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So much has happened since just 1 month and still going. God to me, is trying to wake us up, stay alert and watch. Are you awake?  I'm awake Jesus, my lamp is full and waiting for your return. I see so many are not, they feel life will last forever. We don't know what will happen tomorrow, but we can trust our Father, He will rescue us and PROMISES it to us.

Matthew 24:44, "So always be ready, alert, and prepared, because at an hour when you're not expecting him, the Son of Man will come". 

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In the last days, we see 2 Thessalonians 2:11, "And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie," showing that in the last days, God will allow people who reject the truth to be deceived by believing falsehoods. Do you believe, God has sent this delusion to the world? It seems so! We live in exciting times according to God's word, Israel in the news all the time, the days show wars and more wars, lies being told all the time and people are totally confused in what to believe. We, who have God's Spirit say, soon and very soon Jesus will return. God's Spirit should be bringing peace to you and assurance of get ready, keep praying for the lost, don't hate anyone as the world hates but love all, Jesus loved even on the cross, so should we. Don't listen to all the hate happening now, but tell others, we are Christians, we will continue to love till Jesus takes us home.
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Patricia N.
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Hanukkah Surprise? With the UpTime Group:

[over 2 hours]

Paul R
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The world is divided into two groups: those who can pronounce the word "nuclear", and those who can't.

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Patricia N.
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Yes, remember George W. Bush couldn't say it, but he told us his wife could!  I think it's a regional accent.

Paul R
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@patrician It's the strangest thing: I've come across it all over the world. Surely it's not hard to say "new clear"? But people somehow can't help themselves saying something like "new coo leer".

Patricia N.
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But, it's more like "new cle-ar."

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@patrician Perhaps that's why people started saying "nukes" instead. 😀

(@Anonymous 394)
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@yohanan I think we have some characters on this site! 😂

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@erby Just a few 😉

Patricia N.
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Jesus is what happens next:


Are we ready for the hope of what will come when Jesus, the very child born in Bethlehem, will once again come to reign for eternity?

Everyone loves the Christ in the cradle. The image of baby Jesus in the Bethlehem barn warms our hearts. Each December we recreate the moment on our lawns and beneath our Christmas trees. Stores sell plastic donkeys and wooden mangers. People collect hand-carved images of Mary, Joseph, and the newborn child.

We love the Christ in the cradle.

We are fine with Christ the gentle Messiah. Children sitting on his lap. Sheep gathered around him. The apostle John reclining on his chest. Mary anointing his feet. No one has a problem with a pleasant rabbi who offers sage advice, feeds crowds, and replenishes wine at a wedding.

Christ in the cradle? Wonderful. Christ the kindhearted? Delightful. But Christ the coming king? On a stallion? Roaring out of heaven? Crowned with the crowns of his enemies? On a mission to destroy those who destroy his children?

The world is less familiar with this view of Jesus. Yet this is the Jesus the world will soon see.

Did you know that the second coming is mentioned more than 300 times in the Bible, an average of once every 25 verses?

Scripture gushes with the news of Christ’s return like water in full spate. Jesus assured the depressed disciples, “I will come again” (John 14:3 NKJV). When Jesus ascended, the angel told the witnesses, “[Jesus] will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11 NIV). Paul referred to “the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Tim. 6:14 NIV). Peter affirmed, “The day of the Lord will come” (2 Peter 3:10 NIV). Jude announced, “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones” (Jude 14 NIV).

We are in the season of Advent. Advent leads us to the beautiful culmination of Christmas, when we celebrate the incarnation of God.

Are we ready for the hope of what will come when Jesus, the very child born in Bethlehem, will once again come to reign for eternity?

We wait, but we must be ready.  Ready for the arrival of our coming king. Ready, waiting, vigilant, like the soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery....

What can you do today in honor of your king? What kindness can you perform? What offense can you forgive? What temptation can you resist? What gift can you offer? What discipline can you begin? What sacrifice can you make? What act of love can you show?

Let’s behave like the people we have been called to be: soldiers in the returning army of the King of kings.

The Christ of the cradle is now the Christ with the crowns. He is coming soon.


Patricia N.
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As Trump’s Election Brings Peace Back To The Table, Is The Stage Being Set For The Ultimate ‘Man With A Plan’?

In the wake of the election of President Trump, the astounding movement toward peace that we are seeing on multiple fronts is nothing short of amazing. Peace seems to be in the air. Even as Donald Trump holds the position of president-elect, peace overtures are pouring in all over the world. The momentum for peace across our globe is not only stunning, it is prophetically significant.

