I was just reading about the Poway Synagogue shooting. We see anti semitism on the rise and some are saying they don’t feel safe. I can’t help but think what its going to be like immediately following the rapture .... they will be targeted 24/7 perhaps even be falsely blamed for the great financial collapse as well. Do you see the ratio of Jews scattered globally will quickly pack up and purchase one way plane tickets to Jerusalem ... especially if the AC promises them a false sense of peace and security as well as a brand new temple to worship in? Or do you see many still staying put where they are and hoping things just get better? Kind of wondering where Israel will house them all that do decide to make the Holy Land their home. Also wonder where the 2 witnesses will stay to eat and sleep? Do you think the 144,000 will offer shelter for them? Just speculating: I think it will suddenly become much more attractive for Jewish people to return to Israel, especially if the nations are judged severely and make where they currently are located a much more hostile environment. Certainly the non-believers would blame the Christians and Jews for their suffering. Depending on the severity of global conditions, many Jews would see Israel as a safer place to go.
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April 30, 2019 7:28 am
1 Reply
April 30, 2019 8:39 am