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(@Anonymous 394)
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I have really enjoyed the fellowship over the years here on RITA. Your much-appreciated posts have helped me cope through difficult times. I’ve studied the Rapture since “Late Great Planet Earth” in about 1970. In my opinion, we are there. Does anyone know the year I signed on to RITA? I don’t recall. Anyway, love you all. See you soon. Kent.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I am hoping for an April 1 Rapture. From previous posts I understand that’s when Joshua took the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land. The Tribulation is obviously being set up; all the major players seem to be in place. America’s Resident in the White House seems to be one of those players; how far we have fallen so quickly as a nation. The entire West is post Christian. It’s been very difficult to watch. What’s amazing is how so many are so oblivious. Based on so many indicators and convergences, 2023 may just be the year. The converse of Revelation 3:3 must be true; those that watch will know the hour. See you in the air! Kent

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I believe it’s about time for King Jesus to call all of His ambassadors Home! 🙌🏻

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We opened this version of Ritan in March 2019. You have been posting for at least three of those years. Not counting the FB version of Ritan this is the third iteration.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

I’m wondering if this is it and the speedy spiraling down of our world will remain unanswered until our rapture, or will God allow us to enjoy one last conservative pushback with a revival. No matter what, we must remember one thing: the Bible is super clear about the direction of this world (downwards) and the destination of the believers (upwards). Our hope was never and cannot ever be in the institutions of this world. Neither government nor the military, and certainly not the judiciary, can bring true justice, righteousness, and peace. The question one must ask himself today is: “Am I eagerly waiting for Him to come and take me home?”
“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20)


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GOD is on the move!! by Mark Murchison

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Here is an informative 49 minutes youtube  … if pressed for time … then just listen to the last part 39:49 its about King Charles III The Anointed One, & Acceptance by Israel & Jewish Rabbii’s & Net Zero Agenda. 


In the comment section

Kimberly said

Sorry it’s not gonna be William or Harry main reason being they don’t have the covenant in their flesh like Charles does which allows the Jews to accept him as the anointed one who’s been circumcised by a rabbi whereas the two sons are not. 


Someone else pointed out

Prince Charles of Wales means 666 in english and Hebrew look up monti judah lion and the lamb



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Here is a 12 minute youtube 2 months ago (Feb 2023) called

Urgent message wow!  Israel can appoint a King & Netanyahu and President can still hold their positions. 

Interesting comments:

Israel asking to sacrifice Passover on Temple Mount this year. There is the two sides in Israel, “Left” and “Right”. Both come with an AntiChrist angle. Thankfully God always has a Jewish remnant though! Amen to seeing Jesus face to face!

The red heifers are having their perfect age to be sacrificed this year.

Some of the rabbis have said that it is their Messiah that will sacrifice the red heifer so that means they already know who he is

I agree 100%! Whether it is Charles or his son…. Elizabeth passing was monumental in moving towards the setting up of the anti Messiah.

Kimberly replied
It’s not his son (William). His son was not circumcised and his son was not born when Israel was born, it’s Charles, Charles was born in 1948 … 6 months after Israel became a nation.

Will KCharles have the authority to allow Temple to be built?

Kimberly replied
If they make him their king

So the Muslims will no longer have a say over their Mosque on the Dome of the Rock?

Kimberly replied
Well in the past I had some videos where I talked about that the Turk that was working with the Sanhedrin he had said that the third temple would be a mosque so I believe they’re going to maybe combine to include them in that and all other religions can come there. It’s gonna be the great apostasy. As far as the custodianship of Jordans king it’s very possible he could be taken out of the way as custodian because this is what happened in Saudi Arabia with the mosques. The Saudi king took control over those mosques. Jordan lost custodianship of those. This is exactly what could happen on the temple mount.


Another watcher said

With the figurehead king having his judicial body of international Sanhedrin rabbis in place in Israel to judge offenders of world law (as in the Noahide laws), this wouldn't be a problem with the king ruling from the UK because the false prophet (maybe another Sanhedrin member? from "the earth") will possibly be located in Israel to oversee them, as "the land or earth" in Rev. 13:11 usually refers to Israel as the Holy LAND.


And this passage is about the whole world will be under Noahide laws of the Antichrist system so some countries will try to fight against the beast system … and the Rider on the White horse (the AC)… Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.  So it looks like his army will be conquering the nations that don’t want to be in the beast system. And God makes Jerusalem a burdensome stone and a cup of trembling as the nations that are not in-sync with the beast system try to fight against it.  Sure puts a new twist on things.

Zechariah 12: 2-3

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

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My thoughts are …

I think the church hast to leave by May 6, 2023 cause its sounding like once Prince Charles is Crowned King … Kimberly makes a strong case that the nation of Israel is going to accept Charlie as their false messiah. :whistle:   Remember … to the Jews that are still blinded … “messiah” to them  is not God but a man … an earthly king they wish for.

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Fascinating post; thanks.  Haven't watched yet.  Pentecost is May 28, so maybe we stick around long enough to watch the show before we leave?

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I felt like I opened up Pandora’s box this morning finding these youtubes.  🤪   Its been eye opening and very informative.  Just wasn’t expecting this.  I’m still hoping for a Passover/Easter Resurrection rapture in 6 more days.  After watching these youtubes  … I “think” we need to be gone before the coronation of Charles on May 6th because after he is crowned … it sounds like the Jews will announce their messiah right away??? Let me know what you think??

I’m intrigued about the watchers who posted the red hiefer(s) are ready this Passover vs. 2024?  If so … then the Jews expect their messiah to do the slaughtering service … that’s this Wednesday?  I thought he had to receive his crown first?  So  I guess its a wait and see with this circus show 🤡.

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Ok .. after looking at this  23 minute clip of the Coronation … order of ceremony details, rituals and oaths of Edward Prince of Wales will be recited … it contained the vow … the king  “will be the object of earthly worship as sovereign king”.

Kimberly is not sure if Israel will accept Charles “that day” as their king or some time later … its a wait and see … so then .. we could still be here to see the Coronation Service? :unsure:


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