From Jack Kelley: Ephesians 1:13-14 says that when we first heard the gospel and believed it, we were saved and the Holy Spirit was sealed within us, a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. 2 Cor. 1:21-22 concurs, adding that it’s God who makes us stand, having set His seal of ownership on us. This happened before we had done anything good to earn it or anything bad to disqualify ourselves. If we were sincere in our belief, and intellectually mature enough to understand the issue, the work of salvation was finished for us at that moment. Over and over the Bible compares us to sheep. Sheep are always wandering off and getting themselves into trouble. And it’s a known fact that they can’t find their own way back. That’s why they need a shepherd. It’s his job to find them and bring them back at the proper time. Our Shepherd is Jesus (John 10:11), and He does the same for us. When it’s time to go, He’ll round us all up and take us home. He’s promised that He’ll lose none of those who the Father has given to Him (John 6:39-40). The partial Rapture theory is false doctrine. It’s an attempt to mix works with Grace, which is impossible. A person is either saved or not, and everyone saved goes in the Rapture. 17 minute clip Feast of Trumpets Ruled Out! Now We - Fair Use - I know, right. I used to think that way too. We have three enemies to deal with every day in our walk. Our own heart, which is wicked, the world, which is wicked and Satan which obviously he's wicked. Sin is a constant battle, there's days we win and days we don't so much, but Gods Holy Spirit draws us back to walking more uprightly. Not for salvation but for freedom from bondage so we don't dampen our joy. The moment when I notice that I've been doing alright in my walk & start to be pleased with myself thats when I fall into some type of temptation where sin is now a struggle for me, then I yearn to get back where I was before but it's a season until I'm back in good fellowship again. Those seasons of turbulence get shorter and shorter, the work of the Holy Spirit. I personally guard myself against thinking I'm doing good. Thats the opposite of what the world teaches. Same with trading, the minute I think I'm good, the market humbles me, and it hurts. :calvin Yes! I couldn't agree with you more. Especially "The moment when I notice that I’ve been doing alright in my walk & start to be pleased with myself that's when I fall into some type of temptation" So true. Pride goes before destruction! Oh, blessed is our God and His Loving Compassion, through Jesus. Our Lord very much stirring our spirits for the catching away . . may it be today the RITAN call from you oh jesus our Adored God and Savior . . Oh! Glory to our God we are His children ! ~ ~ Father, we are thankful how You made new, a creation in Christ Jesus belonging to our Most High God !. . . . . . . we desire to breathe in Your gifted Spirit of joy, grace and favor, oh Jesus, for saving us, for making a Heavenly Bride eternally kept in Your provision of mercies and lovingkindness. ~ ~ ~ So unimaginable yet true, IS Your Glory and Power. . Thank You Lord, for reminding us You never let us go . . , we sense Your return so overwhelmingly and seriously near . . . . and even so, any second now, may we hear Your words : "Arise My fair one, enter into the glory of Your Father's Heart and Home. . . ~ ~ oh, feeling stirred in Spirit, desirous to gaze on You, Jesus, hold us close ever within Christ's Majestic Light, ar(rested) in the power of Your Holy Spirit's indwelling . . . . . We adore You, Mighty God, and the ways Your Glorious Heart is ever zealous to make known your Love and Shelter to us, in us, over us, through us . . We pray in the Spirit and In the Name of our Jesus ever keeping us in the Father's Loving embrace . . . amen . . . Well …both these wannabe dudes skipped the UN meetings in New York … Chucky’s travel itinerary was to visit Paris for some talks with Macron. I can’t post the article because it goes against the RITA rules. But at least we know where Chucky was at … now the question is when will he make that visit to Israel … the articles I see state … he is considering an official visit to Israel some time in 2023 …. :popcorn - Fair Use - Macron's Catholic, by choice, not upbringing. I'm hoping he's just a set-up man with a job to do, and he'll be going with us. Most indeed. Haughty pride that is. Even when you are walking on solid ground, you still need to watch your step lest you fall. I also like: 1 Cor 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Prov 3:26 For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught. (Caught in a snare) I love listening to the Puritans, their sermons are read out loud from transcripts. ******* Directions for a comfortable walk with God, abandon your beloved sin. By Puritan Robert Bolton. "For as long as the power and mortification destroys your sinful affections and so long as you are un- faintly displeased with all sin and do mortify the deeds of the body by the Spirit, your case is the case of salvation." "A good conscience stands not with a purpose of sinning nor not with an irresolution against sin." I like this one right here, #10 "In the darkness and discomforts of the night, if you are suddenly awakened with some dreadful thunder, lightning or terrible tempest, the guilt and accusations of your beloved sin or want to come into your mind in the first place and with the greatest terror." LOL thats good, if that aint the truth when you've been up to no good. I've been there, looking behind me because of the crowd I ran with. Not knowing if my # was up. These are deep sermons, boy. I like that! Reminds me a little of A.W. Tozer. He didn't mince words either. Lol!
Know the True Purpose of the Revelation 12 Sign 2023!