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Patricia N.
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‘Total Loss’ After ‘Reckless’ Russian Jets Collide With USAF Drone Over Black Sea, Says DOD:

A U.S. drone was lost over international waters on Tuesday after a pair of Russian fighter jets flew dangerously close to the aircraft, dumping fuel onto the drone and then striking its propeller.

A MQ-9 ‘Reaper’ drone — an unmanned aerial surveillance and attack drone — was lost over the Black Sea on Tuesday, the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) said, with U.S. Air Forces Europe blaming the loss on what amounted to an attack by Russian fighter jets.

While, according to an account of the interaction leading to the loss of the U.S. drone seen by Breitbart News, no weapons were fired in the confrontation two Russian Sukhoi 27 fighter jets used unconventional means to push the aircraft out of the sky. EUCOM said of the incident: “Two Russian Su-27 aircraft conducted an unsafe and unprofessional intercept… one of the Russian Su-27 aircraft struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters."

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

China's President Xi Jinping will travel to Moscow next week to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

MOSCOW: Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Thursday that he would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost troop numbers in the Middle Eastern country, suggesting Russia’s military presence there should become permanent. When Russia intervened in the Syrian Civil War in 2015, it helped tip the balance in Assad’s favor, ensuring the Syrian leader’s survival despite Western demands that he be toppled. Assad, who met President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Wednesday, has supported Russia’s war in Ukraine and told Russia’s state news agency RIA that Damascus recognizes the territories claimed by Russia in Ukraine. Syria, Assad said, would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost Russian troop numbers — and said they need not be temporary.

Poland plans to place HIMARS systems near the border with the Kaliningrad region. In response, Russia ordered its military to aim missiles at Poland.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is making a surprising official visit to the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by his wife.

Poland's ambassador to France says that his country will intervene in the war if it sees that Ukraine is losing.


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Nobody seems to understand what this war is about. But then few remember why Russia put missiles in Cuba in ‘62. Seems everyone knows the story except for one small detail. In ‘62 NATO had placed medium range missiles in Turkey, which is basically Russia’s back yard. Khrushchev demanded they be removed but they were not. So Khrushchev did what he had to do. Fast forward to the Obama administration. They were going to place missiles in Ukraine, Russia’s other back yard. Russia massed over 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border. When Trump took office he diffused the situation and Russia retracted her troops. Now, Ukraine wants to be a member if NATO and Russia will not allow it. Astonishing that Poland cannot understand this.

Patricia N.
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They probably do understand it.

I'm not a great student of history but perhaps the Polish remember what it was like when Germany invaded their sovereign nation at the beginning of World War II.  So they may feel empathy for Ukraine.

And they may worry that, even though they belong to NATO, they could be next on Russia's hit list.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Russia and China have signed many agreements concerning economic and other cooperation between the two countries. In addition, Russia appreciates China's position regarding the war in Ukraine, and China appreciates Russia's willingness to enter into negotiations.

Commentary: Russia is trying to do everything it can to reach a ceasefire before an expected Ukrainian counter-offensive in the spring.

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According to Colonel Douglas Macgregor he believes the Russians will bury the Ukrainians once the mud clears.

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like everyone does, Amir has bias.

I don't know whose commentary that is, it implies that Russia is afraid of Ukrainian counter-offensive in the spring.

That is propaganda.


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If you are interested and have some time, please watch below.

They have loser's bias. I think well worth of your time.

That will explain some of Polish leadership's not very wise move back then and again for now. They have big ego and hatred without reality based backing.

If you finish those then please, watch below.

These will give you some insight.

Please, let me know what you think.




Patricia N.
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Just FYI, that was not my commentary; it was Amir's.

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