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Tiffany S
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Aww thank you for the kind comment! Hopefully 🙏 very soon we will all be united as brothers and sisters in paradise!


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What a great quote Kolleen — I love the smell of freshly ground coffee and the smell of fresh coffee brewing - it is so energizing — too know that we will be in a kingdom that smells that good for eternity — bring it Lord!! :yahoo:

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I went over to Craig Bong’s facebook page …

COP 28 UAE is telling you its is time to confirm the covenant.  And what they are telling you is coming … is conflict and tribulation.  Do you want to join in the wrath of God they are about to suffer or do you hope to escape?  A rough ride is just ahead through 2030.  So, buckle up, repent, for the time is at hand for Jesus to appear to take all those that trust in Him, up and away from His wrath.

And their slogan .. UAE pledges “to leave nobody behind” in march towards a better world … B-)


Someone asked how do you know the signing of the covenant is on that day because nobody knows the day or hour?


Response back:


Who will be in attendance?

Response back:
About 70,000 delegates from all countries.  This is a major event with Israel in the lead with 1,000 delegates.

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So with that said … the NWO people have December 12, 2023 as the signing of the covenant with the many … do you think God is permitting that timeline date?  And if yes, then … the church must leave prior to that because …

I Thess 5:3

For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.


So when is the rapture?  :mail:


Tomorrow Helloween Day  (Noah Flood anniversary) date when the rains started?

Nov 1st  (All Saints Day)?

or  ________________



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Okay … I just viewed Craig Bong’s youtube called “7 years left” its only 1 minute 30 second clip ( I wish I can post it but I can’t … since it shows who the AC and false prophet are.😉😂)

But here is something interesting … in the comment section

Someone asked
Can you explain how the calendar is off since we just past the fall feasts?

Another asked
So the 7 year tribulation starts this year 2023 - 2030.  So, maybe rapture 2024.  Is that Correct?

Craig Bong response (4 days ago)

The rapture is simultaneous with the covenant with many 😉  and must occur on a new moon, 😉 the time a thief would come and steal, fulfilling the day of trumpets as per the required season mentioned in Leviticus 23:39.

Another asked
what does the new moon have to do with a thief?

Another replied
The Jewish people celebrate some holiday on the new moon, and Jesus said He will come like a thief when you don’t expect. 

Another replied
I suppose if there’s a new moon it’s darker at night.  So a thief can work under better cover.



So I checked when the “new moon” will be for November and December 2023

The next new moon is on November 13th


Drum roll please …

The December new moon will be … you got it … the last day of COP28 when the signing will take place … December 12th.  Coincidence?

Since the calendar is off … can someone check the other calendars and see if there is a feast that lands on November 13th and December 12th?  Perhaps Feast of Tabernacles - a trumpet is blown on that feast too … or is Feast of Trumpets still in the running?? 😂



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Tiffany S
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I always love what you post Geri! I went and watched his video! And looked up next new moons. I’m just not sure if there are any feasts on those dates in November and December unless the calendars are way off! Which could be the case for sure. I’ve also read that the fall feasts couldn’t start until after the fall equinox and that just happened…. 🙏🙏🙏

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Geri: ( I wish I can post it but I can’t … since it shows who the AC and false prophet are.😉😂)

You can post the link only for things like that, but not the video itself. We can go read via the link. :rose:



Rick Jones
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Here is a link to Craig's 7 year video. I'll post it but I don't know what Ritan will do with the link.

Rick Jones
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Looks like it works. The way to get the link is right click your mouse on the video and select Copy video URL

Geri, let me know if this is the video you were referring to. It's called "HALF-TIME: 7 years since the signing of the Paris Agreement, 7 years to go to complete it" and it's 1:30 time duration.

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Okay the only thing I found out is  Dec. 12th falls in the middle of Hanukkah season.  I’m hoping when Blue sees this thread she can look up on the other calendars and connect the dots to a feast associated in December? :unsure:  If not, is there a connection with Hanukkah as being a rapture event? :unsure:


Here is something else I found out in one of Craig’s short YouTube’s in the comment section.

Last month Craig Bong said at the UN General Assembly in New York that meeting was to strengthen the 17 sustainable development goals …


This is what he said

“Yes.. the SDG Summit begins in 7 hours and can be followed on YouTube at United Nations channel. I have a live link to the cameras via press. The halftime report comes at 4 pm EST tomorrow. Both events will likely in some fashion, announce 7 years left. This event is designed to gather momentum ahead of COP28. The rough draft will be presented to the parties on November 30th, final negotiations on December 11-12, confirming of the covenant by the king’s Terra Carta on December 12-13, the hour to be announced on December 11th through IISD.”

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Or just clicking on the link works too.

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