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It's Ok. I have thrown it out. that's all that matters. thanks

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Eek …  did this happen at work or at home?

Do you know of anybody at work or neighbors that act like they are into the “dark” stuff … wears black a lot, listens to heavy metal music, etc?   They probably just got your door mixed up with that intended person.  Maybe there is a crime case they are trying to solve for that person?

You did the best thing in getting rid of the creepy note.  As long as nothing weird is happening / strange noises, things falling down, etc. I would disregard it.

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You did the best thing. Just throw it away and ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse your home.

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I don’t know if this is a silly question (or paranoid), but few days ago, I saw an envelope under my door.

Heidi, I'd been locked out of our site for a couple days, but want to say, I remember you parted ways with a woman who you thought could be a friend last year, who in the end, turned out to exhibit some dark controlling things you began to see in idea how that came to be under your door, but she comes to mind.

Remember you have authority to bind the enemy, and loose his plans from you and others, and to bless your home to be God-filled and God honoring. In that no weapon formed against you will prosper.

Just keep yourself and your home covered in prayer, in biblical confessions of protection as He leads you, with worship and praise lifted up, all in Jesus Holy and powerful Name. He is with you in all your going in, and all your going out. This is raising up a biblical standard against evil, putting God, His Word and His Praise above any enemy attack. :rose:


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Thank Geri, Yohanan, and Kolleen,

Geri, that happened at home.

Kolleen, it's interesting that the psychic woman comes to mind. She said she wanted to visit me more than once, but then I found out she was a psychic and she never came to my place. I am not even sure she knows the address, only which neighborhood.

I felt an attack strongly through someone at work a couple of weeks ago. I got an email from my car insurance late afternoon on Nov 9 saying they won't pay for the rental anymore. (My car is still not fixed, parts are on back order) they told me on Nov 9 that that day is the last day they will pay for it. That stressed me out a lot. I went to work the next day and was busy making calls from work. I was getting the run around.

I was sitting in a class room trying to do my job while being on the phone at the same time with my insurance company when a client came in, sat right opposite to me and started having a snack.

I told her we don't have an appointment. she snapped that it was cold outside.

It turns out she has an appointment somewhere else and wanted  a place to sit for a while until her appointment.

she is an older woman so I just put up with her and continued with my work. she asked me to get her paper from the printer. I got her some. she started to draw.

I got frustrated because of her presence. I couldn't concentrate on my work, talk to other clients or talk to the insurance with her around. I told her I can't work with her around. she said she will be quiet. I told her I still need to concentrate and I have to make calls.  a couple of times, I had to take the phone and talk with someone in a different room.

then she said she wanted to go to the bathroom. A few seconds after she was gone, her cell phone went off. It made a racket.  I thought I was going to have to listen to it for a few minutes while she was in the bathroom. However, she was quick to come out when she heard the phone. I was getting agitated and said that her phone is too loud.  She snapped that that is her doctor.

That woman's behavior was so weird and aggressive and the timing of it....................I really felt it was an attack.

Anyway, issue resolved with my insurance. they will continue paying for the rental and it looks like the parts have arrived for my car.

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Well Heidi, I don't know if you have a desk, or an office alone or with co-workers, or if the classroom was a public area. But people have changed with all the upset going on in this world. "In our day..." no one would ever think of intruding into your work area space as this lady did. If a public area - nothing you can do but move elsewhere. If in your office, desk area or in a co-worker business area...I would tell anyone who does that, that business with your clients is confidential and private, between you and them, so the person needs to leave and go to some other waiting area.


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Hi Kolleen,  I wondered after I read your post if that woman thought this was a public area, but I am not sure that's why she did it.

The classroom is used as an office when there are no classes.  I think she should stay away seeing someone sitting there and working. The way she sat opposite to me instead of at any other table, made me feel like she wanted to be rude.

She also did something that was thoughtless and rude almost a month ago. I think she is trying to provoke me.


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I wish I requested prayer for this before, a friend's brother passed away. She also sold her house and has to move in a few days. thank you  

Perhaps Today
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Prayer sent up for you Geri,  Prayer  

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What's wrong with Geri, other than she doesn't like coffee? Wink  

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LOL … thank you for prayers Perhaps Today!  The only thing that is wrong is … I have rapture fatigue but then so does everyone else here on this forum. 😉

But what helps make my day go faster … enjoying a hot cup of blueberry tea with a warm blueberry turnover as we wait for 5:00 pm Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn  

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@Geri ...... that you add blueberry turnovers!!

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