I Want to Thank the Moderators Richard and others who forced my Password through the sausage grinder and made it come out as a new topping on this fine tasting RITAN Pizza; also thanks muchly to my old and now new buddy Humbly for his inspiration that triggered my forthcoming less inspiring poem which all members can now pick apart with there devouring chops, yum, yum! "Thus SAITH": Not A Prophecy, Just For PROFIT---> SEE! Rise up my beloved and shed your mortal skins and come up here and fly away, wait! NO! That's just my own wishful thinking as I see another rapture watch date pass by another circled calendar day ; Looking at my old tarnished and yellowing rapture train ticket that I'd purchased years ago by His blood, now my skin is aged and wrinkled and teeth decaying and digesting more and more crud(not really I am still in good health); What happened to all those prophecies about peace in the middle east and rivers turning to blood and now streams are turning to mud? and what with the Manchild going up in the air after getting that first birth smack? Now just delay upon delay , no peace pack or sudden Magog-Arab alliance Attack hey you pesky Mosquito get off sticking your hypodermic needle in my back-jack; The main players are now all on the battlefield but foul whistles from the reffs for timeouts are stacking the benches for another overtime, If I see the enemy do another hail mary play to prolong this horse and pony game, I swear I'll toss up my hands in the air and declare "Crime In Italy" ---> (though Italy does have too much crime! Here I am setting on my hands with storage boxes all ready to go into the u-haul truck rented by the thief in the night for the long hull; But as He looks on in the distance with a tear in His eye can't help but observe as this chain of events on us His people waiting has been taking its Jefrow TULL; Having tied up all our losses and loose ends and dotted our I's and crossed all our T's , having watched over and over every season of The Office show on our TVS and DVDs ; This March Madness is more than I can handle and instead its much more than just antisapating an up and down market upheaval , or the loud squeaking of quart tennis shoes which to me is very quite evil; Having put away everything that would make a weak minded person studder with a mouth full of doubt, I just shoe flattened every emotion that would boil over in the soul until a residue of peace of mind started streaming out; What we are seeing is the perfecting of our patience and the finishing of our FAITH---> Cause once it has been tested to all the outer limits, its time then for the Heavenly AUTHOR to shout Come Up Here!! "" THUS SAITH!!""" Thanks To you Humbly for bringing me out of the dust and cobwebs with your very anointed poem which triggered this pointed and disjointed offspring of my tribute to this earthly journey into uncharted waters of waning antisapation and armchair gripping ---and as own famous musical writer once said "Waiting Is The Hardest Part" _Tom Petty Glad to hear you are in good health old friend 😁👍 Melissa, do you remember how myself and Lisaleenie had hours of humorous banter among the members of old Rita Town? Those were the good old days, what username did you use back then, my memory is not as good as my health Yes I do remember and username is the same. Did you know that Tom had passed a couple years back. It is amazing how this site has blossomed, especially on Facebook. There are about 72,000 members over there! Whether actual members or just people checking out the site and then auto-signed up by Facebook, still a great witness I think ☺️ Are you still in Kansas? We are in Arizona from Ohio! Still watching and amazed at the unfolding drama in the news, fake or otherwise! Melissa, very soon I will be posting some good stuff that aligns with what might be going on in the spiritual world with several events which have taken place around the world and in the United States which ties into a famous prophecy and is along a straight line which happens to target as the center point my hometown team the Kansas City Chiefs, it will really blow people away I wonder how many new members were added to our freeload of fun from the influence of all the work and sweat by the original prime time players, now we can watch the new troops shine and make there mark and touch others with their new insights and commeroteray, and I know I spelled that round, hee hee Absolutely enjoying seeing this place grow on a firm foundation☺️👍🙏🙏🙏 Scott — nice to “see” hear you are back and in good health :good: Nice satire of our time of waiting — and why on earth would you think we would pick it apart — The Father gives each of us a gift to share our heart with like minded individuals. FYI - I remember Lisaleenie as well and look forward to seeing her soon! :prayer-hands: Tammie I guess my reply wasn't submitted, I hit the submit but nothing went through, sometimes I have to hit it twice on my smartphone, what I meant by picking apart was in a good way, like hungry souls at a rib joint just gobbling the words up from a healthy and starving appetite, and not like hungry or mean vultures coming down and picking apart the dead poor carcass, I will probably have to get use to this new audience of new members on the website, after all when I have been missing in action for quite some time it will take me awhile to get to know the new family