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About 18 minute update from Bob Barber … I had no idea this is happening right now.



Interesting comments from 3 watchers

The Messianic Jews are teaching Yeshua all through Israel and many are getting saved the full redemption will happen during the 7 years but still pray for them because many are being saved.



Dr Barry Awe
10 hours ago
BOBBY BEE! THIS IS HUGE!!! When Daniel knew by the books the 70 years of captivity were up, God led him to pray! Why did Daniel pray for what he knew was gonna happen? Because that's God's way! You're right brother, this is huge!



Something interesting that came to me: Since the Revelation 12 sign of September 23rd 2017 we're now in the 69th month which ends at May 25th going into the 70th month. The day before Shavuot. And counting from that day 7 biblical years (360 days) you land on April 18th which is Passover.

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Short 6:50 minute update timeline from Aaron

Here are some interesting comments:

Tu B'Av is when the unwed women wear white and go dancing in the vinyards in hopes that one of the men may choose her as a bride.... very fitting for HIM to come claim THE BRIDE.


I've read that Boaz married his gentile bride, Ruth, on Tu BAv......if so, this would certainly seem to be representation of the Rapture

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Ooh …. Another intriguing thought in the comment section:


Daniel 8:14 where it says there will be 2300 days until the sanctuary (temple) is cleansed. So if we prescribe to the idea that the tribulation period is 2520 days and the temple is cleansed upon Jesus's return, that leaves an unaccounted 220 days at the beginning of the tribulation. If one of the conditions for Israel to divide her land is allowing them to build their temple, then 2023 becomes much more interesting.

The UN General Assembly happens to meet this year on the Feast of Trumpets (they don't always meet at this time, it just happens to line up this year) and one thing they want to do is drag Israel to the world courts to further divide the land. If this division is what starts the Tribulation on the Feast of Trumpets, and Israel begins constructing the temple on that day, if you count 220 days forward, you land on passover. Basically, the temple takes 220 days to build and is open for business on Passover of 2024.

2 weeks prior to Passover 2024 happens to be when the April 8th 'X' eclipse across America occurs.


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Aye yai yai yai yai 🤪


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Patricia N.
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Facebook claims 'Jesus' is 'hate speech':

A columnist has reported at the Washington Times that Facebook called "Jesus" hate speech and said it was censoring the reference.  The stunning report comes from Billy Hallowell, an interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and a co-host of "Quick Start Podcast."

He writes at the Times that he was taken aback recently when Facebook sent him a notice that, "Your post goes against our Community Standards on hate speech."

He doubled-checked the social media giant's wild claim and found it was referring to his explanation of the Christian message of salvation documented by the story of the Resurrection.

What he said his offending post was, "Jesus died so you could live."

"It was a message I recalled posting early last month in an effort to summarize the central message of the Gospel: Jesus’ sacrificial death for mankind and his ushering in of hope and salvation. The message is essentially New Testament 101," he wrote.

"Facebook proceeded to declare that its 'community standards' are meant to ensure everyone feels 'safe, respected and welcome,' though, in those moments of confusion over the hate speech flag, I didn’t feel any of those sentiments," he wrote. "An ominous line about future infractions was included in the warning. It read, 'If your content goes against our Community Standards again, your account may be restricted or disabled.'"

Ultimately, Facebook sent a follow-up that confirmed, "We have removed your post from Facebook" because the post was in violation.



Patricia N.
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Reverend Franklin Graham Issues Warning to America: “The Storm is Coming…Every Demon in Hell Has Been Turned Loose”:

Orlando, Florida- Reverend Franklin Graham has warned America about the “coming storm” headed its way. Churches and ministries are in the crosshairs.

The Christian Post reported that Graham, who serves as president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and head of Samaritan’s Purse, sounded the alarm during a keynote speech Monday evening at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Orlando, Florida.

I believe there is a coming storm that we all need to be ready for,” Graham said. “The world has deteriorated so quickly. We cannot be deceived and we can’t be fooled. We need to get ready and be prepared.

It’s not going to be good. The world is deteriorating so quickly. It seems like every demon in hell has been turned loose.

Graham had more foreboding news to share as well: traditional mediums of communication will be of no use either during the storm.

As Fox News reported, Graham explained to the audience that believers in the United States are “living in a cancel culture that wants to destroy Christian organizations.”  The radical left’s woke LGBTQ agenda is a key driving force behind the canceling of Christians, he added.

Graham cited multiple examples of conservative and Christian organizations, and how this has [happened] in recent years. This includes the National Committee for Religious Freedom, which had its Chase bank accounts closed without warning last October.

Graham also told audience members not to be intimidated by assaults on their way of life and to keep sharing the Gospel.  We cannot back up, we can’t retreat, don’t apologize for the Gospel. Just declare it, just preach it.



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Quoting Franklin Graham:

"The storm is coming...................every demon in hell has been turned loose"

That's very believable and evident!


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This is a very interesting time for this sign in the sky.  Gemini is supposed to represent the first and second coming of Christ, and there is Venus, the planet that represents Christ as the Bright and Morning Star right in the middle of Gemini.  Meanwhile the moon, which  represents the church, as it has no light of its own but reflects the Sun's, passes right by Venus as it occupies the spot between the two comings.  This happens just days before Pentecost.  Quite a coincidence, don't you think?



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The following was in my email from Tom Gaston and I thought I'd pass it along.  It is really interesting timing that the US economy could default right after Pentecost, on June 1!:

"A startling Hebrew gematria!!!!!!!!

[……And it’s time to judge America….]

ו הגיע זמן לשפוט את אמריקה

5 + 100 + 10 + 200 + 40 + 1…+…400 + 1…+…9 + 6 + 80 + 300 + 30…+…700 + 40 + 7…+…70 + 10 + 3 + 5…+…6 / total = 2023

I find it very interesting and ominous that America could “default” on its National Debt by “June 1st” coming up.  And Pentecost ( Saturday / Sunday May 27th and 28th ) just precedes this important date and decision which America needs to make for our economy.  And so wouldn’t be something If the Lord came on Pentecost right before June 1st , and that the Rapture of the Church will cause the “whole world” ( global Stock Market ) to CRASH, and thus cause all the nations to DEFAULT” on their National Debt which would be caused by the Rapture event."

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