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Mia Salvan
Posts: 3
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Joined: 1 year ago

Hello, I am new to this forum.  Do you know of any Christian social networks, that support free speech?  I have two Bible Prophecy Bible Study channels and I-like many, have been experiencing censorship on most major social media sites.

Little by little they are removing most “Christian” or “Christian friendly” networks.  Do any of you know of any?

I appreciate it if you could share what (if any) Free Speech Christian social media sites are still left standing.

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I just joined this site too.  I am a bit of a recently returned Prodigal Son due to life events and the blindingly obvious world events.  It takes some work, but Twitter “X” is not bad, but you have to manage who you engage with and there are a few trolls.  In fact that is why I joined this site, I have some thoughts related to the rapture, but want to learn more.

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Welcome Mia and Divine Theology! As to your question Mia, if you are indicating that you have youtube type channels then rumble is a good place to post and telegram doesn't censor content either. You can also do a pantreon channel but that is a fee based system. FB allows content but feel that it is shadow banned a lot. Also Godtube may be an option also.

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Well any  sound Christian platform will have rules and you can’t blame them cause they are trying to prevent “anything goes” chaos with false doctrine creeping in.   The devil is the author of confusion so forum rules are necessary to set the boundaries.

We can agree we are living in perilous times … thee elite are trying to take our God given rights away (gun ownership, free speech, etc.)

Unfortunately, I think you are 18 years too late  to want to broadcast your special links on social media.  We are in the end game now and in the final moments for the rapture event.  The elite running the clown show have A.I. monitoring the internet with a fine tooth comb and there is no way to get around it now.  It was much easier from 2000 - 2018 when life was still “normal”.   Once the rapture happens ALL Christian websites/forums/ church sermons, youtubes, Christian television programs will immediately be scrubbed/removed.  The left behind will not be able to get their answers that way.

BUT God … has a plan … He has 2 witnesses and 144,000 who will be preaching the Gospel and be very successful at that.  And then when their ministry is up (mid point).  Then God assigns the angel to fly in midair to broadcast the everlasting Gospel to the whole earth … no one is left out.  Revelation 14:6 - 7  “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people.”  “The angel calls out in a loud voice, “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of  His judgment has come. Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water”

Personally you will be more successful with just concentrating on one on one witnessing and handing out Bible tracts wherever you go … grocery stores, post office, waiting room for your appointments, at the restaurants - leaving a Bible tract with their tip, etc.  Ask the Lord to bring the people to you and He will.  They will approach you and start talking to you and you will know.  Or if you’re struggling reaching an item on the grocery shelf … he will send someone taller to help you out and they are the ones who you will talk to as well.

Most people are also writing out left behind letters and mailing them to their lost loved ones and friends and putting information on flash drives.  With being in the Christmas season … now is a GREAT time to write left behind letters and put Bible tracts in the Christmas cards.  Have you thought about doing this?

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Welcome, VineTheology!
