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Patricia N.
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Snippets from Amir Tsarfati's email newsletter: 

Titus 2:11-13For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.This blessed hope is described as belonging to those who have experienced the grace of God that brings salvation and who appeared to all men. That blessed hope is His glorious appearing once again, and the object of our hope is identified as our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.Yes, people who do not know the Lord experience hope. Yet their hopes are not the same as ours as believers. They are based on wishes combined with efforts and desires. The hopes of the world can be dashed, lost, and lead to disappointment and even despair. But for the believer, the object of our hope never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So you might say in comparison to the hope of the world, our hope is next level.1 Thessalonians 4:13-14But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.The hope we have in Christ is so powerful it even changes the way we experience the greatest of life’s painful experiences, the death of a loved one. We do sorrow, but not without hope.1 Peter 3:15But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.Peter says that the hope we have in Christ is so powerful that it is visible to the degree that it causes others to inquire as to the reason we have such hope. This is one of the reasons it is so important that we not live in fear in these fear-mongering last days. It is why it is so important that we know where things are headed and not fall prey to the uncertainty and despair the world lives under today.We have a hope that is different from that of the world. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand. We sing it, but we must also live it so others can see it and desire it.People are sinking in hopelessness all around us today. Talk of food shortages and famines, pandemics and death, are driving people to seek escape from these things through drugs or alcohol at unprecedented levels. Many, from hopelessness, are taking their own lives at numbers never seen before.We, as Christians, have what they need and know where they can get it. We need to live in a manner, as Peter said, that leads them to ask where such hope can be found. Our hope is not like that of the world – circumstance-related. Our hope is one that cannot be impacted by circumstances and is even more clearly visible when they are at their worst. Tell someone about the hope you have today!Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.  

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19:45 minute clip  from Bob Barber and Uptime Group

Even Unbelievers know the Tribulation is Coming!  Mr. Burns threatens TX with military jets!
Interesting comments in the comment section:
You know JD Farag agrees with you guys! I do also! And there will be a lot of ppl angry at us all for seeing the truth and saying it out loud
Well maybe some unbelievers know that the Tribulation is coming but the sad thing is that there are believers that don’t even have a clue.
The rich are building bunkers to hide from God. He laughs.
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@geri9 And it makes me laugh also.

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About 19 minutes Bob Barber and Uptime Group 
America Border War! Satan's Plan for the Coming 10 Sectors of the Global Beast! Rapture Warning!
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Patricia N.
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I normally like the Uptime group, but this one assumed a lot of bad things would happen if Trump were re-elected and also that the two witnesses teach "another gospel."  They can have their own opinions about Trump, no matter how far-fetched, but I believe the two witnesses are sent by God.  

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I already voted for Trump in the early primaries 2 weeks ago.  If still here in August, I will do so again but I don’t expect to be here in November.

The Church Age are under grace thru faith alone in the finished work of Jesus and we have eternal security.  

Regarding “another Gospel” in the tribulation period …   this is what they are referring to… the dispensation will be … the left behind that get saved … need to also place their faith in the finished work of Jesus but they also have to endure to the end .. they are NOT eternally secure like we are in the church age .. if they are tempted to take the mark of the beast, they will no longer be saved. 


Can I know if the tribulation saints are saved by grace through faith in Jesus like the church or by their ability to endure and keep their faith to the end or by enduring and keeping their faith based on the eternal gospel announced by the angel. Are the Jews who survive the Great Tribulation judged based on their faith in the coming messiah or their ability to endure to the end?

Answer per Jack Kelly

Everyone is saved by grace through faith in the Messiah because no one can meet God’s behavioral standards. Even the most obsessive keeper of the Law had to rely on the death of the Messiah to attain salvation. His death was a gift by the grace of God, available to all who believe, and essential for salvation.

The phrase “He who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13) means that post-Church believers, whether Jew or Gentile, will not have the blessing of eternal security like the Church does. Instead of having God accept the responsibility for making us stand (2 Cor. 1:21-22), they will will be responsible for maintaining their own faith.

Rev. 14:12 follows the introduction of the statue of the anti-Christ and the world wide command to take his mark. It says, “This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who keep God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Patient endurance means standing firm to the end.

Whether Jew or Gentile, salvation will come to the post-church believer as a result of keeping God’s commandments and remaining faithful to Jesus. Knowing that no one can keep the commandments to the level God requires, they will have to remain faithful to the belief that Jesus died to save them from the penalty due them for their failure.

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Patricia N.
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@geri9  Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  Yes, things will be different for the Tribulation Saints.  If they take the Mark of the Beast, they cannot go to heaven.  How horrible that will be.  People should get saved now while they still can escape the judgments to come.

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@geri9  The way I learned it was that the "main harvest" is the church age believers, who are under the gospel of grace.  Church age believers are raptured out. When tribulation begins, Israel will go back under the Law, like it was before the Cross.  Some believers will come out of the tribulation, but very small amount.  Those believers before the Cross are the "first fruits", church age is the "main harvest", and those from tribulation are the "corners and gleanings".  That is how it was taught to me.


