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Thanks.  I don't think we would have the stamina to sit through hours and hours of videos.  I notice the 4th of July on those charts.  That would be fun.

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I think it is about mid July roughly 7 weeks after what has already been celebrated as Pentecost. Whether or not that is the true Pentecost or not, I do like this time frame. Jesus said.....

"Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" John 4:35   and if Nisan 1 was around March 24th and we count 120 days that would put us around July 22nd ish...so the next few weeks will be super high watch time....which every day is at this point. I hardly watch or pay attention to any news any longer.....I have got my ears honed into listening for that shout!! Come Lord!

Patricia N.
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You Say You Want a Revival?:

One of the most common questions we get at Lamb & Lion Ministries is whether we think America will experience another nationwide revival. Our consistent answer is that we do not see how our culture would tolerate — let alone be receptive to — a major spiritual awakening. That is not to say that God could not do a mighty work. With Him “all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

We also see no evidence of a major revival in the End Times. If anything, we expect growing apostasy and more virulent rebellion against God. That is why Jesus asked rhetorically whether the Son of Man will find faith on the Earth when He comes again (Luke 18:8).

Still, we fully expect that the Holy Spirit will continue transforming individual lives as men and women embrace Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. At times, gatherings of people will be convicted as the Holy Spirit moves and ministers mightily. During the Tribulation itself, many people will trust in Christ, including a great remnant of the Jewish people. The hope that lives will be impacted for eternity is what motivates us every time Lamb & Lion Ministries holds a conference or offers a series of prophetic messages.


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Yes, we can’t get discourage in warning the unsaved and even though we aren’t seeing the results now … because so many will be getting saved after the rapture.  Some watchers believe everyone will see us flying upward to the clouds.  It will shock  and wake up everyone left behind.  They will realize the rapture was a true event and not a fairy tale. They will remember our testimony (our talks/emails/letters/Bible tracts handed out urging them to get saved).  Life on planet earth is going to change drastically after the Restrainer is removed.


4th seal broken

Revelation 6:8 

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


5th seal broken

Revelation 6:9 - 11
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.



6th seal broken

Revelation 6:12

the persecution against the tribulation saints stops for a little while because of …

Great earthquake, sun turns black, moon turns bloody, stars fall, heaven departs as a scroll, mountains and island move out of place and everyone hides so the GREAT RESET cabal (kings of the earth, Great men, Rich men, Chief Captains, Mighty Men, bondsmen and freemen) go into their caves underground shelters and cry for the rocks to fall on them.



Then another group of Tribulation saints are seen in heaven and its a massive number …

Revelation 7:9-17
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;



Revelation 9:15
4 angels loose from Euphrates River to kill 1/3 part of mankind and the rest who were not killed by the plagues yet repented not.

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (vaxx, pharmacy drugs), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. (You will own nothing and be happy)  - I think this verse pertain to the GREAT RESET cabal.



Then another group  of tribulation saints die because they refuse the mark of the beast

Revelation 13:7

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

And we haven’t even gotten to the vial judgments …

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Bob Barber youtube - for those looking for ideas in left behind letters and making kits for your lost loved ones or friends/neighbors  … you might be interested in this .. he has free flash drives explaining the rapture event and how to get saved and other material for the left behind.  Or you can download all the material to your own flash drive.

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7 minute clip from Aaron


Interesting comments

This is Pride Week in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.. Reminds me of Amos 8, where it speaks of Jacob's pride and turning their festivals to mourning. Yesterday a sand storm completely darkened the sun


I've always thought the verse pointed to the Jews so the timing would be the 2nd coming of Jesus. When Jesus rules from Jerusalem.


The second day is the two thousand years since he died and the THIRD day is the thousand year millennial reign of Christ

As soon as it rolled off your tongue it was clear it is speaking of the redemption and the millennium reign! 2 days is the 2000 years we have been in the age of grace and then we are raptured up for the 3rd day which is millennium!

I believe the feast of wine on Enoch calendar is June 6 there about.


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Got the following in my e-mail; I didn't know this weekend could possibly be Pentecost; high watch this weekend!:

"DON’T FORGET to look up this weekend. /

The next full moon will be on Saturday, June 3, at 11:42 p.m. EDT (03:42 GMT on June 4), but the moon will still appear full the night before and after.

Besides being the last full moon of spring, it is a moon brimming with eschatological significance.

To begin with, the full moon is when the “husband” or “goodman,” a picture of Jesus, is scheduled to return:

“My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. He took with him a bag of money and will not return until the moon is full” ( Prov. 7:19, 20 ).

Additionally, because the moon is a symbol of the Bride of Christ, the full moon, white and radiant, is a picture of the Bride prepared for the wedding.

But the full moon of June has even more prophetic overtones:

• The full moon of June is traditionally called the “Honey Moon.”

• The full moon of June occurs in the constellations Scorpius, Ophiuchus, and Sagittarius, the heavenly signs depicting the victory over death at the Rapture ( 1 Cor. 15:52, 54, 55 ).

• The full moon of June coincides with the wheat harvest, a picture of believers gathered into God’s “barn” at the Rapture ( Matt. 13:30 ).

• The full moon of June is when the agricultural signs in the Bible’s rapture allegory, Song of Songs, are peaking in Israel: the rainy season is over; flowers are blooming; fig trees are forming their early fruit, and grape vines are blossoming ( Song 2:8–13 ).

• The full moon of June this year lands on Saturday–Sunday, the days associated with the Lord’s appearing, resurrection, and new beginnings ( John 20; Rev. 1:10–13 ).

Finally, and most significantly, the full moon of June coincides with the biblical date Sivan 15, which some calculate to be Pentecost.

The Sivan 15 reckoning of Pentecost has an interesting numerical correlation in the Gospel of John: Because Hebrew dates are written right-to-left, Sivan 15 would appear as “15/3.” This is significant because 153 is the number of fish that the disciples, or “fishers of men,” brought to the Lord when He appeared to them the third time (John 21:11, 14). Additionally, the net in which the 153 fish were caught up was dragged over the right side of the boat."

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9 minute clip from Aaron

Grafted Into Tribe Of Judah? 7.5 Years Rapture Looks Close

Are we grated into the Tribe of Judah?

In the comment section:
Short answer, by birth, no. Unless (obviously) you literally were. BUT, short answer, by MARRIAGE, yes. We inherit the family line of Judah to us, regardless of nation, by association with the Groom by MARRIAGE. Presently, following the typology, we're betrothed, engaged if-you-will, promised that inheritance at MARRIAGE. But in the natural you're still a Jew and a Gentile. Joseph is a good typology. He had two names. One Jewish and one Gentile, and the two are combined in One. So it will be at the MARRIAGE.

Samson’s Riddle
Judges 14:14
Samson's riddle is found in the biblical Book of Judges, where it is incorporated into a larger narrative about Samson, the last of the judges of the ancient Israelites.The riddle, with which Samson challenges his thirty wedding guests, is as follows: "Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.".


Interpretation from that same watcher
Out of the Lion comes forth meat. Out of the STRONG something SWEET. The Hebrew word for Bee also happens to be a play on the word Grace. Put it together. Meat (law). That lion can't save. But STRONGER than law, out of death comes GRACE.
That LION can.


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Speaking about LION … Remember this oldie hit?

The Tolken’s … “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” Live


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All the men have microphones, but not the female singer, Kelly DeFade 😆 …  she’s got an amazing voice.

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Oops actually she does have a microphone :mdrmdr:

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Thanks.  I remember, but I like this one better.

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