Rand Paul’s Annual Festivus Report: Billions Wasted on Pigeon Gambling Studies, Fattening Eels: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) this week released his annual Festivus Report detailing egregious, wasteful government spending over the last year. This year’s list includes money spent on “a study of pigeons gambling on slot machines, giving kids junk food, and telling citizens of Vietnam not to burn their trash.” “Good morning everyone and welcome to everyone’s favorite holiday – Festivus!” Paul said, referring the day that centers in the airing of grievances, famously popularized by a 1997 episode of Seinfeld. “Festivus of course is highlighted by the airing of grievances. I’ve definitely got a lot of problems with you people,” Paul said, clarifying that he is "mostly” referring to the “petty tyrants who run your local, state and federal governments.” “2021 was a banner year for being a petty tyrant, with them all literally tripping over each other for the dumbest covid lockdown or mandate idea,” he added. Tax Credit incentivizing CA residents to uninstall fireplaces……………………..$2,100,000
He briefly detailed a handful of wasteful expenditures in a Twitter thread, which include $773,000,00 wasted as the result of foreign countries using U.S. aircraft for free for four years, $549,000,000 wasted on U.S.-purchased Afghan planes that were tossed out, $179,000,000 wasted on funding green energy programs in Africa, and $337,500 wasted on fattening eels for human consumption.
Teaching French people about US culture (State)…………………………………..$200,000
Developing a film about dinosaurs to inspire middle schoolers (NSF)…………… $2,500,000
Pigeons playing slot machines (NIH)………………………………………………..$465,339
Telling people to not burn their trash (USAID)………………………………….$11,300,000
Funding Green Energy programs in Africa (State)………………………………$179,000,000
Planting trees in New York City…………………………………………………........$400,000,000
Fattening eels for human consumption (FDA)……………………………………….$337,500
Social Security overpayments to beneficiaries in Fiscal Year 2019 (SSA)………$4,200,000,000.
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December 24, 2021 1:58 pm