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Ooh … I never heard of that brand.   Yeah … anything they label light (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc) usually means they added fake chemicals to make it … “light” tasting and “less calories” but in the long run, it does more harm to our health.  Best to go with the normal “fat ingredients” vs. going “light”.

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Oh, I wasn't ignoring your other question.  I make prayer shawls and blankets, so yes, I'll keep making as long as I have requests or hear of someone hurting.  I have one going to the post office tomorrow and one in process.  I may not start any more c2c graphgans.  Those can take a month to make.  Congrats on your paint accompli.

Patricia N.
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It’s Far Better To Heed God’s Warnings Now, Before They Become Reality:

As I watch events unfold in America and around the world, I find myself wondering why the Rapture hasn’t already occurred. I never thought I would see so many precursors to the Tribulation period as are evident all around us and yet still be waiting for the Lord’s appearing.

As I consider what the Bible says about the enormous death toll and vast devastation of the Day of the Lord, I begin to understand what seems to us to be a delay. Just as God sent many prophets to warn Judah of its impending destruction, so He is now allowing students of His Word, as well as the events themselves, to warn people that He’s ready to pour out His wrath on a rebellious humanity.

There will come a day when the signs of the end times become reality; then it will be too late for many.

The wickedness of the Biden administration exceeds all that I could ever have imagined. The lewd celebration of LGBQT+ on the White House lawn in early June shocked me. The President praised those in attendance above our service members, veterans, law enforcement officers, and firefighters. Since when are those who chose a deviant lifestyle that’s a grievous affront to God to be honored as “brave and inspiring?” How can such wickedness not lead to God’s judgment?

God will surely judge the wickedness of our world. It’s a matter of when, not if.

Please, please don’t delay; call upon Jesus while you may! Yes, many people will turn to the Savior during the Tribulation and receive eternal life. However, the vast majority of those who do will experience severe persecution and martyrdom.

It’s far better to heed God’s warnings now, before they become reality.


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Here's the Potential (haha) Schedule:


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FYI :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

Evening of Wed, Jul 26, 2023 – Thu, Jul 27, 2023

The Fast of Ninth of Av — also known as the Jewish Fast of Av or 'Tisha B'Av' — is observed in July or August every year and this year, it falls on July 27. It's an annual holiday observed in Jewish communities across the world.

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Short 13:08 minute clip of Bob Barber and his watcher panel talking about the

Global Hydron Collider Grid Activated at the Rapture & Nuclear War!


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Patricia N.
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What Keeps The Majority Of Christians From Acknowledging The Obvious? Time Is Running Out:

Author and commentator Jonathan Brentner wrote a provocative article titled, “How Can You Not See It?” He was asking the question, how can you not see the fulfilling of Bible prophecy wherever you look?

Is it biblical illiteracy, indifference, or busyness, that keeps the majority from acknowledging the obvious? Time is running out. Predicted events are exploding. Things are in decline. Even nature is screaming that Jesus is coming soon! All of creation must be set free, not just humans.

Most reading this magazine have seen things in their lifetime that are, quite frankly, astounding:

The re-birth and prospering of the nation of Israel
The rise of artificial intelligence
The preparation of the coming digital currency
The use of a pandemic to hasten global government
The rise of Mark of the Beast technology
The rise of apostasy in the church the last 60 years
The death of discernment
Talk of a third temple in Israel
The scoffing of Bible prophecy
A cancel culture that cancels Christians
The exponential rise of evil
The rise of anti-Semitism
The list could go on with another twenty bullet points!

As Jonathan Brentner states, “Twenty-five years ago, it would have been impossible for the Antichrist to control commerce in the world in the way that we read in Revelation 13:16-18. He would have needed a massive army of devotees to do so.

I personally believe that the root of today’s blindness to these facts is the silence of the church. Some 30 years ago, our seminaries dropped eschatology from their class line-up and pastors have not been trained in things to come. What a tragedy! At such a time as this, the shepherds are not equipped.

Many pastors state they don’t wish to take a “controversial” stand when it comes to last days’ eschatology.  But they have robbed them of the “blessed hope”!

As Jonathan Brentner summarizes in his article, “We are living on borrowed time. God is sovereign, but from our perspective, we see His patience with a nation and world gone mad. He’s holding back the full explosion of evil and destruction that will happen at the beginning of the Day of the Lord.”

He concludes, “I know that the majority of those reading this article agree with me, and the intent of my question is to reinforce your valid beliefs. It takes a purposeful ignorance of biblical prophecy not to recognize that the world, and especially the U.S., rests on the edge of a cliff.”

You can see the nearness of His return! Very few reading this would disagree. What a blessing that God has opened your eyes to this truth and to the lateness of the hour. You cannot be accused of being in ignorance! You devour all the issues and news of the day to keep up and to help you look up!

You are the righteous, eager remnant. May your numbers increase as we wind down the Church Age.



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The Feast of New Wine is right around the corner. So many things are pointing to 2023 and more specifically this festival. These are brilliant, sincere, and Christ-loving people that are looking at this year as possibly the year; so many are on the same page. It just seems that the Church is standing in the way and must exit soon. I am so ready.

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