Senator to Hirono t...
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Senator to Hirono to Supreme Court Nominee Barrett "Are you a Sexual

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(@Anonymous 161)
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(@Anonymous 161)
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My post was deleted what I did post didnt post. Either way.

What I said was can you imagine hearing that from a US senator when you have raised 7 children 2 from war torn Haiti?

I hope Any Dufresne is correct. From Shaw Shank

Ecclesiasticus 21:5

“A prayer out of a poor man's mouth reacheth to the ears of God, and his judgment cometh speedily.”

I hope the fathers judgement cometh soon.

Why he's waited this long to rapture us is beyond me but I still hope daily. Maranatha

God is Good all of this time. Isnt He :good:


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Boulder, the unbelievable vulgarness of questions presented to Amy is beyond human dignity. She has handled herself just pristine and with true class and professionalism (can’t say the same for the bulk of her interrogators). I admired her before and that has only proven to be worth it, she needs our prayers to combat this evil for sure.

Heaven will be so awesome with pure righteousness :prayer-hands:

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If this does not show you how evil and vile the left, the demorats have become nothing will. I am disgusted to hear a question like this even asked of a mother, with no proof, evidence or any reason what so ever to even ask such a question. There is no such thing as a true Christian ever to vote for a democrat, the party of murdering children as well as evil in all they do! Come quickly Lord Jesus.

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Unfortunately, there are some Christians out there that will still vote for the Democratic Party knowing full well they support murdering babies, etc. because they want the perks - EBT cards, etc. I’ve encountered one such individual on another forum board that took offense when I talked negative about the O Administration and what they really stood for and in a pm she wanted me to remove that post.  I was shell shocked by her anger because she acted very spiritual on the forum board and  claimed many other friends of hers on that same forum also secretly supported O. :wacko:  What I posted was truth and exposed some shenanigans and she didn’t like to hear those facts ... so that opened up my eyes to the fake persona of some individuals having their conscience seared with a hot iron thinking the Lord Jesus wont bring this up @ the Judgment Seat of why they willfully  voted/supported such an evil organization.

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This article sums up the democratic party and why a true Christian should not vote democrat.  

This explains what and why a true Christian must make a choice, being democrat and Christian will and does not work,

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Speaking of O, they are full of fraud and deceit.

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Yep ... no doubt about it ... that’s a he trying to be a she.   :wacko:

Sadly many still want to stay in denial and don’t want to wake up and smell the coffee tea ... perhaps they are taking this ...


And if we are still here for Election Day ... hopefully this will be the result ...


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We can only pray this be true! Not that I hold to Trump as the answer, God is, but I would love to go out of here with an “in your face” statement of a landslide victory for the party holding on to the values, I hold close to my heart! :prayer-hands: :good: :yahoo: :popcorn :thankyou

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I would think Trump needs to win because his administration is setting the stage for the temporary “peace” of reuniting the nations involved in saying these prophetic words ...“have you come to take spoil ...”   Surely he hast to get them all on board with the treaty before leaving office.  I hope though its in the next 2 weeks so we can fly away or if he doesn’t win because of the democrat cheating ... surely he will make it his mission to get it done before Jan 20, 2021?


Speaking of democrats ... did you see this?   :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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