel/index.html Rep. McCaul: US Shouldn't Ban Israel From Finishing Its War www.newsmax.com/politics/michael-mccaul-israel-rafah/2024/05/12/id/1164425/ Sen. Rick Scott: 'Israel Has No Choice but to Destroy Hamas' www.newsmax.com/politics/rick-scott-israel-hamas/2024/05/12/id/1164432/ Egypt to Join South Africa'c ICJ Case Against Israel; Senior Israeli Officials: 'New Low in Relations Between Countries' Egypt joins ICJ case against Israel as one official warns Rafah op puts peace at risk Coons: Netanyahu Could 'Break' U.S.-Israel Strategic Relationship www.breitbart.com/clips/2024/05/12/coons-netanyahu-could-break-u-s-israel-strategic-relationship/ Netanyahu's legacy could be 'a break' in relationship between US and Israel, Democratic senator says Blinken: 'Israel Has Not Acted in a Manner That's Consistent with International Humanitarian Law' Sen. Cotton: Israel Doing More Than Any Army to Prevent Civilian Casualties www.newsmax.com/politics/tom-cotton-israel-civilian-casualties/2024/05/12/id/1164427/ UK foreign minister rejects Rafah offensive without 'clear plan' to save lives www.timesofisrael.com/uk-foreign-minister-rejects-rafah-offensive-without-clear-plan-to-save-lives/ UN halves estimates of women and children killed in Gaza www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-800772 UNRWA staff accused of stealing humanitarian aid for Palestinians: 'Corruption is widespread' www.christianpost.com/news/unrwa-workers-stealing-humanitarian-aid-for-palestinians-ngo.html UN Agency Accused of 'Stealing Aid' at Gaza, Yet UN Blames Israel www.nysun.com/article/un-agency-accused-of-stealing-aid-at-gaza-yet-un-blames-israel Israel opens 3rd crossing into northern Gaza to 'increase aid routes' during war Erdogan says Netanyahu's 'genocidal methods would make Hitler jealous' www.timesofisrael.com/erdogan-says-netanyahus-genocidal-methods-would-make-hitler-jealous/ Sanders: Israel 'Has Gone to War Against the Entire Palestinian People' - "Any objective observer knows Israel has broken international law, it has broken American law, and, in my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickle in U.S. military aid" www.commondreams.org/news/sanders-israel-war-palestinian-people Sanders says Americans don't 'want to be complicit' in 'starvation' in Gaza thehill.com/homenews/senate/4659039-bernie-sanders-americans-dont-want-complicit-starvation-gaza/ Lindsey Graham: Military Officials 'Full of Crap,' Israel Should Do Whatever it Takes to Survive Warmonger Lindsey Graham Suggests Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Iran and Palestine to Protect Israel www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/warmonger-lindsey-graham-suggests-dropping-nuclear-bombs-iran/ Lindsey Graham's Nuclear Bombs 'Tantrum' Sparks Backlash www.newsweek.com/lindsey-grahams-nuclear-bombs-tantrum-sparks-backlash-1899668 Israel Pushes Back Into Northern Gaza, Ups Military Pressure on Rafah www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/israel-gaza-rafah/2024/05/12/id/1164429/ IDF continues operations in Central Gaza and Rafah despite warnings from Egypt allisrael.com/day-219-idf-continues-operations-in-central-gaza-and-rafah-despite-warnings-from-egypt Rockets fired at Gaza border towns as Israel marks Memorial Day www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-13-2024/ Thousands sign up for Independence Day march backing Gaza resettlement - 'We will march together in order to demand the settlement of the entire Gaza Strip,' says ultranationalist MK endorsing Tuesday rally www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-sign-up-for-independence-day-march-backing-gaza-resettlement/ Demonstrations continue at universities across the country during weekend commencement ceremonies www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/universities-commencements-protests-rcna151805 Pro-Palestinian protests dwindle on campuses but US college graduations are marked by defiant acts Seinfeld speech at Duke commencement prompts walkout protesting his support for Israel Duke University students walk out on Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech, chant 'free Palestine' 'The Problem on Campuses Isn't Students Being Incited Against Israel, but Professors Doing the Inciting' Trump says he will deport international students who bring 'jihadism' or 'antisemitism' to college campuses Social media users are collectively blocking celebrities and influencers who have been silent on Gaza Gaza activists raise Palestinian flag higher than American flag in Chicago's Daley Plaza Anti-Israel 'Queers for Palestine' Protesters Block Access to Disney World in Florida Anti-Israel agitators arrested near Disney World after