Spider plague, oh m...
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Spider plague, oh my!

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Well this is one creepy crawly that is very interesting indeed.



Not only a “plague” or swarm of spiders as never seen before, but we have quite a few low magnitude earthquakes in PA and TN, not your normal sites and a massive hurricane (Tsunami) heading toward an already devastated western India.

This week time has escalated to over drive with time flying by as well, yet there seems to be this eerie kind of calm or slowness before the storm, I have this feeling of “the shoe is about to drop”, like I’m holding my breath. :prayer-hands:  :feedback

fair use, please.

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Ew ... I don’t know what I would do if I saw that many spiders. :wacko:    This is almost as bad as seeing fish falling down from the sky!  They claim waterspout storms are to blame ... fish get sucked out of the lakes and oceans and then depending on the wind ... they get dropped on the main roads, people’s yards, on their cars, etc.  Can you imagine?  Ugh!   I wonder what is causing the spiders to suddenly appear in that region ...

And the earthquakes in diverse places and a massive tsunami headed for India?

Yep, I’m feeling the calmness too ... everything is waaay too quiet ... except for the train that occasionally passes by and blares the horn at the crossing junction down the hill from me.  Oh and the time speeding ... :wacko:

Yes indeed all the signs are here to keep watching and staying alert! :popcorn


David W. Roche
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I edited the title from "plaque" to "plague."


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Thank you David, I apologize for not reading over before posting!

Another thought hit me, has anyone noticed the “seemingly” quiet over the last few days, in regard to the discussions on the peace deal? I have not heard or seen any news on this in two days, it’s like we’ve gone “running silent”, so to speak. Even on twitter, Jerusalem Post, Eschatology, Rapture Ready, Prophecy Update, and Drudge nothing. As a matter of fact, other than the new normal chatter, nothing. Anybody, see anything else? :unsure:


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Yes, I noticed it too ... peace talk news suddenly went dormant and gay news seems to be the center of the attention ... pushed in our faces and vexing us ... it sure feels like we are living in Sodom :wacko:

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*shiver* I hate spiders! What a nightmare scenario. :wacko:

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Arachnosodom...    Yikes!

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"Plaque" is good! You can squash them with it 😉

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Well played - Yohanan! :mdrmdr:

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So, working in the field of healthcare that I am currently, I keep up with a lot of world, country, and state happenings that involve disasters via nature & disease. A “fun” site that helps with this is GDACS (Global Disaster Alerting Coordination System). It typically reports trends with approximately a 6 hr delay, but helpful.


another site that is also interesting and sometimes overwhelming with events, especially on the African Continent is


Another site, although quite liberal is the CDC, you can drill down under tools for state stats on current epidemic concerns and gov data trends.


We have so much available to us to know the very truth that God’s Word is alive  as Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

I love the part of this verse that says ...”is alive and active.”

So cool to be a part of the terminal generation who are privileged to see all these things come to pass. Almost like when Israel saw the plagues and manna :popcorn :prayer-hands:


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