Ok ... I just went over there to see if its up and running ... nope but seriously look at the latest list of links! You can’t help but think of the heavenly wedding and ... pigeon food is on that list ... just more proof that our pets will be up in heaven and will be invited to the banquet celebration! :mdrmdr: I believe it is John Tng who manages the fivedoves website. I have sent articles to him at John FiveDoves<[email protected]>, so he probably could be reached with an e-mail there. I emailed on Christmas, maybe others should do the same. Hope John is OK. The Fivedoves website is back online now. I hope it stays working. Hi bgkimbr, just curious what Domain name are you using? If I type 5Doves ... there is no website to click on If I type FiveDoves ... the articles are very old - (January & Nov 2018) I go to http://www.fivedoves.com/ and it works for me. http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2019/dec.htm is the url for the newest letters (for December 29th, 2019). I can't find the page via google, but I found it in the other browser. Already in google! (other sheep?) I’m still having trouble finding the current letters too in both Google and Yahoo search engines. In Google http://www.fivedoves.com/ only see May - June 2019 articles In Yahoo only see April 2019 articles I can only get to the latest articles by clicking on the link that bgkimbr provided: http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2019/dec.htm is the url for the newest letters (for December 29th, 2019) Dec 29 9:52 am EST still can’t get the sight to come up (using www.fivedoves.com) Works for me: I read today's articles at:
So glad it's back. My main prophecy news go to!
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