Me too! I feel the same way like you! All those detailed reports of people can cause true damage to me! Praying for you Heidi 🙏🙏💕 Heidi, you need to commune with the Lord and hear Him. Do whatever brings you close to Him, through reading the Word, listening to worship music, and listening for His communications back to your heart and spirit. You have a difficult situation and need to come close to, and hear Him in it, for His direction in what to do, to find HIS peace. You've been focusing on some some things today that are robbing your peace and it is important that you take the time out, however long it takes, to take time with the Lord and follow His leading. If He puts everything together for you to move, then move! Don't just decide You won't move. I would not discuss your situation with anyone anymore in your building. Take it all to the Lord, listen, Pray, and let Him alone be your guide.
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