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Ah, but we are forgetting the vision God gave to Peter! Mushrooms are back on the menu! 😉


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When you get notifications you can delete them in bulk.

There is an empty square box on the top left to tick, then where it says Bulk (botom left) there is a drop down menu, select delete and then click Apply, this will delete all notifications selected.

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So Ready said: That is the price you must pay since you are popular, famous, very active and much loved.

Tammie said: Popularity has its sacrifices, every diva understands this stress and tireless struggle to maintain their own greatness.  Good job brother! 

Tammie, I think SR's comment was directed at Geri! 😉

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Stop! :bye:  in the name of sanity … before you break my heart. Cry  Think it over … Think it over … “Well … I don’t see mushrooms on the list for Peter to eat!”  :whistle:   :yahoo:   Or  … are … you … lumping “creeping things” …. with … fungus?! :scratch:    🙁    :negative:

Acts 10:9-16

On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:

And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.


And WHAAAT was that … are you implying I deserve all those never ending notifications because I have the … um … “gift to gab  till the cows come home?” B-)

Oh Loz, “la ringrazio tanto” (thank you so much … in Italiano)  for the instructions for ((instant)) bulk notification removal! :yahoo:

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Ooooooo well, it can be worn by the tireless ones who fish through soooo many responses as related to the role of a mod toooooo, just saying! Be brave grasshopper, own it! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Incredible new evidence' teased as plaintiff vows appeal in rejected Michigan election fraud case

Washington Examiner. Com

by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor  May 21, 2021


The Michigan man behind a 2020 election fraud lawsuit in Antrim County promised "big things" ahead in the case despite a judge's dismissal.

Bill Bailey, a Central Lake Township resident, told supporters in a livestream Tuesday that "there's multiple fronts" in which he and his attorney, Matthew DePerno, plan to take the legal fight after 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin Elsenheimer rejected an effort to force a new audit of the results.

Bailey said an appeal is "definitely" happening but noted "another option" is under consideration. He also said there is "incredible new evidence" of fraud and predicted the judge "will see it" at some point.

"Don't be disheartened by the judge's decision today," Bailey assured his supporters.

DePerno and Bailey initially sued over a local marijuana retailer proposal, but the lawsuit has since expanded to the presidential contest.

Early issues with the presidential election results drew national attention to the Republican-leaning county in northern Michigan of about 23,000 residents. The results initially showed President Joe Biden winning the race, but tabulation errors were quickly discovered, and once rectified, former President Donald Trump was shown to be the victor.

State and county officials have blamed human error (a failure to update software across the county) for the mishap, but Bailey and DePerno contend Dominion Voting Systems machines could have been used to manipulate the election. The defendants, which includes the Antrim County clerk Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the voting machine company denied these claims.

DePerno and Bailey had been pressing for their own audit of the contest, but the defendants argued that such an audit already took place. The defendants also filed a joint motion for summary disposition, claiming the court already addressed what the plaintiffs sought in their original complaint. The judge said Michigan law gives the secretary of state the right to perform audits and determined that the case was moot. "There is no reason to do it twice," he said.

A December hand recount in Antrim County found a deviation of just a dozen votes from the first tabulation, with 9,759 votes won by Trump and 5,959 going to Biden, who won the state of Michigan and its 16 Electoral College votes by roughly 150,000 ballots. And, as the defense argued, a statewide audit affirmed the results in February.

The dismissal of the last of the lawsuits attempting to undermine democracy in furtherance of the Big Lie affirms that despite intense scrutiny, and an unprecedented misinformation campaign, the 2020 election was fair and secure, and the results accurately reflect the will of the voters," Benson said after the ruling.

During his livestream with supporters after the Tuesday hearing, Bailey took aim at the opposition.

"Anybody that's watching this from the other side that somehow thinks that Bill Bailey and the patriots are going away and, you know, you somehow got a victory and the war is over: Put down the crack pipe, man, you're dreaming," he said.

He also speculated Elsenheimer, a former Republican state legislator, caved to "some politicking" in making his decision this week, though Bailey conceded he did not know for sure. Bailey did take issue with the judge reading part of a provision to the Michigan Constitution regarding statewide election audits, which Elsenheimer cited the plaintiff did not have a right to a custom audit.

Bailey highlighted a section that followed that reads, "All rights set forth in this subsection shall be self-executing. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of voters' rights in order to effectuate its purposes." He speculated the judge left that part out "by design" and reasoned that Elsenheimer "couldn't have made that argument" if he'd read further.

