Wow, this is GREAT news! More the merrier to go up with us on thee rapture one way flight 777 airplane! There is plenty of room. :whistle: Do they say if this is real New Yorker citizens getting saved or are they the illegals camping out? Or a combo of both groups? Short study with Aaron on What Is The Abomination Of Desolation Spoken Of By Daniel The Prophet Standing In The Holy Place? - Fair Use - He reads this passage about the AC … someone (or a group) are not going to like his green agenda 15 minute city life mandates and try to kill him … is this attack below early on in the trib? Or later when he dies and then comes back to life at the mid point? Or is it a fake Hollywood type stunt with him appearing dead and coming back to life trick? Woe to the worthless shepherd, The article didn't say. I guess they were just random people. Heads up Tomorrow … Aaron will be hosting a live show with Bob Barber and John (Watchman for that Great Day) - Fair Use - Aaron is going to do another live program tomorrow at 12:00 EST and he invited Craig Bong Actually make that today … the live show will be Friday at 12:00 EST Hi Geri, can you post a link to Aaron's website where the live program can be viewed? Thank you. I think I found where he posts videos. He has a site on YouTube. All I know is make sure you type it in as this God A Minute youtube … the G , the A and the M should be capitalized … Aaron’s real channel is the first one on the list below. The other ones are imposters His youtube page should look like this, then you know you’re on the right one 🙂
Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm
And against his right eye
His arm shall completely wither,
And his right eye shall be totally blinded