Shofar to be blown ...
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Shofar to be blown on temple mount for the first time since....

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I was wondering how this was going to work out because now I’m reading Israel is “thinking” on being under total lockdown soon ... the government is meeting on this Thursday to decide.

Per Jerusalem Post

As Israel passed 1,000 deaths caused by the coronavirus on Saturday, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) warned that a national lockdown would be decided on and implemented soon, in an interview with Channel 12.  The interviewer pushed Deri on the decision by him and Housing and Construction Minister Ya'acov Litzman to vote against the decision by coronavirus commissioner Prof. Ronni Gamzu to place a lockdown on a number of cities throughout Israel, including haredi and Arab cities.

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And lets throw this into the brewing pot ... Russia is still staying mum ... I think because they are suppose to be the buffer police cop in Syria region .... do you see an evil plot thickening ... teaming up with Turkey with live fire exercises in the Mediterranean during .... drum roll please ... you got it ... FOT Sept 17 - 25 ... :whistle:

And if that isn’t enough to make your hair curl ... Macron and Erdogan are battling for the “BIG cheese” wannabe position.  Macron is sending over a French warship to the Mediterranean seas ... so they are all trying to get their hands on the oil and gas fields.  Some watchers are now speculating that the Middle East war “might” start in the Mediterranean Sea. :popcorn

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Meanwhile Israel “might” be in total lockdown ..  if the rapture should happen near FOT .... WOE baby ...


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