As the world awaits the inauguration of President Trump on January 20th, world leaders seem to be lining up to make peace. An article in the Wall Street Journal was emblazed with the headline, “Zelensky Signals He’s Open to Negotiating a Peace Deal.” The subheading further underscores the dramatic shift in Zelensky’s position, which occurred out of nowhere after President Trump was elected, stating that the “Ukrainian president indicate[d] he would accept a ceasefire with Russia if his country obtains NATO membership.”

Suddenly, there is talk of peace in Russia as well. Earlier this month, Newsweek published a piece entitled “What Putin Seeks to Gain From Donald Trump in Ukraine Peace Deal.” Both sides are now setting forth their case for conditions they would put forward in expected upcoming peace negotiations.

Late last month, Hezbollah and Israel suddenly negotiated a 60-day ceasefire, which is now in place. While this occurred during the Biden administration, it was done clearly in view of President Trump being inaugurated on January 20th. Trump had issued calls for a peace agreement to be in place before he enters the Oval Office.

Days after President Trump’s reelection, Time Magazine published the article “Donald Trump’s Return Could Bring a More Peaceful Middle East,” highlighting three essential elements that could make Middle East peace possible.

The first point addressed in the article is that President Trump will “choke Iranian revenues and funding of regional terrorist groups through the long overdue re-enforcement of oil sanctions.” The second details how President Trump would “stop Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon, which is the gravest long-term regional security threat facing the Mideast.” The third element points to Trump’s desired expansion of the Abraham Accords, which they say will “build a strong coalition of allies to counter the Axis of Evil and facilitate a better life for the Palestinian people.”

“A new dawn and a new era of peace and prosperity could be on the horizon in the Middle East with Trump’s return,” the article concluded.

Another report by Newsweek published on December 2nd was titled “Donald Trump Warns of ‘Hell to Pay’ Amid Middle East Hostage Crisis.”

All of this shows how rapidly peace deals can be hammered out when there is strong leadership in charge.

Let me be clear: I am not saying that the President-elect is the anti-Christ. In fact, based on Scripture, I can say with certainty that he is not.

The Holy Spirit, who is the Restrainer, must be taken out of the way—which occurs with the Rapture of the Church—before the anti-Christ can be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:7). For that reason, I have often said in a tongue-in-cheek manner: “If you ever do figure out who the anti-Christ is, I have bad news for you… you have been left behind!”

Furthermore, Daniel 9:26 tells us that the anti-Christ will come out of a reunited Roman Empire—from the people who destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 AD. This doesn’t necessarily suggest that the anti-Christ will be Roman/Italian; rather, it is saying that he will come from the confines of the old Roman Empire.

The anti-Christ, who is referred to as the “Little Horn” in Daniel 7, rises from insignificance to power. Daniel 11 also says that the anti-Christ will be an incredibly smooth-talking individual who comes to power through flattery—I think we can all agree that President Trump is not what one would consider to be a “flatterer.”

While I do not believe that Trump is the anti-Christ, I do believe that all of this movement toward peace is a preview.

....The anti-Christ will bring temporary peace on the earth. It is often noted that he rides with a bow but no arrows and is “given” a crown. He arises as a conqueror, but it appears to be a bloodless conquest by diplomacy....

Daniel 9:27, referring to the Antichrist, says that he will make a firm covenant, or “confirm a covenant with many,” for one set of seven years. The Antichrist will come onto the world scene and make a seven-year treaty with Israel to solve the Middle East crisis. It could be that the Antichrist will build upon what is currently being accomplished in the Middle East—he could confirm or strengthen agreements that already exist or will exist in the not-too-distant future. The groundwork is seemingly being laid, and the structure is in place.

The peace treaty the Antichrist brokers with Israel is going to be the event that commences the Tribulation. The early days of the Tribulation will be a brief season of peace. What we see today is a preview of how quickly this can happen with a strong leader on the scene—and the Antichrist will be the ultimate strong leader.

After the Rapture, the world’s going to be in confusion and turmoil. They are going to be looking for a man to bring order out of the chaos. The Antichrist will appear to be the answer to all the world’s problems. He will be “the man with a plan.”

As we see the stage being set for the coming peace before our eyes, it means the Rapture is even closer. As we head into this Christmas season, looking back to the first coming of our Savior, let us all make sure that we’re also looking ahead to His return and living lives that are pleasing to Him as we await His coming.


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Five Doves, Fay (15 Dec 2024)
"Incredible Christmas Rapture Dream and Vision! Just WOW!"

This lovely man had this dream many years ago. It's truly astonishing. Exciting. Amazing. Run time:-  8.58.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus. Please.


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The Uptime Gang:

More Reasons to Look UP!

[about 2 hours]

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