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What If I don’t go in the rapture….

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Want another sign … how close the rapture is?   This just happened yesterday … :popcorn

Someone posted

By the way Saudi Arabia and other Abrahamic accord signers sided with the Palestinians, it does not look like they will be protesting; they be more inquiring because they could not care less.

I duck duck and I found this article

Saudi Arabia renews its demands for an independent Palestine state
28th April 2022. 07:14 am.

Saudi Arabia restated its position on Palestine before the United Nations on Wednesday, calling for the end of Israeli occupation, the establishment of an independent Palestinianstate with Jerusalem as its capital city …

So this is now in play with them not caring or coming to Israel’s rescue … but watching God deliver Israel out of the hands of their enemies.   What an awesome show that is going to be … Hollywood wouldn’t be able to match it in a million years.

Ezekiel 38:13
Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish; with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take the spoil? hast thou assembled thy company to take the prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take great spoil?


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Absolutely, we are in a high watch time in History and I cannot foresee at this time any reason to stop watching, its just part of who I am.  Although sometimes I wonder if it has had a negative effect on my family because some, who are not so much into watching see me as the boy who keeps crying wolf.  But again, please don’t anyone take this post the wrong way, I am not discouraged in my watch, but rather encouraged that it is not my race to make it to the rapture, its just my race to be faithful until the end, whenever that might occur to me, and when I had the realization that even if I die someday naturally, its ok.

In the meantime I keep watching expectantly and look at every single  tiny thing in my day as a serendipity, God whispering through His creation and here was my serendipity for today - the farm I manage has a couple of fig trees that I cover up and insulate to get them through the winter, and they are just starting to come back - so I took a couple pictures of them to share because they remind me of this scripture:

““Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:32‬



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Nice figs trees are they on your property?

Well here is something encouraging … Blue posted a youtube and I took this snap shot chart.

The question is … does the church leave on Sunday, Sept 25th  or since the church is the Barley … when is the Barley harvest?  May or June?  Perhaps we leave then???



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Yes, those are on the farm that I work for a couple mile down the road from me - I always look forward to late summer when I am on the lawnmower taking care of the lawn, I go by the fig trees and grab a snack to go yum!  I also have a little fig tree at my house, I bought it for my mom 2 years ago for Mother’s Day because she always wanted one, it was just a little 10 inch twig then, but when she passed last year I took it and re potted it and kept it in my house over the winter and its grown to be so big I am going to plant it in a few weeks (if we are still here!). I’ll have to check out Blue’s Youtube video can you link it here or is that a no no?

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Blue posted it this morning in the:

“2022 Tribulation thread”

“Jubilee 2022? (Part 1) - Whiteboard Animated Version”

Post #98164

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Cool thanks!

Patricia N.
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In response to Geri's question about when the barley harvest is.  The video says it takes two weeks after Aviv for the barley to ripen enough to harvest.  Lots of info on the internet and it is often contradictory.  Some folks count by the phase of the moon and some by the state of the barley.  Safe to say it is near Passover.

Passover Is In THE Abib / Aviv Month    Last Updated 4/2/22

NOTE: The new moon was not sighted the evening of April 2, 2022 in Jerusalem due to cloud covering, so by default our new month and year begins the 30th day of the month, the evening of April 3rd.  The aviv barley is more than ready with the finishing of a 13th month.

Interesting that the included 10-minute video says the barley was Aviv at the 7th plague, but the Israelis left Egypt after the 10th plague.



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Oh Derrick!!! Don't let Satan get into your head!!! Rebuke him!!! 🙁

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Sorry it took me so long to reply to this Dan, I’ve been kind of busy the past few days and wanted to wait until I had more time for a thoughtful reply - yes, what you said exactly, daily manna.

And I guess this was the whole point of this post for me too, was to just take things day by day and not worry so much about what my life would look like if the rapture for some reason didn’t happen in my lifetime.

Right now that seems inconceivable to me, but as you said, daily manna, I have learned to take things day by day and not worry about what my life will look like 30 years from now, but rather let each day lead me into the next knowing that wherever that path leads me, even if it leads eventually to a natural death it will all work out ok as long as I keep running my race faithfully.

Good word, brother.

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Absolutely Sonya, I never let that old bugger rent any head space with me.  And that was the point of this post also, sometimes the evil one likes to lie to us and tell us how bad our lives are going to be if the rapture doesn’t happen soon, soon, SOON!  And I have learned not to give audience to any of that, but to trust in my Savior, knowing that whichever road my life eventually leads to, it can only lead to one of two paths, rapture or resurrection and either way its all good!

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