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Nann, I certainly would not eliminate the possibility of the 99 day count.  I have seen that interpretation before and personally have not subscribed to it, but I am also humble enough to know that I am a dummy and might not understand the day count instructions correctly or I might be misunderstanding the way God intended it to be interpreted.  I will readily admit it seems like it could read either way.

Lu Vega did a chart and an article on it at 5 doves this week making a case also for the 99 day count.  I did a thread a few weeks ago on Pentecost and talked about just what a mysterious date it is to calculate.  So in short I am all in for July 23 or the 22nd would be even better, or even better than that, today would not hurt my feelings at all!

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So odd that a few of us have been doing the calendar research — Have you ever noticed that God does not name the days of the week (no where in scripture) - Sunday, Monday etc… those are actually Roman names given via the Gregorian calendar and are symbolic of false gods —- Sunday = day of the sun; Monday = day of the moon; Tuesday = Ares (Greek god of war); etc….

God states the moon for the sabbath — Isaiah 66:23 “From new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, declares the LORD.”

In Numbers 28:11, the New Moon offering is commanded for the first time: “On the first of every month, present to the Lord a burnt offering of two young bulls, one ram and seven male lambs a year old, all without defect.”

God only states dates such as first day, second day, third day, etc… Not an actual date. The new moon begins the first day and the waning of no moon is the last day of the month.

Leviticus 23:10-11 “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, so that you may be accepted. On the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.“

As Jesus is our High Priest who will bring his Firstfruits (the bride) on the day after the Sabbath. Maybe the 22nd day of the month as 22 is the number of the cross (Psalms 22:2: "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" )

Do we go 50 days from there :unsure:  — still studying through it.

Just some interesting tidbits that I have been looking into …. May be way off but it is like God is trying to tell us something with so many people looking at calendars now - curious! :prayer-hands:

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I'm pan-trib.  I don't know when the rapture happens and will accept it when it does.

You are onto something here.  This is what I think...

One man said,
"I believe that the Lord will not Return in Our Lifetime - not while His Church, the Body of Christ, is at an all-time Low Attendance".


The man was 71 years old.  I think anyone who will be around another 15 - 20 years will witness it all. At the latest the Lord's return is 2040-2043 years, and earliest 11 - 15 years -2033-2037. This is based on the 7,000-year time and using the Hebrew and Gregorian calendar and allowing for leap years. IOW - We will reach the 6,000-year mark between 2033 and 2043.

I'm a bit disappointed in the prophetic scenario the 'experts' are promoting. I think there's too much attention on Rome, Pre-trib, and a global anti-Christ.
I'm sure we'll have discussions about it. I could describe myself as a pan-trib partial dispensationalist.  Hoping on pre-trib.

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Hi Jim,

We are glad to have you here but please keep in mind our posting rules, number 5 in particular. 5. This is a Pre-tribulation Rapture group and will not allow other beliefs such as Post-trib or Pre-Wrath views.

Nann Zinn
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I have only recently become acquainted with the Lunar Calendar.  I don't know whether or not it is the calendar God goes by...I just really like the idea that if one is basing days and time according to it, one could be anywhere in the world, with zero technology, and know where in the month and year they are (based on the moon and mazzaroth).

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Right! Exactly. And that brings us to Matt 24:29 The key being "if" they can see it. Just before Christ's Second Advent the moon will not give off it's light hence "No man knows the day or the hour". We know this is referring to the 2nd Coming because it is in Matthew 24 which was written for the Jews during the Trib and cannot be referring to the Rapture. But I digress. The Lunar Calendar is so much easier to follow. And they don't have to memorize "Thirty days has September, April, Jun and Nov............" :mdrmdr:

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Welcome Jim,

I kind of understand where you are coming from in that I have been a believer in the pre-tribulation rapture for many years, but I think many are getting shaken in that we have also seen a lot of stuff that we never thought the church would be around to see and because of that many are kind of giving up on the pre-trib view or at least questioning it.

We should always hope for the best - the Blessed Hope! The Rapture! But also prepare for the worst - we have no guarantee that we won’t see food shortages or persecutions or other trials in this life and might even have a few more years to wait it out in this fallen world, although we hope not  - but I think most here on this forum also acknowledge all of this.

And in fact, there is no guarantee that I will be raptured in my life - many saints have gone on before me and I could die before the rapture too!  So we all must live our lives ready and prepared for whatever life throws at us, but also ready to meet our God at any moment.

Anyone who no longer hopes for the pre tribulation rapture or is teaching something other than that has one big problem though- there is no Antichrist on the scene yet so until that rat fink shows up and is clearly identified as such (and not in the manner of speculation) I will always hold to my pre-trib belief as the correct one, because the Bible clearly tells us to comfort one another with these words.

It is easy to slip away from pre-trib these days because things are getting to be about as bad as we have ever seen them, but I want to encourage you to fellowship on this forum and be encouraged by the people that post here and understand that while no other views but pre-trib are entertained here, that’s kind of what we need sometimes to stay encouraged!

So please take encouragement from everyone here on the forum -keep on hoping for pre-trib  and everything will “pan” out as one day our Blessed Hope becomes the Blessed Present Reality!  Hopefully one day sooner rather than later!

Blessings to you brother!

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