What do you think of this video on how to make HCQ Cool … well hot tea with lemon helps when you have colds so I believe it. I just googled more on this … they also use peelings of grapefruits with the lemon peels. When I make homemade Italian Lemon or Lime Ice … not only do I use the juice but I also grate the skin to give it more flavor. Its sooooo good along with the boiling of the sugar water and adding into the mixture. I love grapefruits but I usually buy them already prepared in the BIG Del Monte plastic containers. I will have to get the fresh ones so I have the peels. Last night was soooo cold 37 degrees … I felt a sore throat coming on after being outdoors walking my dog. So I quickly poured a glass of O.J. and took a gummy vitafusion triple immune power Elderberry/zinc/Vitamin D and also a vitafusion vitamin C gummy. And the sore throat went away fast. I also keep Mucinex pills to remove any fluid build up in my lungs. So recovery from either a cold or the flu is pretty quick. Thank you for the info Geri. The ingredients are healthy either way. I like pink grapefruits. Grapefruit is supposed to have quinine like substances in it but not actual quinine. Hydroxychloroquine is a weakened version of quinine. I don't think one could actually call this liquid hydroxychloroquine but I also don't think it would hurt anyone. I do think that eating the fruit itself would be more beneficial- but I am sure this liquid would be better for us than soft drinks lol Certainly is appealing. :whistle: :yes:
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