Patricia N.
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World Economic Forum 2024 Features Blessings from Pagan Priestess:

 Revelation 13 describes how the one-world government and economy will be used to control all of Earth’s people under the Antichrist’s global dictatorship. According to this passage, the one-world system of worship will be the glue that binds it all together – and this worship will be fueled by Satan.

The WEF met in Davos, Switzerland, on January 15-19, 2024 and paganism took center stage during the Wednesday, Jan. 17, forum on “Climate and Nature.” As the hourlong session came to a close, a pagan priestess was asked to perform a ritual for Earth’s spiritual healing.

“We count on you,” she said while looking to the panel seated on the stage, “all the people so that we may unite, hold hands and unite our hearts, unite our thoughts, in the same direction, for healing of the planet and the healing is spiritual.” She closed her statement by saying that when our hearts and thoughts are united, “our Mother Earth will listen to us.”

After finishing her statement, she performed a pagan ritual by rubbing her hands together and chanting. She then went one by one to the six panelists seated on the stage and blew across the top of their heads. 

What spirits are the WEF invoking? Whose blessing are they seeking? Certainly not Almighty God. This Satanic spirituality will be the hallmark of the biblical end-times scenario as detailed in Revelation 13. It will emphasize spirituality over religion, saving the planet over saving souls for eternity, feelings over doctrine, and human-centered worship over God-centered worship.

Followers of Jesus must be aware of how our world is swiftly moving toward the biblical end-times scenario. Beware of the wider acceptance of demonic spirituality. Beware of the global conditioning to push the world toward a one-world government and economy. Stand courageously against the march toward Marxism.

This is the time for the church of the living God to shine the light of His eternal truth brightly into the darkness of this world. Be a beacon of hope to those around you. Remember that it is God’s kingdom that is coming and His will is being accomplished right now. His prophetic timeline is advancing according to His perfect plan for the ages.


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15 minute clip from Kimberly
King Charles III & President Herzog & coronation & Messianic Psalm 22 started the royal ceremony
Interesting connections between King Charles III & Israel’s President Herzog. The coronation interestingly started with Psalm 22 which happens to be the Messianic prophecy of Jesus death on the cross crying out!  President Herzog has not only obtained the king’s advice on judicial reforms in Israel, but asked that he use his power and position, to not only broker the peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but also to use his clout to have the hostages released.  The king is apparently a vital asset to Israel and due to every detail I previously shared about the king, explaining why Israel will see him as their anointed aka messiah figure. 
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She leans we leave at Passover … April 22nd. 


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19 minute clip Bob Barber and Uptime Group including guest Tom Watchman River 
Veil is Beginning to Fail! Supernatural Spillover into the Natural Increasing! Rapture Warning!
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In Acts 23, some Jews wanted Paul, the prisoner, dead and had a secret plan to trick the commander and kill Paul.  The commander got word of it and got soldiers prepared to take Paul away safely so he could get a fair trial in Caesarea.  In Acts 23:31, the soldiers took Paul away to Antipatris and then to Caesarea the next day. Paul escaped the murder plot.  As I mentioned in my potential rapture post,  2331 is the number of days from Sep. 23, 2017(pregnant woman sign) to the potential rapture date of February 10, 2024.  Maybe the story is similar- Paul is taken away to safety, just like the Rapture.


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For anyone interested, I think this is an excellent Bible study at lesfeldick.org

Patricia N.
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CBDCs and the 2030 Agenda: The ‘Under Skin’! YOUR Future is Being Decided (Must See Video):

Waking up in the year 2030 may not look as far off as you think. The escalating significance of CBDCs and its supposed necessity for societal participation is both alarming and distressing. This unveiling of a potentially dystopian future could redefine the very essence of the freedom we’ve come to appreciate.

“Implanted Under Your Skin:” this phrase is not usually one we associate with monetary transactions, or generally, participation in society. Yet, the World Economic Forum (WEF) audaciously makes this association with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). If you want to fully immerse in the societal norms of buying food, water, and other necessities, the WEF suggests you may soon require this new-age monetary form to be installed beneath your skin.

This CBDC system, as per Prof. Werner, is not a traditional currency but a control system, a permit system. It raises concerns about potential threats to individual freedoms, particularly if one is critical of government policy or central banks. The chilling possibility that one’s CBDC could cease functioning if one deviates from sanctioned norms is eerily reminiscent of current practices in China. The mechanism involves very few individuals exerting control over the many, leveraging computers and algorithms to maintain the system.

They never explain why, they just say we must create inflation … and here’s how we’re going to do it . . . . “The true reason I think why they wanted this inflation because that is to cover up, essentially, the disintegration of the petrodollar and move to the new system which they want to be CBDC based.”

But what was already ready around 2015, is the ultimate goal – what they really want, apparently, I was told by a Central Banker – is CBDC looks like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin, which is my view a violation of human dignity.

So, they’re using crises, disruption, and unemployment to introduce universal basic income, to soften the public up to accepting a CBDC chip implanted under their skin.


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