creating traffic nightmare www.foxnews.com/us/anti-israel-agitators-arrested-near-disney-world-after-creating-traffic-nightmare Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran obtained nuclear bombs - Biden faces criticism for failing to impose pressure campaign on Iran as it races toward nuclear weapon www.foxnews.com/world/iranian-lawmaker-declares-tehran-obtained-nuclear-bombs Amid intensified Russian assault on Ukraine, Putin removes defense minister Shoigu www.timesofisrael.com/amid-renewed-russian-assault-on-ukraine-putin-removes-defense-minister-shoigu/ Biden calls North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un president of South Korea in latest world leader blunder DOJ says Paul Pelosi attacker should get 40-year prison term due to 'terrorist' intent IRS Audit of Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ar-BB1mdtwU Bill Maher dredges up 2018 Stormy Daniels interview that totally undermines her Trump trial testimony Bill Maher Trashes Stormy Daniels Testimony over Blatant Contradictions in Past Interview Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg is Accused of 'Misleading the Court' in Trump Hush Money Case Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/newly-unsealed-document-reveals-lawyer-attorney-client-privilege/ Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump 'Hush Money' Lawfare Trial on Monday www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/convicted-perjurer-michael-cohen-take-stand-trump-hush/ Hillary Clinton Issues Desperate Plea for Political Prosecutors to Resolve Trump Trials Before November Election Hundreds protest in Tunisia to demand a date for fair presidential elections AI that simulates dead people risks 'haunting' relatives, scientists warn www.independent.co.uk/tech/ai-dead-chatbot-deadbot-deepfake-b2542107.html G5 - Extreme geomagnetic storm likely as another set of CMEs merges and impacts Earth on May 12 Cluster of earthquakes shakes south of US-Mexico border, felt in San Diego County www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/earthquake-cluster-south-of-us-mexico-border/3512548/ Strong M6.4 earthquake hits near the coast of Chiapas, Mexico watchers.news/2024/05/12/strong-m6-4-earthquake-hits-near-the-coast-of-chiapas-mexico/ 5.9 magnitude earthquake hits the Kermadec Islands region earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000my4x/executive 5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Lata, Solomon Islands earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000my6p/executive 5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Modisi, Indonesia earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000my6q/executive 5.0 magnitude earthquake hits the central East Pacific Rise earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000my7f/executive Sabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 33,000ft www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 22,000ft www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupts to 21,000ft www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Popocateptl volcano in Mexico erupts to 19,000ft www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH24/POPO/2024E121538.html Sangay volcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ft www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH24/SANGAY3/2024E130435.html Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 17,000ft www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH24/FUEG/2024E130325.html Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 16,000ft www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH24/REVE/2024E130255.html Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft www.ssd.noaa.gov/VAAC/ARCH24/SANTAMA/2024E130752.html Semeru volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml Manam volcano in Indonesia erupts to 15,000ft www.bom.gov.au/products/Volc_ash_recent.shtml At least 125 tornadoes reported across the country since Monday abcnews.go.com/US/105-tornadoes-reported-country-monday/story?id=110099630 Tornado Hits Pennsylvania Town During Church Service weather.com/storms/severe/video/tornado-hits-pennsylvania-town-during-church-service Flood-hit Brazil braces for more chaos with heavy rains to come and nearly 2 million people affected Dogs, Horses, Rabbits: More Than 10,000 Animals Rescued From Brazil Floods 'Catastrophic floods' kill more than 300 in Afghanistan, wash away entire villages Severe dust storm strikes Delhi-NCR, killing three and injuring over 20, India watchers.news/2024/05/12/dust-storm-delhi-may-2024/ Smoke from Canadian wildfires reaches US, Minnesota under air quality alert Wildfire in Canada forces thousands to evacuate