I just voted :yahoo: Drove to the town hall and made sure the paper ballot went into the town clerks voting box since I don’t trust the local postal service to deliver by Nov 3rd. Then I headed over to the local grocery store to stock up on more non perishable foods. Progresso soups on sale for 99 cents, canned mandarin oranges, cherries, pineapple, marshmallows on sale ... I actually feel like making an ambrosia salad instead of keeping these reserved only for “chaos days” after the election (if we are still here). I noticed they removed the one way arrows. Perhaps they finally realized how ridiculous that was? Or do they just not care since the end is coming? :unsure: They probably realized the futility of it. I never paid attention to the arrows :mdrmdr: Ambrosia salad sounds amazing! I was able in Florida to check and track my ballot to be sure it got counted already. If we are still here on voting day, I’m going to be one of those souls that gets up at dark thirty and head to the poll to be there when it opens, come rain, sleet, hail, or high water (too early for snow) :mdrmdr: , stand in line and do my due diligence. Then head home and hunker down in the bat cave waiting for the preverbal shoe to drop ..... :scratch: :wacko: Sounds like you are well prepared for the short haul :mdrmdr: I haven’t made an Ambrosia salad in a for- night :wacko: , sounds like a plan man, enjoy! :yes: Today was my day to venture out to Wally- World, early, before the crowds.... a few souls out and about .... I got my weekly supplies and stocked up on a few more “long term” items ... ended up going to Kroger to finish my list (box almond milk -exp date 07/2021, we should be way gone). If we have time, I will make one more trip out to buy supplies and then the real wait begins ..... do-do-do-da-dut-do-do-do-do, do-da-dut-do-do-do! I’ll take door number 1, please Monty —- hooray! It’s the rapture express! :flyup: :prayer-hands: After friends and relatives warning me about chaos at election time, I stocked up too: canned goods, instant potatoes, instant milk, boxed broth, canned beef and canned chicken, noodles, dried beans, rice, cereals, and of course toilet paper ?. It seems like the responsible thing to do. More important is our spiritual nourishment: constant prayer, staying in the Word, and repentance when necessary. This Abraham Accord has really gotten my spiritual antennae up. I think it may take the Rapture as the next event to kickstart the events in Revelation Oh yeah, don’t forget to get coffee!