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Short 3:39 minute clip from Aaron about …

Klaus Schwab’s goal to have everyone chipped by 2026


Rapture Soon! Microchips By 2026? Mid Point? :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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I have a sense that whatever God put/created/planted here on earth for us, will also be in Heaven for our eternal enjoyment. Surrounded by everything edible that He gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, while they walked and talked in daily, fellowship with our Lord in the midst of His creative provision. I can't see foods in heaven being any less once we have heaven on earth; only more so in every way and perhaps new creations. Everything edible coming from His Light and River of Life. Likely being even more beautiful and colorful with things never seen before. Smile
Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat, and it was so. Gen 1: 29-30

Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. Ezek 47:12

The mandrakes have given forth fragrance; and over our doors are all choice fruits, both new and old, Which I have saved up for you, my beloved. Song of Songs 7

When the grass disappears, the new growth is seen, And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in. Prov 27

For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God. Heb 6:7

For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land where you will eat food without scarcity, in which you will not lack anything...When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you. Deut 8: 7

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Nice research, Kolleen! :good:

And yet in our glorified bodies we don’t have to eat or drink if we don’t want to like our current bodies depend on food and water to survive each day.  Yet with the glorified bodies we can eat and drink when we want to and not have to worry about calories. :whistle:    Looking forward to amazing tasting fruits and veggies and pure water and fruit juices that contain no harmful toxic junk added.

I think the children of Israelites were being tested when given the Manna (angel’s food) in the desert and was only suppose to be for a short time frame.  But … they failed the test with their murmuring and complaining and feared the giants when Joshua and Caleb said lets conquer them … so with them not trusting in the Lord for victory they had to wander 40 years eating Manna when they could of been living in the Promise Land and eating the luscious grapes and having all the other crops and milk and honey, etc. at their disposal much sooner.  Yep, I can’t see us just being subject to Manna in heaven.  I’m currently munching on David’s sunflower seeds … its so addicting … I ate the whole bag … my plea … it was a small bag.  B-)   So looking forward also to sunflower seeds and all kinds of nuts as well.  And even though our citizenship is in heaven we are also going to be able to live on the restored earth as well … going back and forth.  Its going to be glorious … and who knows what is on the other planets or galaxies when we go space traveling.  Could be a Candyland up there and cookie park and ice cream park and donuts and I reckon 1 small coffee shop 🙄 with looooong lines. 😉 but the tea shops will be many and no lines or waiting. 😆

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Geri, I love David Pumpkin Seeds!

I could see the Lord making candy cookie and donut planets, but He'll probably place them the furthest away so we're not traveling there tooooo often! 🙁 :yes:

But the ice cream / banana split planet will be verrrry close by!!

1 small coffee shop..... :stinkerbell: :mdrmdr: :rose:


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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Check out the slogan at the UN meetings in September …

Have you heard about the UN “Agenda 2030?”
Have you heard about a critical part of the Agenda called:  LNOB?
“Leave No One Behind”

Really…?? Leave No One Behind ?   IF the Rapture happens, those Left Behind already have a United Nations Platform/EXPLANATION for the Rapture !!  

WHY would God “leave behind” so MANY ‘GOOD PEOPLE’ ??
Those Left Behind will be GLAD we are GONE!!

GOOGLE IT:  LNOB …it’s out there!
UNSDG | Operationalizing Leaving No One Behind    


Rosh Hashanah is Sept 15-17…. Friday to Sunday…..hmmmm….
The United Nations Annual kickoff meetings are during the SAME dates.  Oh, could it be?  Or is it another incredible coincidence??

Tic Toc ?
Randy @ 5 Doves

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Check out the YT from Jan Markell and Billy Crone — he really lays out the whole plan that Charles Schwab as dictated for the 4th Reich (empire) or NWO or 4th industrial revelation or Agenda 2030

Well worth the watch! of course it is what we already are aware of but so intriguing to ask, how did he get this power — wait for it … the prince of the air according to God’s perfect plan….. :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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I'll eavesdrop; thanks.  We love Billy Crone.

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Ok, if we don't leave on July 27 I can wait till August 1.  Bob thinks that would be pretty cool; that's his birthday.  From 5 Doves:


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1 minute 24 second clip from Aaron …

YHVH 10 5 6 5 Is Written In Our DNA Was 26 AD Important?



In the comment section:

someone mentioned …
26 AD Jesus started His ministry then the AC starts his "I'm God" in 2026?!

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