as smoke causes dangerous air quality www.cbsnews.com/news/wildfire-canada-forces-evacuate-smoke-dangerous-air-quality/ Storm Ravages World's Largest Floating Solar Plant, Takes It Offline Days After Launch www.westernjournal.com/storm-ravages-worlds-largest-floating-solar-plant-takes-offline-days-launch/ Bill Gates Wants a Vaccine to Stop Cow Farts, Save Planet From So-Called Climate Change www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/bill-gates-wants-vaccine-stop-cow-farts-save/ Leo Hohmann: Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global 'One Health' Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/leo-hohmann-patrick-wood-explains-link-between-global/ Pope Francis: World Nearing 'Breaking Point' from Climate Change Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena' www.foxnews.com/faith-values/vatican-preparing-guidelines-apparitions-supernatural-phenomena.amp Over 1,600 Declare Their Faith at Record-Breaking FL Beach Baptism Schools turn to artificial intelligence to spot guns as companies press lawmakers for state funds Woman uses self-checkout to steal more than $60,000 of items from same Target store over span of a year abcnews.go.com/US/woman-checkout-steal-60000-items-same-target-store/story?id=110098171 Ghana demolition leaves over 6,000 Liberian refugees displaced, 65 churches looted, destroyed www.christianpost.com/news/ghana-demolition-leaves-over-6000-liberian-refugees-displaced.html South Side Chicago pastor says 'faith in government is very low' after seeing city resources go to migrants Freudian Slip: Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as 'Voters,' Says Speaking Spanish is America's 'Future' www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/freudian-slip-dementia-joe-refers-illegal-aliens-as/ House GOP to investigate spike in Chinese illegal immigrants Panama's newly elected president to shut down treacherous migration route toward US Horror video shows trans woman allegedly run over man, then kiss his body and stab him 9 times nypost.com/2024/05/11/us-news/texas-trans-woman-runs-over-man-kisses-his-body-stabs-him-police/ J.K. Rowling Doubles Down Amid Backlash for Criticizing World's First Openly Transgender Football Manager www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/j-k-rowling-doubles-down-amid-backlash-criticizing/ Evangelical college dismisses professor after opposition to pro-LGBT social media posts www.christianpost.com/news/christian-college-dismisses-professor-accused-of-woke-posts.html Abortion Rights Get a Win in Texas - A small Texas town unanimously voted against a proposed ordinance to declare itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn Man Who Received First Ever Genetically-Engineered Pig Kidney Transplant Dies Nearly Two Months Later www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/man-who-received-first-ever-genetically-engineered-pig/ Tourist struck with horrific Ebola-like virus in Paris holiday hotspot as warning issued uk.news.yahoo.com/tourist-struck-horrific-ebola-virus-151710369.html Lassa fever: Ebola-like bug that causes bleeding from the eyes and spread by rats found in Paris www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/lassa-fever-ebola-like-bug-32762299 Mers outbreak in Saudi Arabia puts health experts on high alert Saudi Reports 3 Cases, Including 1 Death, From Deadly MERS Coronavirus www.ndtv.com/world-news/saudi-reports-3-cases-including-1-death-from-deadly-mers-coronavirus-5633974 70 Dairy Farm Workers in Colorado Monitored for Symptoms After Exposure to Bird Flu Virus www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/70-dairy-farm-workers-colorado-monitored-symptoms-after/ Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors were Bribed to Push COVID Vaccines - And Leaked Insurance Documents Back Him Up www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/dr-peter-mccullough-reveals-how-much-doctors-were/ Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided 'Separate' Covid Shots for Employees Slovakia will not support new pandemic treaty enrsi.rtvs.sk/articles/news/362844/slovakia-will-not-support-new-pandemic-treaty Vaccine side effects censorship drove vaccine hesitancy: nurse www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/vaccine-side-effects-censorship-drove-vaccine-hesitancy-nurse/ CDC Kept 780,000 COVID Shot Adverse Event Reports Hidden thevaccinereaction.org/2024/05/cdc-kept-780000-covid-shot-adverse-event-reports-hidden/ Birth Pang Tracker Link: Another day deeper into this mess. I fully support Israel in their endevers to wipe out Hamas. I pray for the safety of their solders and all the innocent people caught up in this and peace for Israel.