Despite the unfavorable ruling to Bailey's cause, Elsenheimer didn't reject the idea that there were issues with the election, and also said he anticipated an appeal.

"By deciding this motion, the court is not saying that there were no problems in the way that Antrim County conducted its November 2020 elections," Elsenheimer said. "The clerk has admitted that there were challenges and problems in the elections, although the hand count ultimately of the presidential election showed the results were largely consistent with the canvas totals that were entered by the state and reported by the county. Nor am I saying that the processing of election data here wasn't corrupted or corruptible. I don't have the facts to make that determination."

He then referred to the recent Colonial Pipeline hack that caused gasoline shortages in swaths of the country.

"The plaintiff's reports and news of the day, including a computer hack recently of a main petro fuel pipeline on the east coast might well suggest that this is something that policymakers should be looking into in the future," he said. "If election results were to be held for ransom in the future, one could only imagine what would happen."

The case brought by Bailey and DePerno distinguished itself as being one of the few 2020 election fraud lawsuits to make any headway.

In an early victory, the judge allowed the plaintiffs to pick Allied Security Operations Group, a Dallas-based cybersecurity firm, to perform a “forensic audit” of the Dominion machines in the county on Dec. 6. In a report, ASOG concluded that Dominion machines were “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

This effort prompted Benson to warn voters to be wary of a "misinformation campaign" by "individuals with no apparent technical expertise in election technology," and Dominion CEO John Poulos blasted the ASOG report in a hearing with Michigan lawmakers, testifying that the findings were “categorically false” and released by a “biased group.” His company, a target of fraud claims, has filed multiple defamation lawsuits since the November election.

J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan, wrote a report released by the Michigan Department of State that argued human error led to early tabulation errors in Antrim County. While Halderman acknowledged vulnerabilities in the election technology, he stressed that "there is no evidence that any of these problems was ever exploited in Antrim County."

Prior to the hearing Tuesday, Elsenheimer recently allowed DePerno to proceed with an "expert witness" list and 30 days for testimony to rebut Halderman's report. Benson, a Democrat, also asked the judge last week to excuse her from a May 24 deposition.

Among other new irregularities he said his team found, DePerno claimed last week the recount in December tallied 15,962 ballots, but only 14,901 votes were shown in the Michigan secretary of state's database, meaning 1,061 don't exist on voter rolls. He said this was evidence of the existence of "phantom ballots."

Jake Rollow, a spokesman for the Michigan secretary of state's office, rejected the claim.

"The December hand tally of all ballots cast for president in Antrim County was carried out by bipartisan officials, and it showed that the county’s vote-counting machines were extremely accurate. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and should be considered misinformation being used to undermine all American citizens’ faith in our collective democracy," he told the Washington Examiner.

Former President Donald Trump had cheered on the lawsuit, along with the election audits in Maricopa County, Arizona, and Windham, New Hampshire.

"The major Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from President Trump to Joe Biden," he said in a recent statement shared by his Save America PAC.

The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States. All Republicans must UNIFY and not let this happen. If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned. The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. They have lost all credibility, but ultimately, they will have no choice!" the former president said.

- Fair Use -


I’m just wondering if Biden is only in office long enough to set the prophetic stage in the Middle East with the push for the 2 state solution … and then if Trump gets reinstated … the far left wouldn’t be able to handle that news of the true election winner and chaos, riots and protests unfold in America and this keeps America occupied from coming to Israel’s aid for the G/M attack  … and of course, throw in that the rapture happens as well …

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Geri, squirrel moment——

there was a song by Louis Armstrong in the late 1930’s or early 40’s called Won’t you come home Bill Bailey :mdrmdr:  for your listen pleasure and Educational and Fair Use ....

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This is a first I’m hearing this oldie but goodie. :yes:

For some reason … while listening … it made me think  of the old Beetle Bailey comics …

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My apologies for hi-jacking the string but my mom used to play that when I was very young and it just hit me as nostalgic— the comic Bill Bailey I had not thought of :mdrmdr:

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I just saw this comment on another forum board …

“Yes, Donald and Melania are saved and showed up at my church, Christ Fellowship in Palm Beach Gardens, on Easter Sunday. He used to attend a Presbyterian church on the beach but to see him at our church was a welcome surprise, singing the worship songs, etc. I miss him!” - Fair Use -

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