The 2020 Election
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The 2020 Election

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Patricia N.
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Bombshell study finds more than 200,000 ballots from 2020 election with “mismatched signatures” indicating widespread fraud:

A newly published study reveals additional evidence that the 2020 presidential election in Arizona was stolen from President Donald Trump just like he and his campaign surrogates and attorneys have insisted now for more than a year.

The study, by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai of MIT, found more than 200,000 ballots from the election contained “mismatched signatures” and they were all counted in Maricopa County without being “cured” — that is, reviewed for accuracy and summarily fixed or rejected, as the law requires.

Liz Harrington, who handles communications for the former president, tweeted the results of the study.

“HUGE! In Arizona there were AT LEAST 229,430 early ballots with CLEARLY mismatched signatures In an election decided by 10,457 votes,” she wrote in a tweet that contained a short video of Ayyadurai explaining his findings.

"This analysis by Dr. Shiva is unimpeachable,” she continued with more examples, adding, “6 people — 3 forensic document examiners and 3 novices all agreed that 12 PERCENT of early mail-in ballots had mismatched signatures. Maricopa County only sent 1.3% for curing.  [examples of signatures at the link]

. . . there were plenty of very obviously mismatched signatures — way more than enough to overturn Arizona’s ‘election of Joe Biden’ for president.

Trump is right, again: What happened in 2020 was flat-out election theft.
