7/21 update. He gets into Genesis 6 and the days of Noah all over again. https://rumble.com/vk5631-the-sin-of-the-watchers-being-repeated-prophecy-update.html I'm falling a little behind on my pet thread. Here's a couple updates from B.H. https://rumble.com/vk8uzh-when-your-church-awakens-to-wokeness-understanding-the-times.html https://rumble.com/vkhkct-the-antichrist-hints-of-a-nephilim-prophecy-update.html And here's part 6 from Billy Crone's "are you ready for the rapture" series. https://www.getalifemedia.com/video/prophecy/video/rapture6.htm Leaving soon — in the book I am reading he proposes that the Nephilim and the Elioud, the offspring of the fallen angels (from the union with the daughters of man), actually killed off one another per the Jubilees, the book of the Giants, and the book of Enoch 10:1-15. Satan has tried again and again to invite this but the fallen angels were then relegated to the abyss and the offspring to room the earth as spirits (demons), so he has had to resort to implanting mankind with electronics to make them not human which will happen on a larger scale during the tribulations for those who pledge body, soul and spirit to the AC. It is truly fascinating and very enlightening on how much scripture makes more sense in understanding of what God did and the why. for example, why 100 years for Noah to build an ark — per this book to bring about a cleansing of the DNA, so that Noah’s son’s would have wives and a purifying of the animal kingdom, so the DNA was changed back to human. Many things we have seen in history and reenacted in movies has portrayed much of the scarred happenings of the pre-flood creatures and what lead to the myths of Greek and Roman mythology of Zeus, demi-gods (offspring of the gods) etc…. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. Cain sold his soul to Luciferian worship and this can be traced back to the antediluvian age. There is much in Ethiopic tradition about invited guests of extraterrestrial nature who traded off knowledge for wives of the Cain lineage. The dragon wanted to make sure the dragon slayer was never born of women as promised in the garden. So interesting and soon we will be reunited with the huge family reunion of the Bride of Christ to the royal Family of God by his design. :prayer-hands: :yahoo: :prayer-hands: :flyup: 8/13 prophecy update https://rumble.com/vl37kp-social-credit-prophecy-update.html 8/11 current events Q&A https://rumble.com/vl5j2w-8112021-current-events-q-and-a.html Billy Crone "are you ready for the rapture" part 7 https://www.getalifemedia.com/video/prophecy/video/rapture7.htm Are you ready for the Rapture part 8 https://www.getalifemedia.com/video/prophecy/video/rapture8.htm 8/20 prophecy update https://rumble.com/vlgfpc-8-20-21-medical-apartheid-prophecy-update.html Are you ready for the Rapture part 9 https://www.getalifemedia.com/video/prophecy/video/rapture9.htm Prophecy update 8/31 https://rumble.com/vlxfku-the-young-lions-of-tarshish-are-weak-prophecy-update-8-31-21.html Q and A session from 8/25 https://rumble.com/vlqlns-8-25-2021-current-events-q-and-a.html
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