@geri9 Update: Now, it's morning and the sun is shining. I found the Future Forecasting Group and several of their offerings, website, you tube, etc. From what little I saw it's better to stay away. I won't be looking anymore.
Those that wait on the world shall lose their strength; they shall fall off the cliff like lemmings; they shall run and grow weary; they shall walk and they shall faint.
But those that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and shall not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
54 minute interview … Janie DuVall with L.A. Marzulli
L.A. leans when the rapture happens the left behind will see us fly away and the GREAT deception immediately follows with the space ships appearing looking like the aliens(demons) took us away.
New Roswell Discovery Holds Secret Rapture Prophecy!
- Fair Use -
In the comment section:
77 years since Roswell. 2024 is a good year for the rapture
Janie, I believe that metal material is used to make the "Saturn" Cars vehicles that's the technology they use I believe.
One of these days, someone will be correct with their rapture date. I don't know if it means anything, but I have noticed that from the pregnant woman sign (Rev12), Sep23-24, 2017 to around Easter 2024 is 6 years, 6 months, and 6 days. We celebrate Easter as the day that Jesus was raised from the dead. Why not a Rapture during Good Friday to Easter?
@terry Ya, I think it's like the story of Lot. Because the purpose of the rapture is to remove the Christian believers, just before all the bad stuff begins. That is the way I learned it. Also like Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel is taken out of the lion's den untouched, then his accusers are put in the lion's den and they are destroyed immediately.
I was always fond of an Easter/Resurrection Rapture and it being a repeat of First Fruits. Then I was looking at Feast of Trumpets and then I heard the theory of how about a repeat of Pentecost since the church started then perhaps it ends then? But out of all these high watch timeframes … Easter/Resurrection has always been #1 for me. If still here AFTER Easter/Resurrection (March 31st) they say our calendars are off … so then is the REAL Easter/Resurrection on the Eclipse day of April 8th cause in one of the comments sections of a YouTube ….
Someone posted … I find it interesting that Jesus’ death date is 4/6/33 AD which means Jesus was resurrected on the 4/8/33 AD. And now we are all looking up on 4/8/2024 between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm. And many people will be looking up at the sky … so do we leave then??
I think there will be a gap from rapture to when the tribulation starts cause in Revelation there is the meet and greet reunion of our loved ones and friends that have gone on before us. Then there is the judgement seat of Christ and rewards/crowns handed out, then there is praise and worship ceremony and laying our crowns down at Jesus’ feet. Doesn’t this all take some time? Then we watch Him open the seals and that starts the rider on the White Horse (AC) gets crowned by the Sanhedrin, etc. I’m leaning that the marriage ceremony doesn’t occur until at least mid point or towards the end of the 7 years because all the guests Old Testament saints (and those that get saved during the tribulation will be late to the wedding if the wedding occurs at the early part of the 7 years). Then I heard a strong case that the wedding feast occurs on the earth after the 2nd coming. Jesus is going to place His feet on the Mount of Olives and its going to split and rearrange the land mass. Irony … the Mount of Olives is also the area where the high priests will be sacrificing the red heifer(s) soon. Still up in the air where the wedding feast location will be held … will it be in a restored Garden of Eden, or in Jerusalem, or near Cana of Galilee where the first miracle of Jesus changing the water jugs into new wine happened at the wedding feast? That area is near where the battle of Armageddon is located and Jesus is going to call the birds to come and dine .. so could our feast be held near by?
Blue mentioned this on Craig Bong’s FB page
In April there is planned to be meeting in Spain to discuss a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians and speculates it will be put in place by the end of the year.
A pandemic treaty will be signed in May.
There is a big summit in Sept focused on Peace and Safety could be the same as the UN meeting
December 27th, 2024 is pandemic preparedness meeting for the next roll out pandemic
January 1, 2025 - they want global government
By 2028 (not sure if it’s the beginning or end of the year) they want everyone to have their digital ID mark that he thinks will change the DNA. So with that in mind, if at the beginning of 2028 then minus 3.5 years … and we arrive at summer 2024 the church needs to leave this earth!
So keep watching and staying alert. Time is running out and one of these days we disappear.
@geri9 You make a good point that if the wedding celebration begins, those that come out of Tribulation will be late to the wedding party. I know that we don't have all of the answers. We get our new eternal bodies(born again) at the rapture in the blinking of an eye. I have always learned that the Tribulation will begin right away. When we are raptured out, the holy spirit removes itself from earth as well, allowing evil to begin. Christian believers, as the body of Christ, will not be harmed.